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ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION PROGRAMME. IMPLEMENTED IN NAVODAYAS. WHO ARE ADOLESCENT?. Adolescents: 10-19 Yrs. Growth phases . Early adolescence:10-13Yrs. Mid adolescence:14-16 Yrs. Late adolescence:17-19Yrs. OBJECTIVES OF ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION.

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  2. WHO ARE ADOLESCENT? • Adolescents: 10-19 Yrs. Growth phases. • Early adolescence:10-13Yrs. • Mid adolescence:14-16 Yrs. • Late adolescence:17-19Yrs.

  3. OBJECTIVES OF ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION. • To enhance essential life skills for dealing with gender stereotypes, coping and managing ARSH issues , high risk situations, and reducing vulnerability. • To help students to be aware of growing vital energy during adolescence and creativity using it for higher accomplishments. • To provide accurate knowledge to students about ARSH, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse and inculcate responsible behaviour towards prevention of these issues. • To make available resources for additional information and adolescent friendly health services. • To promote respect for the opposite sex.

  4. WHY FOCUS ON ADOLESCENTS? • Large human resource{22% population} • Caring ,supportive environment will promote optimum development.-physical, emotional, mental. • Adolescents are vulnerable to STIs, HIV / AIDS, Sexual abuse.

  5. NEED OF AEP IN SCHOOLS Lack of social support in getting accurate information and guidance make adolescents susceptible to peer pressure, risky behaviour and substance abuse.They are highly vulnerable to HIV/ AIDS and other STI’s In order to provide correct information and life skills to our students ,as a part of National Adolescence Education Programme of Ministry of HRD, Navodaya vidyalaya samiti has already implemented the Adolesence education programme and life skill development in al l Navodayas across the country. Besides the students,the programme involves Principals, teachers and parents as facilitators.

  6. PEOPLE INVOLVED IN ORGANIZATION OF PROGRAMME Master trainers:-selected principals and teachers of different JNVS. Nodal teachers:--teachers selected by the vidyalaya level. Peer educators:-students volunteers of the respective vidyalaya.

  7. STRATEGIES ADOPTED 1.Advocacy meeting for parents- for awareness building 2.Pre test for the target group {IX class} 3.Co-curricular activities-for developing life skills 4.Post test {evaluation}- It includes back ground information, awareness test, attitude scale, situations with script box, having statements and their responses etc..

  8. ADVOCACY PROGRAMME SOME OF THE EXPECTATIONS • Understanding why we are introducing AEP in schools. • Learning about the process of growing up during adolescence. • Learning more about HIV/AIDS and ARSH. • Knowing how to help youngsters facing problems. • Understanding adolescents better and improving communication with them. • Learning why young people have become increasingly involved with drugs.

  9. To understand the AEP that is being implemented by MHRD in the school system. To create a supportive environment for implementing AEP. To highlight the role of principals, teachers and peer educators as advocates of AEP. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME

  10. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. A number of activities may be planned and conducted to attain the objectives of skill development. some of the activities are: • 1.Question Box Activity. • 2.Role play. • 3.Value clarification. • 4.Group Discussion. • 5.Debate. • 6.Case study. • 7.Quiz contest.

  11. QUESTION BOX. It is an important activity through which questions asked by students are answered by teachers, experts or professionals. It will provide the information, which adolescents are not receiving presently through any authentic source.

  12. LIFE SKILLS TO BE FOCUSSED. Self Awareness Social Awareness • Critical Thinking Skills. Interpersonal Creative Thinking

  13. BASIC REQUIREMENTS. 1.QUESTION BOX. • A box made of wood or tin , with a slit like opening in its lid, having locking facility may be used. 2.APPROPRIATE SPACE. • When it is to be organised for all students of the school, a hall or a big class room may be used. 3.TIME. • One/Two hours. • Preferably once a month.

  14. PLANNING. 1. While addressing students the person concerned may convey the following information: • The aim of the activity. • The concerns about which questions can be asked. • The freedom to ask as many questions . • The need to ask questions anonymously. • The place where the box is kept. • The time frame for putting questions in the box. 2 .Question box should not be opened by any person other than the concerned teaches. 3 . A convenient date and time may be fixed for the question – answer session. 4. While answering questions, care may be taken to use proper language and terms that are comfortable for both teachers and students.

