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Teignmouth COMMUNITY SCHOOL. “A good School with outstanding features” OFSTED 2010. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Classroom Observation Booklet. Induction Guide for NQTs and Mentors 2012-13. Principal A P Gray BA Hons MEd. Teignmouth Community School.
Teignmouth COMMUNITY SCHOOL “A good School with outstanding features” OFSTED 2010 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Classroom Observation Booklet Induction Guide for NQTs and Mentors 2012-13 Principal A P Gray BA Hons MEd
Teignmouth Community School This guide focuses purely on the Induction Programme for NQTs. It is meant to act as a guide for NQTs and their mentors. There may be some overlap with the documentation issued on the Induction Day in July; nevertheless, this guide offers a more detailed outline of the Induction process. All Teignmouth Community School policy documentation is available through the TCS website. For the purposes of induction the policies felt to be most pertinent for new staff were included in the Induction Day Programme. Further documentation related to procedures and systems can be accessed in the Induction Programme Guide issued in July. Contents Map p. 3 Induction and the NQT Programme p.4 What can you expect at TCS p.7 A general outline of the Induction Programme at TCS p.8 General guidance for NQTs about the role of the Induction Mentor p.9 Information for Induction Mentors p.10 Collating the Induction Portfolio of evidence p.12 Classroom Observationp.14 Learning Policy p.15 Observation sheet p.16 Observation Feedback sheet (blank and model) p.18 Assessment forms p.20 New Teachers’ Standards p.21 For Appraisal and lesson planning advice NQTs are referred to the main Induction Guide. They are also strongly advised to attend the Good to Outstanding CPD session in September. Additional guides and materials will be supplied on the Induction Day for new staff.
Teignmouth COMMUNITY SCHOOL “A good School with outstanding features” OFSTED 2010 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Classroom Observation Booklet Induction and the NQT programme at TCS Principal A P Gray BA Hons MEd
Induction and the NQT Programme Induction Co-ordinator: Rebecca Mullins I can usually be found in the Humanities office in the ‘Lego’ building, in my teaching room (U40), which is located in the same area, or the Lead Tutors’ Office on the ground floor of Winterbourne. The Humanities Office is on telephone ext. 237. The Lead Tutors’ office is on ext. 224. My email is rebecca.mullins@teignmouth.devon.sch.uk This section aims to provide you with some basic information about the Induction Programme at TCS.
Induction Programme for Newly Qualified Teachers All group sessions will be held fortnightly, unless otherwise indicated. Time and place has yet to be decided. The content may be changed as appropriate to respond to the availability staff, and the needs of the NQT group; particularly as there is an increasing number of part timers. It offers, nevertheless, a provisional overview of the year. Breaks in the fortnightly structure occur, most often, where a period of observation, review meetings and assessment may be taking place. Refreshments provided. Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term If at any time during the year, there is an issue / topic you would like to discuss as a group, please let me know and we can arrange a session. The point is that the programme will become increasingly personalised to your needs as induction progresses.
Induction: What can you expect at TCS? • Timeline for NQT Induction • First day: what should you receive? • The following will take place either during the summer Induction Day • for new staff or on the inset day in September. • ID tags • ICT induction session: You will be set up with an account, if you have not done so already. You will also be talked through the use of sims. • TCC handbook for new staff. • Induction meetings programme: enclosed in this document. • First two weeks: What will happen? • NQT Conference: you will booked onto the conference and attend in the Autumn term. • First Induction Meeting: primarily this will be to check how things are going, that you have a 10% timetable reduction etc. • First three weeks • Observations: you will have a lesson observation. This will be carried out by R.Mullins and your mentor where possible. You will be given verbal and written feedback. • Checks: discussion to ensure that timetabled meetings have been set up with mentor, and that targets have been set for the first half of term. • By half term • Review meeting with each NQT: where possible this will including their mentor, to review progress against the standards and re-set targets for the next half term • End of each term • Lesson observation: verbal and written feedback • Assessment meeting: preferably including their mentor, to fill in the relevant assessment form • Part-time NQTs have to have a pro-rata review and assessment pattern.
