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Anthropogenic Factors And Human Health 7. Marc DesJardin Western Oregon University. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. CONSEQUENCES OF THE POLLUTANTS.
Anthropogenic Factors And Human Health 7 Marc DesJardin Western Oregon University ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION CONSEQUENCES OF THE POLLUTANTS Anthropogenic factors are man made changes to the environment. These changes can be building a road in the mountains, paving over a forest or field for urban expansion, digging a mine shaft or strip mining. The changes can also producing a new chemical that nature can not deal with. The changes that mankind is making to the environment are not without their consequences. Anthropogenic releases of chemical contaminants into the geologic environment can cause significant health effects in humans and degrade ecosystems as a whole. The destruction of our natural resources for the expansion of urbanization and the pollution that urbanization creates could eventually be the fatal blow for mankind. Toxic releases have been associated with cardiovascular disease, malignant tumors, trauma and genetic anomalies. Polluting agents such as pesticides, heavy metals, petroleum compounds and industrial residues stimulate negative health feedbacks in the environment. Mankind is poisoning itself through environmental manipulation that leads to toxic releases that eventually work their way through the food chain back to mankind. This project examines the range of human-induced health risks including radiation, chemical releases, electromagnetic fields, soil contamination, agricultural degradation, and pollution. • Due to Mankind's ignorance here are some of the courses the environment is taking: • Mechanisms of Toxic Action-when chemicals enter an organism but poisoning does not occur until the chemical has reached a harmful amount. • Ecotoxic action-when a chemical causes damage to an ecosystem by killing organ • Combined Action of Pollutants-the environment houses many types of chemicals the problem comes when these chemicals combine to become toxic • Basic Mechanisms of Mutagenis-genetic mutations are increasing at an alarming rate in humans. These mutations have been know to lead to malignant tumors, which are responsible for the deaths of a fifth of the worlds population • Threat to the survival of individual species and the organisms dependant on them WATER POLLUTION • Mankind is deteriorating the quality and quantity of fresh water due pollution by: • Chemical components • Heat • Bacteria • Industrial Waste • Pesticides • Fertilizers • Heavy Metals • Petroleum products • Most of the pollution caused by petroleum products comes from oil wells and refineries. About 2% of all the oil produced is lost usually during becoming a serious threat to ground and surface water. Figure 3. Ground Pollution GROUND POLLUTION • Mankind is poisoning the flora and fuana that it eats through the use of: • Pesticides • DDT-was used worldwide especially during WWII as an insecticide. DDT was heavily used until the 1960’s its toxicity was discovered and it was taken off the shelves. What made DDT so good at killing bugs is also what makes it so bad. DDT is a very stable compound and moves very well through out the environment. • Fertilizers • Heavy Metals • Elements such as mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, zinc, antimony, fluorine and uranium all are deadly is large amounts. • Mining: • Changes to morphological properties of the terrain • Changes in the rate of exogenous processes • Landslides, rockfalls and gulley erosion • Destruction of flora and fauna habitats through strip mining • Changes to the hydrological properties of the terrain • Patterns of drainage, pollution of streams and surface water Figure 4. Air Pollution From Smoke Stacks REFERENCES Figure 2. Health Risks Associated With Pollution Komatina, 2004, Chapter 4-Anthropogenic (man-made) Factors • Figure 1: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/26/bp-top-kill-mud-gulf-of-mexico-deepwater-horizon • Figure 2: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Health_effects_of_pollution.svg • Figure 3: http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~tbw/wc.notes/13.air.pollution/smoke_stacks.htm • Figure 4: //www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~tbw/wc.notes/13.air.pollution/smoke_stacks.htm AIR POLLUTION Figure 1. BP Oil Spill In Gulf Coast Leaking 5,000-25,000 Barrels Per Day CONTACT • Air pollutants are associated with areas the burning of combustibles: • Coal-the main fuel of the Industrial Revolution • Oil • Oil Derivatives-such as gas and diesel used to fuel transportation Name: Marc DesJardin Organization: Environmental Geology Email: mdesjardin06@wou.edu