  15. ROLE PLAY. Role play is an activity presenting a small spontaneous play which describes possible real life situations. A situation is given to the group and they take on to the roles of the characters involved. It allows students to enact situations before they meet those in real life. It also gives them an opportunity to have experiences in the application of life skills that are important to protect them from risky situations.

  16. SKILLS TO BE FOCUSSED. Assertiveness. Interpersonal Communication Negotiation Skills Refusal. Empathy.

  17. BASIC REQUIREMENT. • When it is to be organized for all students of the school , a hall or a big classroom may be used. • Generally one period / one hour will be adequate for conducting role play. • At the school level it should be organized at least once a month.

  18. PLANNING. • A situation and issue focused on AEP concerns will be identified for the role play. • Based on the requirement , adequate number of students may be identified to constitute a group. • It should be ensured that a new group of students are selected for every role play activity. • A specific role may be assigned to each member of that group. • Date, time and venue for the role play should be fixed and communicated to all the concerned persons well in advance. • After the role play is over, the audience may be requested to discuss the points made by different actors.

  19. VALUE CLARIFICATION. • It is a potential educational activity aim at skill development. Values influence the way an individual thinks, behaves and takes decisions on different issues. It is important to note that a value cannot be perceived as right or wrong, good or bad. • Value clarification approach provides an opportunity where the learners can evaluate all the available options of a given issue. They can explore, examine and clarify varied value positions.

  20. SKILLS TO BE FOCUSED. Interpretation. Holistic Analysis Perception. Critical Thinking Skills Empathy. • Problem Solving.

  21. BASIC REQUIREMENT. • It may preferably be organized class-wise. • Writing board or Flip charts, Chalk/ sketch pens will be needed. • If it is class- wise, one hour/one period preferably once a fortnight/month will be adequate.

  22. PLANNING. • One value-laden statement or story will be identified for the activity. It can be organized in two specific methods, discussion and story telling. • The teacher /identified student will read the statement aloud and all group may be asked to discuss the same statement. • In story telling students may be asked to express their opinion in respect of every character in the story and evaluate vies expressed by each one of them. • The teacher remains non-judgmental.

  23. GROUP DISCUSSION. It enables a greater number of students to have animated discussion on a critical topic. Every member interact with others in the group and also with the members of the other group. This activity may activate serious thinking on these issues among the audience also.

  24. LIFE SKILLS TO BE FOCUSED. Interpersonal Examining Alternatives Communication. • Communication Skills. Critical Thinking. Assertiveness.

  25. BASIC REQUIREMENTS. • If it is to be organised class-wise, the space of the classroom may be adequate. • For class-wise group discussion one hour or one period may be adequate.

  26. PLANNING. • A small committee consisting of trained teachers and some students may be set up at the school level. • The committee should decide about topic, formation of groups, the number of students to be included in each group, date and time of the activity. • Teachers should help students to collect facts on the identified topics. • If it is organised at the school level, teachers, parents and media people may also be invited and one of them may be requested to chair the discussion.

  27. DEBATE. Debate is an interesting activity for probing into controversial issues. In a debate the pros and cons of an issue are presented. The issue to be debated should have more than one dimension that can be argued for and against by participants.

  28. LIFE SKILLS TO BE FOCUSED. Examining Gathering Information. Pros&Cons. Communication Skills. Social Awareness. Critical Thinking.

  29. BASIC REQUIREMENTS. • If it is organized at school level, a big hall may be used. • At the school level it should be organized at least once a month.

  30. PLANNING. • With a view to maximizing the participation of students, some of them may be identified and assigned different roles, e.g., for introducing the topic, participating teams and panel of judges, summarizing the activity and proposing vote of thanks. • The topic selected should be in the form of an assertive statement, which invites conflicting points of view. • Criteria for evaluating the performance of each debater may be finalized in consultation with the panel and may be circulated.

  31. CASE STUDY. It focuses on a particular problem and leads the persons conducting or consulting case studies to understand all the aspects of that problem. Case studies on various issues are placed before students who intern discuss all dimensions of these studies and also the questions that emerge.

