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The Industrial Revolution Continued. Pick a partner. And go through all of the terms to quiz each other 1. One person holds up the picture so the other can see 2. Then READ the description of the term 3. The other person (the one looking at the picture) guesses what the term is.
Pick a partner • And go through all of the terms to quiz each other • 1. One person holds up the picture so the other can see • 2. Then READ the description of the term • 3. The other person (the one looking at the picture) guesses what the term is.
Now let’s play! • Pictionary! • Your table is your team. • Each team will take a turn sending one member up to the board to draw. • ONLY the members of the team drawing can guess. • I will show them a term and they will have to draw what they think it looks like. • The team will guess what they think the term is (30 sec) and if they get it right, they get a point! • If they don’t know, the other teams may have a guess. The first person to raise their hand gets to guess. • Then the next team will come up.
Do Now • Look at your notecards • Read Pages 410-417 and look at your notes to make sure you understand the causes and events of World War I. • Use 10 of your vocabulary notecard words to write a brief summary about the causes of World War I and what happened during the war. • Make sure that when I read your answer, I understand that you know what each term means.
How did the Industrial Revolution make life better? • We have been learning about how new inventions made making textiles or clothes easier. • We have also discussed how new technology made it possible for different types of transportation like steam engine trains and steamboats helped to transport people and things during the Industrial Revolution.
Factories • During the Industrial Revolution many new technologies and inventions were created. • Different machines made production of stuff a lot easier.
How things used to get made: • Cottage Industry: people lived AND worked at home. Families had to work together to eat and live. http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/images/highres_20027815.jpg
They made their own clothes http://images.google.co.th/images?gbv=2&hl=en&q=making+clothes
And grew their own food http://www.aristocraft.com/catalog/figures/images/60035-Farmer%20Bob.jpg
Then came the Industrial Revolution • Things changed! http://images.despair.com/products/demotivators/change.jpg
Big cities were created • That’s where the factories and industries were. • Urbanization (the move from the country to the city) was going on.
Factory vs. Cottage industry • So how did factory production compare to the old cottage industries?
We’re about to find out! • Craftsmen vs Factory Line Activity!
So what do you think? • Are factories better than cottage industries? Why? Write in your journal for 3 min about it
But how ELSE did the Industrial Revolution make life better? • The standard of living or how well people lived also improved. http://images.google.co.th/images?um=1&hl=en&q=thumbs+up
New Machines Made it easier to produce food!
New Medicine Meant people could live longer and be healthier http://www.sweden.se/upload/Sweden_se/english/articles/SI/2007%20uppdaterad/Swedish%20nanotechnology%20may%20revolutionize%20medicine/medicine_sweden2.jpg
People could travel! • Farther and faster!
And had more time to relax! • Because they could do their work so much easier! http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ahajokes.com/cartoon/relaxing.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ahajokes.com/crt779.html&h=334&w=300&sz=18&hl=en&start=1&sig2=ch-wcXNqDnramY1b59c0xQ&usg=__06ifgDBGAr9liUV_ukKbrsuI9G0=&tbnid=D5uQ7Hcptb1c4M:&tbnh=119&tbnw=107&ei=Cg-tSNaLNIuw6wPMiJz8DA&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRelaxing%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
BUT! • Not EVERYONE had a higher standard of living • and today we will learn why
Objectives: We want to learn: • How might the Industrial Revolution have made people’s lives worse?
We know: • That factories produced more products (stuff) facter. • But what was life like IN the factory?
How do they work • Factory owners have the MOST money • Then the managers • Then the workers get paid the lowest.
Work hours Long and hard: http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2007/july25/gifs/nap_w.jpg http://www.illustrationsof.com/images/clipart/xsmall2/1393_sweaty_hot_man_collapsing_after_going_to_the_gym.jpg
No lunch break! http://andanova.com/flashcards/cardimages/hungry.gif
Working conditions • Not good! • Often unsafe and dirty http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/childlabor/dust.jpg
Children worked http://nhs.needham.k12.ma.us/cur/Baker_00/2002_p7/ak_p7/girlinfactory.jpg
And got hurt! http://images.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://asms.k12.ar.us/classes/humanities/amstud/97-98/childlab/HAND.JPE&imgrefurl=http://asms.k12.ar.us/classes/humanities/amstud/97-98/childlab/childlab.htm&h=272&w=400&sz=24&hl=en&start=2&sig2=mQdDe_bK64qBwj-gcSNG-Q&usg=__JxVlqBCBErHce3HGk5W9MP3sR5o=&tbnid=-wFCR3yveQG96M:&tbnh=84&tbnw=124&ei=MhStSNq5MJOy6wO-_-jgDA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchild%2Blabor%2Bduring%2Bthe%2BIndustrial%2BRevolution%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
No Insurance! • If you got hurt you were fired! http://www.clipartof.com/images/clipart/xsmall2/2488_you39re_fired.jpg
Next time: • We will talk about what people did to make conditions better!