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Domain A focuses on the importance of teachers' understanding of students and subject matter in designing learning goals, activities, and evaluation strategies. Criteria include articulating clear goals, connecting content, selecting appropriate methods and resources, and aligning evaluation strategies. Teachers should display knowledge of subject matter, differentiate goals from activities, relate content across lessons, foster student involvement, and align methods with objectives. Building a comprehensive portfolio is essential for documenting evidence in each domain.
Domain A • Knowledge of the content to be taught underlies all aspects of good instruction. • Teachers must use their understanding of students and subject matter to decide on learning goals; to design appropriate activities and materials; to sequence instruction and design or select evaluative strategies.
Primary Sources of Evidence for Domain A • Class Profile • Instruction Profile • Preobservation Interview
Criteria for Domain A A1. Becoming familiar with relevant aspects of student’s background knowledge and experiences. A2. Articulating clear learning goals for the lesson that are appropriate to the students. A3. Demonstrating an understanding of the connections between the content learned previously, currently, and in the future.
Criteria for Domain A [cont.] A4. Creating or selecting teaching methods, learning activities, and instructional materials or other resources that are appropriate to the students and aligned with goals of the lesson. A5. Creating or selecting evaluation strategies that are appropriate for the students and that are aligned with goals of the lesson.
Prior knowledge of subject Skills Motivation to learn Developmental level Cultural Experiences Diversity Beliefs & Values Number of Students Pretesting Class Discussion Observation Home visits Communicating with parents/students Involved with students outside of cla Criterion A1
Lesson objectives or learning outcomes Distinguish goals from activities Knowledge, concepts, facts, values Rationale for objectives Modifications Objectives visually displayed Lesson Plan Plan for individualizing instruction Articulation of clear learning outcomes Criterion A2
Sequence content across lesson Relate to content to past, present, future Fit current lesson with the broad scope of the discipline Prerequisite learning Connection of content to past and future lesson-unit plan. Set and Closure of lesson plan. Chart of skills/concepts Curriculum guides Criterion A3
Foster student involvement Variety of methods Grouping for instruction Materials & resources Appropriate Alignment Instruction Profile Lesson plan Grouping of Students Strategies utilized Connection of goals, methods, activities, materials and evaluation. Criteria A4
Alignment with objectives Appropriate & systematic Variety of assessments Provides information about learning Tests Self evaluation Peer evaluation Anecdotal records Portfolios Products Video-audio-taping Checklists Criterion A5
Your Portfolio • DOCUMENT-Create a system/checklist to show you are addressing each criteria in the four domains. • WORK SAMPLES – Include as many performance based evidences as possible. [I did this, not my teacher.] • ORGANIZATION – Less is more – Be selective in your portfolio work samples.
Reflections in your Portfolio A short paragraph to explain “why I chose this evidence for this criteria” would be beneficial to include.