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European Union Joint Action Socrates, Leonardo & Youth

European Union Joint Action Socrates, Leonardo & Youth. Académie de Rennes Germany Northern Ireland Poland. Support of active and democratic citizenship through systematic conflict training in international comparison. TARGET GROUP. Target groups: young people in difficult circumstances.

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European Union Joint Action Socrates, Leonardo & Youth

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  1. European Union Joint Action Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Académie de Rennes Germany Northern Ireland Poland

  2. Support of active and democratic citizenship through systematic conflict training in international comparison

  3. TARGET GROUP • Target groups: young people in difficult circumstances. • young immigrants, teenage refugees, pupils and students exposed to various forms of violence including self-inflicted violence. • The idea is to exchange, apply and disseminate methods of outdoor activities, intercultural mediation and theatre in elementary schools, secondary schools and youth institutions.

  4. Coordinators and multiplicators Project coordinator : • Germany : Birgit Funke, RAA Brandenburg • Poland- CIVILITAS Dr Lech Salacinski, Zielona Gora University- Procultura Conflikta, Slubice, Manuela Plizga • Northern Ireland:NEELB, Mr Bob Adams, Antrim Board Centre • France: Académie de Rennes, James Brossard, DARIC

  5. workshop venues and dates • Brandenburg in June 2003 • Northern-Ireland in October 2003. • France in summer 2004. • Poland in september 2004. • Poland in January 2005 • Brandenburg in spring 2005. Each workshop will last 10 days. 10 participants from each country

  6. Workshop in Rennes • Preventing and handling risk behaviour in education • School’s partnership with communities in Brittany • Venue : Manoir de la Vicomté à DINARD

  7. J.BROSSARD, DARIC C.MAITROT, Médecin Conseiller technique P.LEMONNIER, Daric J.ROUQUETTE, Prov. L.Mousset, Ing. Rech. Institut Criminologie C.Chateaugiron, MGI N.Petton, IA 29 C.Rousseau,Educatrice P.Amoureux, GRETA Ph.Keltz, Formateur V.Mauron, Anim. MGI Merci aux interprètes : J.F.Pasturel, IA-IPR Marta Jouhier, Ille et Vilaine Pologne C. Le Saint, IA 35 B. Adam, Proviseur M.Souplet, Proviseur M.Richer, Principal Mme Pasturel, Daric Agata Czarkowska, IEP Special guest : Alina Wegrzyn, ss.Comenius The French team

  8. Welcome to our Académie :J.Brossard, DARIC, M.Soussan, IA DSDEN Brittany’s specificity in the school system : D.Beaupuy, IA-IPR Vocational education: Christian Mériaux, DAET The breton paradox: Claire Maitrot, Medical Advisor The police and young people : Commissaire Battala. School Rules :M. Dalloz, Proviseur Strategies in education: Josiane Ballouard (IA-IPR), Bertrand Elise, School Principal A town policy for young people :Ph.Keltz ( City of St Malo), Jean-Luc Masson and Ph Lesaux (City of Rennes) Suicide in Brittany:Y.Barbançon (Mutualité Française), Dr Petitjean (DRASS), Angela Duval Unit (CHU Brest) Conferences, visits and discussion groups

  9. Remerciements aux municipalités de Rennes, Saint-Malo et Dinard. • à Monsieur HARDY, Directeur de l’ENSP pour son accueil. • à Monsieur le Professeur LECORPS pour sa contribution.

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