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Strategic Program Planning in Higher Education: Objectives and Evaluation

Explore effective program planning and evaluation strategies for higher education institutions. Learn to set clear program objectives, develop instructional plans, and assess outcomes. Enhance your ability to align goals with the mission and achieve meaningful results.

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Strategic Program Planning in Higher Education: Objectives and Evaluation

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  1. Program Planning and Evaluation in Higher Education 2/26 EAD 877

  2. Introduction and Review • Interactive Model - Sorting and Prioritizing Program Ideas • Using People, Organizational, and Environmental Factors - Cristy • Criteria - Importance and Feasibility • Nominal Group and Delphi • HEP Speaker

  3. The Internship Experience Developing Program Objectives Sisco & Cochenour Donaldson & Kozell Case Study, D’Andra SOSSeminar, Karen Dr. Cliff Akujobi, MDCD Consultant for Adult Education Goals Objectives Outcomes Exercise with Internship Experience Agenda for February 26

  4. The Case of Carolyn as useful example for the Internship • Where to begin? Develop Objectives Find Instructors Determine Costs Facilities Evaluation

  5. Internship -Where do you want to go with this program? • Objectives • Instructional Plans • Transfer of Learning

  6. How will you determine if you have gotten there? • Evaluation • Communicating Results

  7. How do you want to get there? • Formats • Staff • Budgets • Market

  8. Using the Internship as Example • Does it fit with the Mission? • Is there a match between and among the program objectives - how they are evaluated - how they are designed? • What is the outcome? Using HEP program as an example:

  9. Was the outcome of HEP to have 50 GEDs a year or:to be a productive member of society? Orboth - or is one aGOALand one an OBJECTIVE

  10. Goals and Objectives of the Internship program • Goal is the INTENT - Why are we doing this? Why is this worthwhile? • Usually goals are part of the Mission Statement • Objective - is to provide a clear statement of the anticipated results to be achieved through the program. Objectives then serve as a foundation for

  11. Instructional plans, EvaluationComponents, & Transfer plansThink through the GOAL of the Internship Program, then Objectives of the program - the GOAL should line up with the mission; the OBJECTIVES would be specific statements that the internship experience would provide

  12. Program objectives focus primarily on what participants are expected to learn as a result of attending a specific education program. This learning results in changes in individual participants, groups of learners, organizational practices and procedures, and/or communities or segments of society. Program

  13. Objectives that focus on change in individuals are often translated into learning objectives

  14. Wrapup • Define the Program Objectives for the Internship Program • Interviews • Critical Analysis - Metaphors • Reflections - due week of Feb 26 • Spring Break - Play Hard

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