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GEF SPA-UNDP Project Implementing Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Coastal Areas of U R U G U A Y. Warsaw , November 16, 2013. STRATEGY, GOAL AND OBJECTIVE.
GEF SPA-UNDP Project Implementing Pilot Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Coastal Areas of U R U G U A Y Warsaw, November 16, 2013
STRATEGY, GOAL AND OBJECTIVE Strategy: to increase ecosystem resilience to climate change by integrating climate risks into Uruguay’s baseline land use planning and coastal zone management initiatives. Long term goal: to reduce vulnerability of Uruguay’s coastal ecosystems to climate change Objective: to put in place adaptive land planning and coastal management policies and practices to enhance the resilience of Uruguay’s coastal ecosystem to climate change
OUTCOMES The incorporation of climate change risks into national level policies and regulatory frameworks governing coastal area management strengthens Uruguay’s systemic capacity for adaptation. Pilot adaptation measures for coastal ecosystems at risk under predicted climate change are implemented at local levels. Knowledge management and evaluation systems facilitate the uptake and replication of coastal management adaptation experiences in Uruguay.
ADAPTATION PROCESS (1) • Build up and strengthen relationships with relevant stakeholders • Raise awareness about climate change and adaptation • Data collection, modeling studies and translation of scientific and technical results (climate change scenarios, coastal vulnerability indexes to identify critical sites)
ADAPTATION PROCESS (2) • Identification and selection of adaptation measures • International literature reviewed with the scientific and technical data and results generated by the project. • Participatory consultation process was planned and executed to complement and screen the initial set of measures: more than 200 people were involved and the VRA methodology was tailored and applied. • Interviews to key stakeholders and expert judgment • Revision by international consultant • Implementation of adaptation measures with the involvement of the civil society to ensure its sustainability • Monitoring and evaluationwithstakeholdersparticipation
IMPLEMENTED ADAPTATION MEASURES (1) • Awareness and outreach to decision makers and stakeholders • Monitoring of beach profiles along the whole coast • Preparation of a publication for mainstreaming climate risk management in the coastal tourism sector • Guidelinesfortheincorporation of climatechange in theenvironmentalimpactassessmentprocess
IMPLEMENTED ADAPTATION MEASURES (2) • Incorporation of climatechangeissues in land use planninginstruments: • -Land Use and Sustainable Development Planfor Colonia del Sacramento: includesanadaptationprogram • - Land Use Partial Plan of theCoastalLagoons in Rocha: coastal defense area, retreats and building restrictions • National Coastal Zone Guidelines Bill: adaptation to climate change is included as an explicit goal of the guidelines and vulnerable areas are defined (sandy beaches and sandbanks, dunes, lagoons and wetlands, cliffs, rocky points and coastal islands, bars and deltas, among others)
ADAPTATION MEASURES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION • The Protected Area Laguna de Rocha Management Plan adresses climate change and variability
ADAPTATION MEASURES UNDER IMPLEMENTATION • Restoration and revegetation of dunar ecosystem
Apoyo procesos locales GC en curso Ejecución de planes de GC con gobiernos locales Monitoreo y alerta temprana de floraciones microalgales Incorporación de herramientas de CC en AP SITES WHERE PILOT CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION MEASURES ARE BEING IMPLEMENTED
SOME RELEVANT RESULTS SO FAR • • First approach to adaptation on the field in Uruguay • Mainstreaming adaptation into local/national processes and policies is a very complex process, requiring a learning by doing approach and much more time than planned. • Experience working with different stakeholders has been generated. • Capacities for monitoring have been developed. • Awareness and interest of stakeholders regarding vulnerability and adaptation have been increased • Capacity to mainstream adaptation to climate change into plans and regulations at the local level has been increased. • Specific Units dedicated to climate change within the departmental government were established (e.g. Maldonado Climate Change Unit). • Partnerships between the academia and the decision makers were established to implement adaptation measures.
NEXT STEPS AND CHALLENGES • Continuetheidentification and implementation of adaptationmeasureswiththedifferentstakeholders. • Results from the implementation phase will be assessed and lessons will be harvested • Design a strategy to replicate these measures. • Including a sustainable mechanism to facilitate the access to international adaptation finance and its effective and efficient channeling, taking advantage of existing institutions and capacities developed by the project. • Comprising a multi-stakeholder consultation ambit • NAP?
THANKS! • Luis Santos • Ministry of Environment • URUGUAY • lsantos@cambioclimatico.gub.uy