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Explore the characteristics, reactions, and tests of esters such as Ethyl acetate, Methyl salicylate, and more alongside aromatic compounds. Learn about hydroxylamine HCl and hydrolysis tests to differentiate between these substances.

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  2. Ethyl acetate Methyl salicylate Ethyl benzoate Acetic acid + ethanol Methanol + Salicylic acid Ethanol + Benzoic acid Aromatic Aromatic Aliphatic

  3. Liquid, oily, true Colorless Characteristic odor Fruity odor Vicks odor Ignition test: Inflammable, non luminous, non smoky Inflammable, luminous, smoky All volatilization No change No residue The compound is aliphatic The compounds are aromatic

  4. All immiscible All immiscible All immiscible All immiscible .: All are neutral compounds

  5. Not done ( for solid only) No reaction White ppt of Na-salicylate No reaction No reaction Not done No reaction No reaction Violet color in ethanol layer No reaction No reaction Not done No reaction No reaction in all No reaction in all

  6. 1. Hydroxylamine HCl test: Ester + hydroxylamine HCl ((white solid)) + 10% NaOHuntil fussion clear solution after cooling + Dil. HCl + 2 drops FeCl3 Reddish brown color Reddish violet color Reddish brown color 2. Hydrolysis test: 2 ml ester + 20ml 10% NaOHReflux 30 min. Distillation Distillate (( alc.)) Residue (( acid)) Ethanol +Benzoic acid Methanol + Salicylic acid Ethanol + Acetic acid

  7. Ethyl benzoate + H2O shaking Methyl salicylate+ H2O shaking Ethyl acetate + H2O shaking Methyl salicylate is heavier than H2O Ethyl benzoate is heavier than H2O Ethyl acetate is lighter than H2O

  8. 1735 cm -1 C=O stretching band < 3000 cm -1 CH aliphatic stretching band 1735 cm -1 C=O stretching band < 3000 cm -1 CH aliphatic stretching band CH aromatic stretching band > 3000 cm -1 1735 cm -1 C=O stretching band CH aliphatic stretching band < 3000 cm -1 > 3000 cm -1 CH aromatic stretching band

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