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I.B. Gravity of a Solid Sphere. Graph of | F g | vs. r for a solid sphere of uniform density r : | F g (inside) | = Gm(r)m/ r 2 = G{(4 p /3) r r 3 }/r 2 ~ r. | F g (outside) | = GM E m/ r 2 = ~ r -2. |F g |. R. ~ 1/r 2. ~ r. r. (I.B.1). (I.B.2). I.B. Gravity of a Solid Sphere.
I.B. Gravity of a Solid Sphere • Graph of |Fg| vs. r for a solid sphere of uniform density r: |Fg(inside)| = Gm(r)m/ r2 = G{(4p/3)rr3}/r2 ~ r. |Fg(outside)| = GMEm/ r2 = ~ r-2. |Fg| R ~ 1/r2 ~ r r (I.B.1) (I.B.2)
I.B. Gravity of a Solid Sphere r ~ r-1. 2. Graph of |Fg| vs. r for a solid sphere with M(r) = Mtotr2 |Fg(inside)| = Gm(r)m/ r2 = G{Mtotr2}/r2 ~ constant. |Fg(outside)| = GMEm/ r2 = ~ r-2. |Fg| R ~ 1/r2 ~ r r (I.B.3) (I.B.4)
I.B. Gravity of a Solid Sphere • Inside a sphere, form of gravitational force depends on the distribution of matter--the density. M(r) = ∫rdV. (I.B.5) 4. Outside a sphere, form of gravitational force depends on the inverse square law. 5. Far enough away from any finte matter distribution, |Fg|~ r-2. • At Earth’s surface: Fg = GmEm/RE2 • This is just the weight of mass m at the surface: W = Fg = GmEm/RE2 = mg, where g = GmE/RE2. (I.B.6)
I.C. Gravitational Potential Energy • For uniform gravity, U = mgy (e.g., near Earth’s surface) • We need a more general expression for U based on Eqn. I.A.1 • As before, we define potential energy in terms of the work done by the force associated with the potential energy: • This leads to the following definition of gravitational potential energy: U = –GmEm/r (I.C.1)
I.C. Gravitational Potential Energy U 5. For distances greater than the Earth’s radius: • This definition of U means that U = 0 when r = • What about a hollow sphere? RE r RE U increases (becomes less negative) with increasing r –GmEm / RE
I.D. Escape Speed 1.Consider a projectile fired from a cannon • If gravitational force is the only force that does work, then mechanical energy is conserved: K1 + U1 = K2 + U2 • For rocket to just barely escape to large values of r (say r = ), K2 = 0 • At r = , U2 = 0 as well • Therefore K1 + U1 = 0, where K1 and U1 are measured at the launch point (ground): 1/2mv2 + (–GmEm/ RE) = 0 vesc = [(2GmE)/ RE]1/2 = (2gRE)1/2 (I.D.1) = 11.2 km/s ~ 24,000 mph
I.E. Satellite Motion c) From Newton’s 2nd Law: GmEm / r2 = marad = mv2 / r, so vc = (GmE /r)1/2 = vesc/√2 (I.E.1) “Circular Orbit Speed” • In terms of the period T of the orbit: (II.E.2)
I.E. Satellite Motion Example: What is the orbital period for “Low Earth Orbit?” For LEO, assume that r ~ RE (good assumption since r is typically RE + 300-500 km) and circular orbit: T ~ 2pRE3/2/√(GME) ~ 90 minutes. note: vc(LEO) ~ 8 km/s = 17,000 mph
I.E. Satellite Motion Example: What is the orbital radius for a geosynchronus orbit? Ts/TLEO = 24 hrs/1.5 hrs = r3/2/RE 3/2; rs/RE = 162/3 = 6.3, or rs ~ 6RE ~ 40,000 km. vs /vc(LEO)= (RE/rS)1/2 = 0.4, or vs = 0.44vc(LEO) ~ 3 km/s