A general outline of the Induction Programme at TCS • NQT booklet outlining induction programme • You should have received this on the first day. Your induction mentors have also been given a copy. It will provide an outline of the Induction Programme and what can be expected at TCS. Please be aware of the need for NQTs to attend induction sessions as a requirement of successfully completing the year. Where an NQT is part-time, alternative arrangements will be made where appropriate and possible. • Standards for Induction: • Supporting the Induction Process documentation • Standards: enclosed you will find documentation which outlines the teaching standards. These have been cross referenced against the old Core standards (for the purposes of cross referencing). When you are observed please be aware of the foci discussed each half-term following feedback from previous observations. Your performance will be measured against the standards as a whole but try to target particular areas for a particular lesson etc., that have been agreed as a focus. • NQTs are not to be Performance Managed. Your progress is measured in terms of whether it is felt that you are working effectively towards meeting the standards by the end of the induction process. • Evidence and reflection portfolio: You should begin the process of gathering evidence which demonstrates that you have considered your practice in relation to the standards. You should also demonstrate reflection on these standards. I have made portfolios available as models. These are located in U40. they are certainly not exhaustive, but offer a starting point about where evidence might gathered from. • Career Entry Development Profile • CEDP Transition Point 1 form: you will need to give me a copy of your CEDP Transition Point 1 form. This should have been completed at the end of your PGCE with your ITT tutor. I will also need your reflections on/evaluations of this particular stage of your practice since it will help to inform discussion and you professional development foci. • CEDP Transition Point 2: I will discuss the Transition Point 2 form with you following the first observation. • Inset and Development for NQTs • Rarely Cover has created restrictions for larger numbers of staff attending the same training. It has been decided to prioritise two or three NQTs for each inset opportunity throughout the year. Those of you who attend will then be asked to present back to the group and compile/distribute materials from which TCS can continue to develop a bank of training and development resources for staff. This will help to bring clear focus to the those our responsibility to enable other staff to develop from training opportunities. Needless to state that this process will also help to develop your own skills (resourcing, collaboration, presentation) for the future. • Observation and feedback • I have enclosed a copy of documentation which outlines roles and responsibilities involved in the induction process. Hopefully, this will help to outline how my role links to the involvement of the Induction Mentor.
General guidance for NQTs about the role of the Induction Mentor • I am required to co-ordinate the observation and monitoring carried out by the Induction Mentor. As part of this I will observe NQTs twice in the first term, and once in the following Spring and Summer terms. The schedule of observation can be increased according to need and appropriateness. Targets and discussion will be largely shaped by this observation. Your Induction Mentor (in your curriculum area) will need to carry out at least one observation each half-term. They will be asked to feedback at a termly meeting which I will hold with all NQTs. Even if it is not possible for your Induction Mentor to attend every meeting their feedback will still be crucial since they will work with you on a daily basis. • Meetings • You should meet with your Induction Mentor on a routine basis. It is considered good practice to check in with NQTs on a weekly basis for a 40-45 minute discussion to consider key issues. Many mentors try to timetable this into a mutual free where possible. The content of these meetings should cover the various aspects of the Teachers’ Standards; particularly, if leading up to, or feeding back from, an observation. Try to be aware of the targets being set following observation so that your mentor can help you most effectively to progress. • A review meeting should take place with your Induction tutor, and/or mentor four times during the school year. Usually this will follow observation since they offer key starting points to considers areas for development. • The standards lie at the heart of the Induction process, but there may well be other wider issues that you feel the need to discuss. Refection and evaluation are an essential part of the process, so sometimes you may need a little more time to discuss this, and at other times not. • Observing outside of subject • You are encouraged to make every use of the skills and expertise of the staff at TCS. You should observe other teachers in a variety of subjects across the curriculum. In part, and for this very reason, NQTs are given a teaching load which stands at 90% of what most other teachers deliver. You are meant to use some of this time for observation within, and outside of, your curriculum areas. The professional standards require it and NQTs must demonstrate how they have developed as classroom practitioners using this experience. This will be particularly important to the increasing element of personalisation, in your induction programme, as the year goes on. • The Coaching Network structure and Cognitive Team can help you with this. I will direct you towards the strengths of a range of staff. Be mindful, however, of failing to make the most of these opportunities. Try not to get too ‘bogged down’ in the daily demands of the job, and see small issues as overwhelming obstacles; such as worrying about setting cover work or how it might just cause too much inconvenience for others. Seek advice from your mentors and myself if this is the case. • Lesson Planning and observation • Although NQTs are not part of the PM cycle, there is still the need to for you to understand the standards set out by TCS for Ofsted. This guide offers lesson planning advice (which has been published in the Good to Outstanding documentation for all staff). In the first half term all NQTs are scheduled for an observation over the first three weeks. Areas of development can then be identified, and the Coaching Network called on, for observation and development etc. • Assessment • You will be assessed at the end of each term according to the Core standards. This is then sent to Devon County to inform them of your progress.
