1. UNDP NIGERIADemocratic Governance for Development Project
2. A QUICK OVERVIEW OF DGD PHASE 1 The DGD Project is currently implementing the approved Stage 1 Work Plan:
National Assembly strengthened
Political parties strengthened
Improvement in the electoral process
Increased capacity and performance of civil society
Strengthening effectiveness of mass media
Women empowerment
Focus: on support to the April 2011 elections
3. OUTPUT 2: POLITICAL PARTIES STRENGTHENED In collaboration with INEC, sensitization on Political Parties Code of Conduct to benefit 370 political party functionaries and representatives of CSOs in the six geo-political zones
back-to-back ToT workshops for 555 members of political parties youth wings on mitigating political and election-related conflicts
technical input into manuals
220 000 copies of the Manual for Election Officials 2011 printed
120,000 election observer kits produced: Manual for Election Officials, INEC Guidelines for Election Observation, Contact phone numbers and addresses INEC at State level, Constitutional and Legal Framework for Nigeria 2011 General Elections, Accreditation cards for observers
one-day briefing session for INEC-accredited observers: 338 domestic and 29 international observer groups
5. OUTPUT 3: IMPROVEMENT IN THE ELECTORAL PROCESS 2- Support National Human Rights Commission
ToT of 375 police personnel, 225 staff from the Nigerian Security and Civil Defense Corps and 150 security personnel from the Military, Road Safety Commission, Immigration, Prisons and Customs
370 NHRC monitors trained (and to be deployed) to monitor the behavior of security during presidential and State elections
6. OUTPUT 3: IMPROVEMENT IN THE ELECTORAL PROCESS 3- Support to Transitional Monitoring Group (TMG) to deploy 10, 536 observers in hotspots areas throughout the country
4- Support to Court of Appeals to conduct a two day training on 14-15 March, prepare a comprehensive manual on the Practice Direction on the 2010 Election Law, and to prepare quick reference materials for the Electoral Judges, the Secretariats and the litigators who will appear before the Electoral Tribunals
7. OUTPUT 4: INCREASED CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE OF CIVIL SOCIETY Town Hall Meetings on the amended constitution as it relates to elections completed in the six geopolitical zones with 644 women and 855 men voter educators trained
‘Education through Drama’ campaigns in all zones
Three CSO Forums on the role of CSOs, the Media, and the Police in mitigating election related violence held. Professor Jega attended the Abuja meeting, addressed the CSOs and responded to key issues regarding security
8. OUTPUT 5: REINFORCING THE ROLE OF MEDIA Three editions of Media owners/editors forums held in Abuja, Port Harcourt and Lagos on conflict-sensitive and issue-based reporting of elections
200 journalists trained in five geo political zones
Production and airing of jingles on voter education, radio talk shows on voter education
7000 copies of the Media Guide for the 2011 Elections disseminated
9. OUTPUT 5: REINFORCING THE ROLE OF MEDIA Media centres to facilitate journalists’ coverage of elections, media monitoring and help desks for women candidates operational in Abuja, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Owerri, Gombe and Kaduna
Support to NN24 and Nigeria Elections Debate Group in the conduct of Presidential Debates
Capacity building workshop on Building Community Radio for Democracy and Development with 100 participants on 8th and 9th March 2011
10. OUTPUT 6: EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN 1- Support to women aspirants and candidates: a further 83 women candidates and 217 potential aspirants trained, handbook for female aspirants published
2- Encouraging women to vote: Public service announcements on TV urging women to get out and vote broadcast with support of UN Women / handbills
3- Voter education and sensitisation on National Gender Policy (NGP):
Step down activities by Community Facilitators on NGP and voter education ongoing in 6 geo-political zones
Igbo version of the NGP, Pidgin English leaflet
Gender responsive voter education posters
11. OUTPUT 6: EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN 4- Violence against women in politics:
Draft situational analysis report now available
Callers Hub set up in Abuja on March 21, with 10 volunteers calling field contacts in 12 States and the FCT to track and document incidents of violence against women in politics. Regular statements to INEC, Police, media, observer groups and the international community to be released on April 1, 4, 8 and 18
12. DGD FINANCIAL SUMMARY Stage 1 budget: USD 29,291,476.39
Funds available: USD 34,357,367.71
Actual transfers/commitments:
DFID: GBP 4M (USD 6,339,144) – disbursed
EU: EUR 19.4M (USD 27,5M) – disbursed
CIDA: CAD 1.5M (USD 1.52M) – disbursed
KOICA: USD 0.23M – disbursed
Expenditure to-date: USD 21,613,592.81
Commitment in process: USD 4,417,741.85
Total: USD 26,031,334.66
Delivery rate: 89%
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