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Mrs. Freudenburg. FACTS. FACTS. Welcome to FACTS! This course will introduce you to the skills and concepts required for success in both high school and society. This is a yearlong course but it is divided between the academic side and the technology side.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mrs. Freudenburg FACTS

  2. FACTS • Welcome to FACTS! • This course will introduce you to the skills and concepts required for success in both high school and society. • This is a yearlong course but it is divided between the academic side and the technology side. • You will spend 1 quarter with me, then switch to the technology side.

  3. About Mrs. Freudenburg • Masters Degree from Wayne State College • Bachelors Degree from University of Nebraska-Kearney • Bachelors Degree from Peru State College • High School Diploma from Diller-Odell High School • Volleyball coach at Burke High School

  4. About Mrs. Freudenburg • Hobbies: • Volleyball • Running • Watching movies • Hanging out with friends and family • Reading

  5. About Mrs. Freudenburg • Family: • Husband – Chad • Sister – Dawn, Brother- Cody • Three nieces – Vera, Addison, & Brooklynn • Son (cat) - Dwight

  6. Mrs. Freudenburg Procedures

  7. Procedures • Sit down • Do bell work on board • Collected once a month • Begin Lesson • Restroom may be used once lesson has begun • Stay in your seat until the bell

  8. Procedures • Let’s try it! • Get up, go to the door. • Come in, sit down. • Begin bell work.

  9. Welcome to FACTS! • Bell Work: 08/15/2013 & 08/16/2013 • What is the name of Mrs. Freudenburg’s cat? • A) Stan • B) Frank • C) KitKat • D) Dwight • Today: • Classroom rules and procedures

  10. Attention Getter • “I’m ready when you’re ready.” • Hand raised.

  11. Extra Time • If you finish early… • Look to the extra time board on the wall • Extra time folder

  12. Mrs. Freudenburg Classroom Rules

  13. Classroom Rules • Be respectful • Of yourself • Of your classmates • Of Mrs. Freudenburg

  14. Classroom Rules 2. Raise your hand to speak

  15. Classroom Rules 3. Stay in your seats

  16. Classroom Rules 4. No electronics.

  17. Classroom Rules 5. No food or drink. • Water allowed, on the floor

  18. Consequences • Phone call home • 30 minute detention with essay • Referral to administration • Follow the rules

  19. Consequences • Cell phone use consequences • One warning • Take phone for class period • Take phone to administration

  20. Questions • Are there any questions?

  21. Who are You?

  22. Assignment • Answer these questions in your notebook. • Tell me three things about yourself • Name our class procedures. • Name our class rules. • What are the consequences for not following rules?

  23. Burke Rules/Policies

  24. Standards Based Grading: Grading Policy The grading scale will be as set forth by the OPS Board of Education: Grading Scale for Grading Scale for 2012-2013 A = 3.51-4.00 A- = 3.01 – 3.50 B = 2.51 – 3.00 B- = 2.01 – 2.50 C = 1.51 – 2.00 D = 0.76 – 1.50 F = 0.00 – 0.75 Grades will be calculated based on the following percentages: Standard (1) – Develop Academic Literacy Skills (25%) Standard (2) – Develop and Evaluate Academic Career Plans (25%) Standard (3) – Develop and Demonstrate Technical Literacy (50%)

  25. Standards Based Grading • Level 4 – Student can take what was taught in class and apply it to new situations. • Level 3 – Student has mastered the more complex knowledge, skills, and processes of the unit. • Level 2 – Student has mastered the basic knowledge, skills, and processes of the unit. • Level 1 – Student has a partial understanding of the simpler knowledge skills and processes. • Level 0 – No attempt was made, no learning occurred

  26. Burke Policies • Tardy: • Students who are late will report to a tardy station located in the hallway. • Students will receive a lunch detention for accumulating five(5) tardies – regardless of the class. Further consequences will be posted. • Students are required to do homework or read quietly during the entire detention/late school/Saturday school assignment. • Food, cell phones, and IPods are not allowed in the consequence. • Failure to follow the rules of the detention room or to serve the detention, will result in another consequence from administration. • Students who skip a class or are truant during the day are assigned consequences which regularly includes parent meetings.

  27. Getting to Know Your Classmates Activity

  28. Two True’s and a False • On a piece of paper, write two true statements about yourself, and one false statement.

  29. What’s Your Name Find an elbow partner. You will each have a few minutes to tell your elbow partner the story of your name. • Whoever is the tallest will start by telling the other, the story of their name: • Are you named after someone? • Who named you? • What does your name mean?

  30. Introductions • We will now go around the room and in pairs I want you to introduce your partner: • Tell us their name and 1 fact about their name • Example: My name is Dania. It is spelled with an ‘i’ because my parents did not want to spell it like a boy’s name. Since I got married, no one can pronounce my first OR last name! • Tell us their three statements (2 true, 1 false) • We will try to guess their false statement

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