Information for NQT Induction Mentors Standards for Induction: supporting the Induction process Enclosed you will find documentation which outlines the Teacher’ Standards for Induction. When observing your NQT please be aware of the foci discussed each half-term following feedback from my observations and your own. Measure performance against the standards as a whole but try to target particular areas for a particular lesson etc. NQTs are not to be Performance Managed. Their progress is measured in terms of whether it is felt that they are working effectively towards meeting the standards by the end of the induction process. NQTs will receive this same TDA guidance at the first Induction Programme meeting. Career Entry Development Portfolio: Listed examples of evidence to meet the Standards I have typed up a list of examples which can be used to evidence how the NQT has met the standards. NQTs must collate an evidence folder which demonstrates how they have met the criteria outlined in the standards. Each NQT will be given this list. It is certainly not exhaustive but offers a starting point about where evidence might gathered from. NQT booklet outlining the induction programme and what can be expected at TCS All NQTs will have received this on the first day but it will also provide mentors with some understanding of the Induction Programme and what can be expected at TCS. Please encourage them, and be aware of the need for NQTs to attend induction sessions, as a requirement of successfully completing the year. Where the NQT is part-time, alternative arrangements will be made where appropriate and possible. General guidance about the role of the mentor: what should you be aiming to do? Observation and feedback I have enclosed a copy of documentation which outlines roles and responsibilities involved in the induction process. Hopefully, this will help to outline how my role links to your own involvement. I am required to co-ordinate the observation and monitoring carried out by the Induction Mentor. As part of this I will observe NQTs twice in the first term, and once in the following Spring and Summer terms. The schedule of observation can be increased according to need and appropriateness. As the Induction Mentor in your curriculum area, you will need to carry out at least one observation each half-term. Where possible, you will be asked to feedback at a termly meeting between myself and the NQT. Even if it is not possible for you to attend every meeting your feedback will still be crucial since you will work with our NQTs on a daily basis. This guide provides a blank example of the observation framework which might be used, and a feedback sheet which models how NQTs should be given written feedback following an observation. I will email this documentation to you to use. It is also helpful for keeping a written record of observation which can then feed into the Assessment 1, Assessment 2 and the Final Assessment forms.
Early feedback about concerns will be essential if each NQT is to be effectively supported, and where necessary, decisive action taken. The key message here is that early identification and intervention is better than leaving it until the later stages of the second term. Reasonable questions will be asked, by our links at DCC, as to why this did not take place earlier, and why there was a possible delay in providing sufficient support to avoid this situation. You are crucial within this process. Meetings Please meet with your NQT on a routine basis, and respond to need where appropriate. It is considered good practice to check in with NQTs on a weekly basis for a 30-45 minute discussion to consider key issues. Many mentors try to timetable this into a mutual free where possible. The content of these meetings should cover the various aspects of the Standards; particularly, if leading up to, or feeding back from, an observation. In discussions, be aware of the targets being set following my discussions with NQTs. (I will feedback to you.) The Standards lie at the heart of the induction process, but there may well be other wider issues that your NQT, or you, feel the need to discuss. Refection and evaluation are an essential part of the process, so some NQTs may need a little more time, some may not. Key issues can be considered in less ‘scheduled’ meetings, in the natural course of the week, but an arranged time is important. Many NQTs can worry that you are too busy and that they are inconveniencing you. An arranged time for discussion helps to side-step this anxiety. Observing outside of subject Encourage them to observe other teachers in a variety of subjects across the curriculum. In part, NQTs are given a teaching load which stands at 90% of what most other teachers deliver for this reason. They are meant to use some of this time for observation within, and outside of, their curriculum areas. The professional standards require it and NQTs must demonstrate how they have developed as classroom practitioners using this experience. I will direct NQTs towards the strengths of a range of staff. Be mindful, however, that NQTs often will not make the most of these opportunities. They can often feel too ‘bogged down’ in the daily demands of the job, and see small issues as overwhelming obstacles, such as worrying about setting cover work or how it might just cause too much inconvenience for others. Please reassure them and push them towards making the most of exploring these avenues of development.
