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LHCC. LHC Hardware Commissioning Summary. Status Issues Results Outlook. Roberto Saban on behalf of the Hardware Commissioning Team. PR. 46 unique visitors / hour. status : superconducting components. status : the superconducting components. cool down. 4 sectors below 2 K.
LHCC LHC Hardware Commissioning Summary Status Issues Results Outlook Roberto Saban on behalf of the Hardware Commissioning Team
PR 46 unique visitors/hour Roberto Saban
status: superconducting components Roberto Saban
status: the superconducting components Roberto Saban
cool down 4 sectors below 2 K almost 5 Helium inventory 115 t Machine 85 t GHe tanks 22 t out of 50 t LHe vessels 8 t out of 25 t Cooling sectors + Cryo tuning + Powering activities Roberto Saban Courtesy Serge Claudet
the superconducting circuits of an LHC sector 1.9 K 4.5 K 1.9 K 4.5 K 13 circuits 14 circuits 157 circuits 6 circuits Totalling 190 circuits Roberto Saban
the superconducting circuits of the LHC 2 1 Roberto Saban
status : inner triplet powering 11.4 kA in Q2 6.8 kA in Q1 & Q3 Controlled ramp Ramp and provoked quench The main circuit of the inner triplets L5 and L8 wascommissioned The dipole correctors are beingcommissionedafter the cooling of the leadswasfixed 6.8kA 4.6kA Q3 • LHCC July 2, 2008 Roberto Saban 8 Courtesy Frédérick Bordry
status: the superconducting RF cavities and transverse dampers • Dampers and cavities • Power systems fully set up, with all required facilities in place. Only the heat run of the damper power systems remains to be done. • Sector 4-5 • The cavities have been conditioned to nominal voltage and power. Cavity controller loops set-up on 3 cavities. 5 cavities still to complete, as soon as sector is cold again. • Sector 3-4 • Tests at cold starting now. Low Power measurements done, conditioning is going well and cavity controller RF set-up will start as soon as possible. • The verification of the function generators and the associated software remains to be completed (“vertical slice”) Roberto Saban Courtesy Edmond Ciapala
status: the superconducting RF cavities and transverse dampers Preparation for Beam RF synchronization in place – clocks and timing now going from SR4 to all users. Recent successful dry run tests with all users and OP group, including basic software. Cavity Beam Control systems in advanced state but some items on critical path. Transverse Damper electronics being tested. Software for beam control also critical, but basic functionality will be available for this run. Procedures for beam commissioning well defined. Longitudinal diagnostics in good shape to study and commission first beams…. Fibre-optics signal distribution from RF in SR4 to Experiments, BT & BI equipment and to CCC. 40 MHz bunch clocks, revolution frequencies, 40 MHz 7TeV reference. Injection & dump kicker pulses Courtesy Edmond Ciapala Roberto Saban
the superconducting circuits of an LHC sector How have we cut down the commissioning time without jeopardizing equipment integrity and personnel safety ? • Reducing our ambition from 7 to 5 TeV • Commissioning each circuit to the current value foreseen for the initial LHC optics and not up to their nominal current • Optimizing the commissioning procedures • Massively relying on automatic tools assisting • the operators carrying out the tests • the experts analysing test results Dipoles in Sector 56 10 cycles after PIC2 Dipoles in Sector 45 17 cycles after PIC2 Roberto Saban
automation of procedures Approved and reproducible test sequences Assistance to operators Automatic recording of test results Roberto Saban
computer assisted analysis Roberto Saban
Although less complex than the cold circuits, substantial infrastructure is required: Surface installation with long DC cables High power with water cooled magnets Access interlock testing (P3 and P7) status : the warm magnets Courtesy David Nisbet Roberto Saban
access control During the powering tests and in particular above 1 kA no one must be in the tunnel. Access control is activated as soon as the cool down of a sector starts Rule 1 Rule 2 No tampering with equipment already commissioned. Access becomes restricted immediately after each sector reaches 80 K Roberto Saban
electrical safety • All the circuits of a DFB are locked and grounded when any work is foreseen on that DFB • Access to the tunnel is not authorized when current above 1 kA is present in any of the circuits of a sector Roberto Saban
the organization Deployed for 4 fronts in parallel CommissioningCoordinator Analysis Team Magnet Performance Panel Engineer in Charge Operator Operator Quench Protection Team Powering Team Quench Protection Team InterlockTeam Support Teams in the Field Roberto Saban
