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LEANNIS 2. LEANNIS-2 Low energy Antikaon-Nucleon (Nucleus) Interaction Studies-2 Proposal for HP3. Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences. LEANNIS 2. The proposal is based on the results of the running network LEANNIS
LEANNIS2 LEANNIS-2 Low energy Antikaon-Nucleon (Nucleus) Interaction Studies-2Proposal for HP3 Johann Marton Stefan Meyer Institute Austrian Academy of Sciences ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
LEANNIS2 The proposal is based on the results of the running network LEANNIS taking into account new ideas and new opportunities in antikaon interaction physics. ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
The Scope The proposed Networking Activities in (exotic) hadronic atoms and nuclei with strangeness are related to • the organization of experimental and theoretical collaborative work concerning ongoing activities at present Research Infrastructures (DAFNE/Frascati, GSI,Jülich) and planned experiments at future facilities. • In hadron physics the close interaction between experimentalists and theoreticians is of paramount importance. ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Characteristics • Studies of atomic bound systems with strangeness (hadronic/kaonic atoms) provide unique access to strong interaction of antikaons at very low energy. • Search for exotic nuclei bound by antikaon(s) • Fascinating research field involving different fields in physics (particle physics, nuclear physics, atomic physics) and energies from GeV to eV. • Unique research infrastructures in EU: DAFNE/LNF, GSI,Jülich. ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Strategy • Enriched science case based on the experience and results of LEANNIS • Low energy antikaon interactions (kaonic atom research) also in preliminary LRP of Nupecc presented at the Town Meeting in Madrid 2010 • New topics in theory and experiments • Important input from experiments for the further development and refinement of theory • Promoting research in the field in Europe and Japan (European participation at J-PARC already realized: E15,17) ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
LEANNIS2 L ow E nergy A ntikaon N ucleus N uclei I nteraction S tudies ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
LEANNIS2 Participants • 13 participating institutions from • 5 EU countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland • Associated country: Isreal, Japan new new ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
LEANNIS-2 partners ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Objectives • Definition and coordination of studies in antikaon interaction physics – theory and experiment • To perform experiments for new low-energy data on the antikaon nucleon and nuclei interaction (kaonic atoms) • Searchforantikaonmediatedboundsystems ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Tasks • T1. Theoreticalinvestigations in strangenessnuclearphysics • T2. New precisionstudiesofthe strong interaction in kaonicatoms • T3. The natureofΛ(1405) by experimental investigations • T4. Searchforkaonicnuclearclusters in dedicatedexperiments • T5. Toward in-medium modificationstudiesofcharmedsystemswith PANDA at FAIR • T6. Expert Meetings, Workshops and Dissemination ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Participantsandtheirrole ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Motivation fornewstudies • The low-energykaon-nucleoninteractionisneither simple nor well understood: • Central importance for the physics of strong interaction has the dynamics driven by chiral symmetry breaking in low-energy QCD. • Problems arise from the existence of subthreshold resonances like the famous Λ(1405) and 2/3 nucleon K- absorption (c.f. E. Oset, H. Toki, PRC74 (2006) 015207) possiblyimitatingboundstates • The development of reliable theories suffers from the lack of precision data on the observables (e.g. shift/width of kaonic atoms) Interestingquestion: Two-pole structure?? Λ(1405) & Λ(1420) and theirimpact ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
T1 Theoretical investigations antikaon low-energy interaction physics • Interpretation of experimental results • Support fordesigningexperiments • Strong forceandunderlying QCD • Sub-thresholdresonanceslikeΛ(1405) andtheirnature • In-medium effects ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
T2. New precision studies of the strong interaction in kaonic atoms Proposal submitted in June 2010 • Enrichedphysicscase (keV-MeVγ detection): • Kaonic deuterium • Kaonicatoms Z>2: completingthedataset, improvingprecision, measurementsof isotopes • Search for K transition in kaonic helium • Kaonscattering: Studies toward an activetarget in KLOE ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