  32. LIFE SKILLS TO BE FOCUSED. Self Awareness. Social Awareness. Critical Thinking kills. Interpersonal. Empathy.

  33. BASIC REQUIREMENTS. • This activity may preferably be organized class wise. • Writing Board or Flip charts, Chalk / Sketch Pens will be needed. • If it is organized class-wise, one hour / one period preferably once in two months will be adequate.

  34. PLANNING. • The teacher should ensure that every student of the class participates in it. It may be conducted in two ways: • The teacher may select simple , realistic, useful and short case studies focused on AEP concerned, published in newspapers, magazines, and other materials. While selecting the case study, the age of students who would discuss it, must be considered. • Teacher may assign projects for conducting case studies to students. They may study the case of , say, a person living with HIV/ AIDS or a person who smokes or chews tobacco and is suffering from cancer. Such case studies may be discussed in the class under the supervision of teachers.

  35. QUIZ CONTEST. It enables students and other participants to gather varied information on the selected theme or topic and understand the implications of different aspects of the concerned issues. This activity creates a motivated environment for audience , in which learning takes place in a very involved manner.

  36. LIFE SKILLS TO BE FOCUSED. I Gathering Information Determining Authenticity Critical Thinking Skills Seeking reasons. Communication.

  37. BASIC REQUIREMENT. If it is to be organized at school level, a big hall may be used. The arrangements will include a stage, seating space for the participating teams, panel of judges, and the audience. At school level it should be organized at least once a month.

  38. PLANNING. • It can be organized class-wise or at school level. • It should be organized by a small committee consisting of trained teachers and some students. • Efforts should be made to involve as many students as possible in phases. • The committee should ensure that a Quiz –Item Pool is developed by collecting questions from various sources. Fresh quiz items may also be developed.

  39. LIFE SKILLS Life skills are psycho-social abilities and competencies that help to attain physical, mental and social well-being, empowering individuals to take positive and responsible actions to protect themselves from risky situations and to build healthy interpersonal and social relationships. ten core life skills are; • Empathy • Interpersonal relationships • Critical thinking • Decision making • Coping with emotions • Self-awareness • Effective communication • Creative thinking with • Problem solving • Coping with stress

  40. LIFE SKILLS TO BE DEVELOPED IN STUDENTS Social or Inter personal skills Communication, Negotiation, Assertiveness, Co operation and Empathy Cognitive skills Problem solving, Understanding consequences, Decision making, Critical thinking and Self evaluation Emotional coping skills Managing stress, Managing feelings, and Self management Self monitoring

  41. CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS -Identifying and recognizing critical issues and concerns -Examining the alternatives, Seeking reasons and changing views based on evidence. -Looking at pros and cons of the decision being made

  42. INTER PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS -Building rapport with other communicators -Expressing more clearly and completely -Asking questions more open –endedly and more creatively -Thanking for conversation

  43. NEGOTIATION SKILLS -Being hard on the issues and soft on the person -Emphasising common ground -Focusing on needs and not positions -Making clear agreements

  44. SKILLS FOR TEACHERS Communication skill- Rapport building,, Active listening, Attending and Questioning Skills for being non-judgmental Avoid conveying personal values Skills for empathy Understand the situation of a particular student

  45. EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF SKILL EDUCATION -Enhanced self esteem -Self-confidence -Assertiveness -Ability to establish relationship

  46. APPLICATION OF LIFE SKILL -Understanding the process of growing up and managing associated anxieties -HIV/AIDS/STI prevention -Suicide prevention -Prevention of drug abuse

  47. ROLE OF THE PEER EDUCATORS. • Acting as a motivator and role model for other young people. • Acting as a bridge between adolescents and adults. • Organizing other young people to work on AEP issues. • Forming networks to encourage ,support and promote healthy living.

  48. ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL. • Making the school environment conducive to AEP. • Supporting the functioning of trained teachers and the group of peer leaders. • Encouraging participation of students in planning, designing and implementation of activities. • Selecting and supporting nodal teachers. • Advocating with parents, other teachers, and community leaders. • Encouraging the incorporation of AE themes into various co-curricular activities such as debates, essay writing etc.

  49. ROLE OF THE NODAL TEACHER. • Conducting advocacy meetings at the school/ community level. • Conducting advocacy meetings with parents and teachers before launching AEP in the school. • Conducting AE co-curricular activities in schools with students. • Compiling reporting schedules on programme implementation, and sending these to the nodal centre.

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