the strategy After the confirmation in two sectors that a current level (8500 A) corresponding to 5 TeV could be reached without any training quench in the dipole circuit, this was adopted as the baseline for the other sectors. It was however decided to continue with the training quenches in Sector 56 to confirm the number of quenches needed to train a full sector to 7 TeV. The campaign is now interrupted and will continue during the winter shutdown. The mandate of the Hardware Commissioning Team to nominal current for operation at 7 TeV Roberto Saban Courtesy Arjan Verweij
a training quench and it’s propagation • Natural quench in A22R4 at 9859 A • 4 magnets quenched (3 propagation quenches) 4 1 2 3 LHCC July 2, 2008 Roberto Saban 19 Courtesy Andrzej Siemko
training quench characteristics dI(t)/dt I(t) +10A/s -100 A/s LHCC July 2, 2008 Roberto Saban 20 Courtesy Andrzej Siemko
hydraulic aspects 17 bar Pressure build-up 2 min. … and recovery 3 h LHCC July 2, 2008 Roberto Saban 21 Courtesy Andrzej Siemko
symmetrical quenches U In Sector 56 five symmetric quenches were observed after quench propagation caused by a thermo-hydraulic wave. One quench (in B16.R5 at ~7.4 kA) has developed the high “MIITs” and resulting high hot spot temperature. However, subsequent tests have shown that no damage was caused to the magnet. U(t) = U2(t)-U1(t) U(t) = R2(t)·I(t)+ L2·dI(t)/dt – R1(t)·I(t)+ L1·dI(t)/dt U(t) = [R2(t)-R1(t)]·I(t) + [L2-L1 ]·dI(t)/dt In a symmetrical quench R1(t) = R2(t) as long as the quench develops symmetrically U(t) = [R2(t)-R1(t)]·I(t) + [L2-L1 ]·dI(t)/dt Roberto Saban Courtesy Andrzej Siemko
dI/dt triggered “quenches” L2 ≠ L1 L2 = L1 U(t) = [R2(t)-R1(t)]·I(t) + [L2-L1 ]·dI(t)/dt If for some reason L2 ≠ L1 then, the second term becomes high enough to trigger the quench detection system at the beginning of the ramp down when the dI/dt is highest. An inter-turn short was suspected. Roberto Saban Courtesy Mateusz Bednarek
dI/dt triggered “quenches” UA1 UA2 UA1_1 UA1_2 UA2_1 UA2_2 UA1 = UA1_2- UA1_1 UA2 = UA2_2- UA2_1 Indeed L2 ≠ L1 but, the inductance of each pole of each aperture is identical to the other. Hence, no inter-turn short. Therefore the difference comes from the cable and manufacturing. Roberto Saban Courtesy Mateusz Bednarek
software for operation, controls and diagnostics • Using the final software foreseen for operation for the commissioning of the machine systems • Sequencer • Logging system • Post mortem system • On-line databases • Industrial supervision systems 1 • Dry runs • Injection kickers system • LHC Beam dumping system (kickers, energy tracking, diagnostics) • Beam instrumentation (loss monitors, position monitors, current transformers, screens) • Power converters in simulation mode • Collimators • Timing system • Communication with experiments (handshakes, modes, fill number, beam based measurements, etc.) • Post mortem data acquisition system • Squeeze 2 Roberto Saban
what slows us down • Infrastructure system instabilities and late upgrades • Electrical distribution faults • Installation of Static Var Compensators • Water cooling (directly and indirectly) • Cryogenics • Impact of the infrastructure instabilities on the cryogenic system • Line Y interruptions • Manning of the cryogenics control room • Other • Control system teething problems • Access control system commissioning • Safety measures Roberto Saban
outlook Sector 78 84% done • Cold compressor • AC Distribution • 400 kV • 400 V Water Cooling valves between 3 and 4 weeks per sector (two shifts five days a week) Roberto Saban
outlook Sector 81 53% done Water Cooling between 3 and 4 weeks per sector (two shifts five days a week) Roberto Saban
outlook • Confident that the machine is cold mid july • Beam could be injected early August to be coordinated with the experiments Roberto Saban
conclusions • All the non-conformities discovered so far could either be fixed, or accepted-as-is, or cured with compensatory measures. • The quality of the test procedures and the depth of the analysis which follow every test step have so far allowed a safe and thorough progress of the commissioning process. • Several quality control layers in the analysis procedures and very cautious progress when unexpected events are discovered have so far paid off: a better understanding of the systems is gradually achieved and no equipment was damaged. This attitude must be continued throughout the final phases of the commissioning when pressure will build up to deliver the collider for physics. Roberto Saban