“Findings and Recommendations” from the 40th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of LNF June 2010 …The LNF Scientific Committee endorses the scientific relevance of the SIDDHARTA-2 proposal, The LNF Scientific Committee endorses the scientific relevance of the SIDDHARTA-2 proposal, in particular the measurement of kaonic deuterium. … …In addition to kaonic deuterium, SIDDHARTA-2 also aims to study transitions to the s-states in helium-3 and -4 (as opposed to the previously measured transitions to p-states) as well as transitions in kaonic (and even sigmonic) atoms with higher mass numbers. The goal would be to provide theorists with a minimal, yet comprehensive set of measurements with common systematic uncertainties to explore the nuclear in-medium interactions of K mesons. This topic is currently under intense theoretical discussion. It will be explored in J-PARC in the coming years, but mostly by in-flight experiments. Frascati through SIDDHARTA-2 specializing in selected kaonic atoms can contribute uniquely to this frontline topic. … ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Strong interaction in kaonic atoms-the K-He case Kaonic helium-4 Kaonic helium-3 SIDDHARTA gas ε2p= -2 ± 2(stat) ± 4(syst) The day-1 experiment E17 at J-PARC has European partners (LNF/Italy, SMI/Austria). SMI is responsible for the x-ray detector systems. The final experiment might take place already in 2011 but it strongly depends on the performance of the kaon beam. ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Kaonichelium Traditionally 2p orbitisassumedtobe last orbit, but theremightbe a chancetodetect also the2p-1s transition(E~30 keV) givingsignificantinformationabouttheantikaon-nucleusinteraction. D.N. Michael, PR158 (1967) 1343 G.R. Burleson et al., PRL 15 (1965) 70 ??? ??? Shift 2p ~ 0 eV ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
KN subthresholdresonances From PDG 2008 ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Λ(1405) • 4 starobject in listingof PDG • StructureofΛ(1405)? • Akaishi-YamazakiproposedΛ(1405) tobe an K-p boundstateopeningthedirectopportunity („doorway“) toproducekaonicnuclei (e.g. K-pp) • V.K. Margas et al. Phys.Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 052301: 2-pole structure ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Properties of different production mechanisms V. K. Magas et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 052301 (2005) Feature of the resonance Pole mass seems to be different when the Λ(1405) is produced in different production mechanisms. Could be explained by different coupling strength of the production to the two poles of the resonance KN-Amplitude dominant pS-Amplitude dominant S. Prakhov et al. Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 034605 A.W. Thomas et al., Nucl. Phys. B56 15 (1973)
Decaychannelsof / 33.3 % 5.8% 5.8% 33.3 % 33.3 % 1.3% 87.0% Г≈ 50 MeV/c2 Г≈ 36 MeV/c2
Study ofΛ(1405) withkaonicatoms • Λ(1405) canactas a doorwayandbindingofkaonicnuclearsystems • Searchingforgammarays (E~30 MeV) fromtheprocess • Feasibility study for SIDDHARTA-2 ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
New experiments • Spectroscopy of kaonic atoms with Z>2 improving theprecisionofthedata set C.J. Batty et al., Nucl. Phys. A329 (1979) 407-426 e.g. K-O ε=-25±18 eV ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
DISTO result 2010: Indicationsfor K-pp ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Kaonic nuclear clusters: Recent developments in theory Faddeevcalculations Variationalcalculations Binding energy: 20 - 50 MeV Decaywidth: 40 - 100 MeV T. Yamazaki, Y. Akaishi PRC 76 (2007) 045201 A. Dote, T. Hyodo, W. Weise NPA 804 (2008) 197 A. Dote, T.Hyodo, W. Weise PRC 79 (2009) 014003 Binding energy: 55 – 70 MeV Decaywidth: 95 – 110 MeV N. Shevchenko, et al. PRL 98 (2007) 082301 N. Shevchenko et al. PRC (2007) 044004 Y. Ikeda, T. Sato PRC 76 (2007) 035203 ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
How to produce antikaon-mediated bound nuclear cluster (KNC)? • stopped K- reactions on light nuclei • in-flight K- reactions • protons on proton (or light nuclei) • heavy ion collisions • antiproton induced reactions • dedicated experiments • exclusive measurement ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
AMADEUS - a laboratory for low-energy kaon reactions • AMADEUS is expected to run after finishing thepresent LEANNIS project • It will take advantage of the excellent KLOE apparatus combined with a gas target system and kaon trackers • The physics case : • Search for kaonic nuclear clusters in fully exclusive way • K reactions in helium isotopes • K scattering on different nuclei at low momenta taking advantage of the low momentum kaons from Phi-decay • Feasibilty studies of an active target. ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Search for kaonic nuclear clusters with stopped antikaons (AMADEUS) As a first step available data of K-reactions on helium (Lambda reconstruction) from the KLOE experiment are under study (LEANNIS) Continuation R&D in Frascati and Vienna: Scintillatingfiberdetectorfor K triggering, targetlayoutand GEM-TPC ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
