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Plant Morphology Michael G. Simpson

Plant Morphology Michael G. Simpson. General Terms Can be used for more than one structure/organ. COLOR / COLOR PATTERN SIZE NUMBER Cycly - no. of whorls (series) Merosity - no. of parts per whorl. - thick, leathery - hard, ~unbendable - thin, dry, translucent - fleshy. TEXTURE

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Plant Morphology Michael G. Simpson

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  1. Plant MorphologyMichael G. Simpson General Terms Can be used for more than one structure/organ

  2. COLOR / COLOR PATTERN SIZE NUMBER Cycly - no. of whorls (series) Merosity - no. of parts per whorl

  3. - thick, leathery - hard, ~unbendable - thin, dry, translucent - fleshy TEXTURE coriaceous indurate scarious succulent

  4. FUSION Fusion of like parts: connate coherent Fusion of unlike parts: adnate adherent Lack of fusion of like parts: distinct Lack of fusion of unlike parts: free contiguous

  5. SHAPE : Solid (3-D)

  6. strap- shaped acicular ensiform oblong narrowly oblong linear

  7. narrowly elliptic elliptic widely elliptic orbicular

  8. ovate lanceolate widely ovate oblanceolate obovate lance-ovate oblance-ovate

  9. deltate rhombic trullate narrowly triangular widely triangular triangular

  10. pandurate reniform cordate / cordiform falcate spatulate subulate

  11. obtuse rounded cuneate narrowly cuneate attenuate truncate cordate reniform auriculate hastate sagittate oblique peltate

  12. entire serrulate dentate crenate spinose ciliate filiferous doubly serrate serrate denticulate crenulate erose ciliolate

  13. acute obtuse rounded narrowly acute cuspidate caudate acuminate truncate emarginate retuse mucronate mucronulate apiculate aristate cirrhous spinous

  14. Division pinnately lobed pinnately parted pinnately divided pinnately cleft sinuate incised palmately lobed palmately parted palmately divided laciniate pectinate palmately cleft

  15. Division bipinnatifid pinnatifid tripinnatifid decompound

  16. Disposition(a character set)= relative placement of objects position arrangement orientation posture

  17. Disposition(a character set)= relative placement of objects position - relative placement of unlike objects

  18. posterior (adaxial) adaxial (ventral) distal/apical terminal (apical) lateral (axillary) abaxial (dorsal) proximal/ basal anterior (abaxial) basal/ radical acrocaulis cauline general position specialized position

  19. Disposition(a character set)= relative placement of objects arrangement - relative placement of like object

  20. decussate non-decussate distichous spiral whorled alternate opposite equitant imbricate valvate fasciculate secund

  21. Disposition(a character set)= relative placement of objects orientation - angle relative to central axis

  22. Orientation appressed ascending inclined horizontal / divergent reclined descending reflexed depressed

  23. pendant/ pendulous antrorse retrorse connivent erect

  24. Posture(a character set)=placement relative to a horizontal plane transverse posture - placement of tip longitudinal posture - placement of margins twisting/bending posture

  25. flexuous recurved cernuous squarrose incurved

  26. conduplicate revolute involute cup-shaped (abaxially concave, in this case)

  27. plicate undulate/repand resupinate geniculate

  28. SURFACE canaliculate punctate rugose/bullate striate

  29. SURFACE papillate/ verrucate/tuberculate aculeate/prickly farinaceous/scurfy muricate glaucous – with a waxy coating viscid – with a sticky secretion

  30. SURFACE bearded ciliate/ ciliolate comose

  31. SURFACE lanate/villous pubescent puberulent tomentose tomentulose hispid pilose arachnoid scabrous hirsute lepidote strigose strigulose sericeous floccose

  32. glabrous - smooth, with no trichomes

  33. Symmetry zygomorphic (bilateral) actinomorphic (radial) biradial asymmetric

  34. Temporal Phenomena: Duration annual – living one growing season (gen. ≤ 1 year) biennial – living two growing seasons (2 years) perennial – living many growing seasons (∞ years)

  35. Temporal phenomena: Duration evergreen – persistent two or more growing seasons deciduous – persistent one growing season, then falling off caducous/fugacious – falling/dropping off early accrescent – growing beyond what is typical

  36. Temporal phenomena: Maturation protandrous – stamens mature first within a flower protogynous – pistils mature first within a flower

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