Collating the Induction Portfolio of evidence Similarly to the PGCE course, NQTs are expected to collate a portfolio of documentation which evidences that they have demonstrated Teachers’ Standards for Induction set out by the Tda. Please be mindful that NQTs must provide an evidence portfolio by the end of the year. Ask to see it on a regular basis and, in particular, look for evidence of evaluation and reflection. This can sometimes be overlooked by NQTs. Since this is the first year of the new standards, it would appear far simpler than in previous years to evidence the eight Teachers’ Standards. Examples of previous portfolios will be kept in U40 to provide initial and modelled starting points.
Observation and meetings schedule The table below provides an outline of the year. Please remember that it must also work around the timetable of part-timers; therefore, the schedule will most often cross over academic years. In these circumstances I will let you know what this means in terms of observation and assessment. The first observation for all NQTs will be a joint observation between the tutor and the mentor. It must take place in the first three weeks of term.This is for standardisation purposes since mentors are required to carry out a series of observations across the year, and independently of the Induction Tutor. The total observations are a minimum requirement of 10. Half a term is a long time in terms of NQT development; therefore, mentor monitoring must occur every half term if the programme is to be meaningful.
Teignmouth COMMUNITY SCHOOL “A good School with outstanding features” OFSTED 2010 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Classroom Observation Booklet Classroom Observation Principal A P Gray BA Hons MEd
Learning policy Values • Teignmouth Community School believes that students are successful when they are given: • a coherent learning experience • confidence in their ability to achieve • a feeling of being safe, valued, trusted and respected • opportunities to learn through social interaction • a stimulating, supportive, healthy environment and life style • opportunities to evaluate their own progress and achievement • learning that they perceive to be relevant, worthwhile, enjoyable and fulfilling • opportunities for challenge, innovation and adventure. • Teignmouth Community School aims to: • develop approaches which are sufficiently flexible to embrace new thinking across the curriculum • ensure that students receive regular feedback about their learning so that they can understand how to improve and progress • create a learning environment in which expectations and objectives shape outcomes • create a learning environment which builds on pupils’ capabilities, their prior learning and understanding • develop students who are highly motivated and can sustain their concentration • motivate students via the development of high quality resources, including technology, to optimise learning • create opportunities which promote learning and progress with high attainment • create a learning environment which challenges students’ understanding of the world around them • create an environment which promotes mature and thoughtful behaviour as part of successful learning. Aims
Assessment forms • Assessment forms are filled out for each term of the Induction year. This process involves collating the evidence provided by the mentor and the Induction Tutor from observations. Mentors and NQTs are advised to carry out the following: • Meet and discuss the form. • Consider strengths and areas for development which you both feel reflect the year as a whole and the stage of progress reached at present • Please add your judgements of the year to mine on the form. I apologise for the nature of this pre-formatted form. It is not easy to cut and paste onto. Be warned. • Your added judgement must be rooted in the Standards as usual, and as modelled by myself on the form. NQTs must meet all of the standards by the end of the year, but it is not expected that Assessment 1 or 2 sheet should cover them all. This is a process of working towards them over the course of Induction. • Dependent on the NQT some areas will not have much under them. If, and where appropriate, please could mentors add to this since you will have a more rounded idea of the NQT other than through lesson observation. Often this can refer to the standards which cover their professional attributes. • Send the form back to me, electronically. I will proof read and fill out the other sections. The new Teachers’ Standards are effective from September 2012. For those who have been trained under the old Q standards, and those that are part time NQTs, I have provided documentation below which cross references the old standards with the new. The Ofsted grading for good has been set against both sets of standards to begin the process of applying clear meaning to the Ofsted criteria and the new Teachers’ standards.
Teignmouth COMMUNITY SCHOOL “A good School with outstanding features” OFSTED 2010 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Classroom Observation Booklet