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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – The Key to Excellence. A Program to Train the Trainers ABA YLD Fall Conference Louisville, KY October 6-8, 2005 Presented by: Paula Nailon, Esq. Director of Professional Development University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law Tucson, AZ.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE –The Key to Excellence A Program to Train the Trainers ABA YLD Fall Conference Louisville, KY October 6-8, 2005 Presented by: Paula Nailon, Esq. Director of Professional Development University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law Tucson, AZ

  2. During this program, you will… • …learn about the elements of emotional intelligence. • …learn how they are directly related to skills lawyers use daily in their jobs, and • …learn how to increase your own EQ.

  3. Developed from work of: Daniel Goleman, Author • Emotional Intelligence, • Working with Emotional Intelligence, and • Primal Leadership - Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

  4. The Research: In every field, your EQ (emotional quotient) is 2 times as important as your cognitive abilities.

  5. The Research: Almost 90% of success in leadership is attributable to EQ.

  6. The Big Picture: Emotional Competencies are: • Independent • Interdependent • Hierarchical

  7. 25 competencies Divided into 5 dimensions: Personal Competence: • Self Awareness • Self Management • Motivation Social Competence: • Empathy • Social Skills

  8. Personal Competence • Self-Awareness • Self-Management • Motivation

  9. Self-Awareness Personal Competence Self-Awareness Emotional Awareness Accurate Self-Assessment Self-Confidence Self-Management Motivation

  10. Self-Management Personal Competence Self Management Self-Awareness Self ControlEmotional Awareness TrustworthinessSelf-Assessment Conscientiousness Self-Confidence Adaptability InnovationMotivation

  11. Motivation MotivationSelf-Awareness Achievement DriveEmotional Awareness CommitmentSelf-Assessment InitiativeSelf-Confidence Optimism Self Management Self Control Trustworthiness Conscientiousness Adaptability Innovation

  12. Social Competence • Empathy • Social Skills

  13. Empathy Social Competence Empathy Understanding Others Developing Others Service Orientation Leveraging Diversity Political Awareness Social Skills

  14. Social Skills Social Competence Empathy Social Skills Understand OthersInfluence Developing OthersCommunication Service OrientationConflict Management Leveraging DiversityLeadership Political AwarenessChange Catalyst Building Bonds Collaboration/Cooperation Team Capabilities

  15. Emotional Intelligence Map Self-AwarenessEmpathy Emotional Awareness Understand Others Accurate Self-Assessment Developing Others Self-Confidence Service Orientation Self Management Leveraging Diversity Self Control Political Awareness Trustworthiness Social Skills Conscientiousness Influence AdaptabilityCommunication Innovation Conflict Management Motivation Leadership Achievement Drive Change Catalyst Commitment Building Bonds Initiative Collaboration & Cooperation Optimism Team Capabilities

  16. How to Increase Your EQ • Conduct a “personal inventory.” • Analyze the setting & identify skills needed. • Enlist trusted friends. • Focus on a few competencies. • Practice, practice, practice. • Be observant and reflective. • Don’t expect immediate results. • Learn from your mistakes. • Acknowledge your successes.

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