neutron K-pp cluster Formation Decay Mode to decay charged particles p L p- p J-PARC E15 experiment 3He Experimental search for K-pp bound states using in-flight (K-, n) reaction on 3He K- Missing mass Spectroscopyvia neutron We can observe both the “Formation” and “Decay” of K-pp bound state Invariant mass reconstruction ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
New experimentswithstoppedpbar? Requirementsforpbarannihilationstudiesatrest: (J. Zmeskal et al. Proc. EXA08, Hyp. Int. (2009) 249) • Low-energypbar beam: AD/CERN, FLAIR/FAIR • Detectorforexclusiveannihilationstudies in nuclei • Start counter – scintillating fibers with Geiger Mode - APD readout • PID – with a TPC - GEM (similar as proposed for PANDA) • For neutral particle detection - a Calorimeter with alternating scintillating fibres – lead layers (KLOE-type) • High statistics ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Deliverables ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Expectedimpact • LEANNIS-2 will support the SIDDHARTA-2 experimental program at LNFwhich will allow the measurements of the strong interaction parameters of kaonic atoms with largely increased precision: K-d, heavier kaonic atoms, study of Λ(1405), searchfor K transitions in kaonichelium, etc. • Feasibilitystudiesof an activetargetforthemeasurementofantikaonscatteringatlowestmomenta • Mass spectrum of Λ(1405) in experimentsat GSI (HADES) • Directsearchesforkaonicnuclearsystemsat LNF (AMADEUS) andat J-PARC (E15), preparationandrefinementsupportedby LEANNIS, also bytheoreticalstudies ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Expectedimpact ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Outreach • SMI, LEANNIS web page • International conferenceseries EXA (exoticatomsandrelated topics)in Vienna 2002 2005 2008 2011 (September 5.-9.) 2013/14 • University meetspublic • www.teilchen.at • Austrian AcademyofSciencespublicrelations: Topic oftheMonth • Innovation –generation: practicalworkwithdetectors in connectionwith LEANNIS foryoungpeople … tobecontinued ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Financial issues Total 238,6 k€ ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Next steps to HP3 • Benificiaries • Find a new name? • THESIS = THeoretical and Experimental Studies on Interactions with Strangeness • ALISA= Advanced Low-energy Interaction Study Activity • Budget reduced to €220.000 (reduction 18,6k€) • Revised proposal til October 9, 2010 ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
LEANNIS-2 joiningexperimentandtheory on an European scale Theory and experiment at ECT* The meeting point for joint research ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Thank you for your attention Experiment experiment Thankyoufor Yourattention theory Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon - the largest bridge of Europe ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Spare ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
KN interactionatthreshold K-p: repulsive at threshold, attractive below threshold threshold real part SIDDHARTA preliminary Imag. part DEAR data B. Borasoy, R. Nißlerand W. Weise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 213401 (2005) ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
Sourcesof experimental information • Kaon-protonscatteringdata (olddatawith large errors, abovethreshold extrapolation) • πΣ massspectrum • Thresholddecayratios • X-raydataofkaonicatoms (K-p, K-d, K-He, K-X, X=Z>2) • Kaonic hydrogen studiedby SIDDHARTA • Kaonicdeuterium thresholddataimportantinputfortheory, topicof LEANNIS-2 • Kaonic helium-3 first experimental studiesby SIDDHARTA, precisiontobeincreased (E17): isthere a differencebetweenshift/width in K-3He and K-4He ? • Reliabletheoryhastocopetheseinformations ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
In-medium studies with PANDA • Participation in the rich physics program of PANDA • Studies on in-medium effects: J/psi, D mesons • Benchmark channel (P. Buehler/SMI for physics book) ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
RiskAssessment The risk of failure of the network is very small since it consists of a bundle of low-risk sub-projects which are in close connection but not entangled. In the case of the theoretical studies the risk can be assumed as being zero. Only the timeline of experiments within the time boundaries of the network shows some risk because of possible time shifts due to delays of experiments or problems connected with accelerator operation and the available beam time.. The network will be performed in a controlled manner. LEANNIS meetings will take place at least once a year and will help to check the status continuously. In the case of problems to fulfill goals of the network appropriate measures can be taken, e.g. adjustment of the priority list to fulfill the high impact deliverables ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010
FOPI New Opportunities with advanced detectors ECT* Meeting, October 4, 2010