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SME Competitive Overview

SME Competitive Overview. Brian Greene and Darrell Riddle Sr. Product Managers. Agenda:. Continuous Protection Overview Symantec Continuous Protection Server (Panther) Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) Breakdown of key features & Matrix IBM Tivoli Continuous Data Protection

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SME Competitive Overview

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  1. SME Competitive Overview Brian Greene and Darrell Riddle Sr. Product Managers

  2. Agenda: • Continuous Protection Overview • Symantec Continuous Protection Server (Panther) • Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) • Breakdown of key features & Matrix • IBM Tivoli Continuous Data Protection • Breakdown of key features & Matrix • Legato Replistor • Breakdown of key features & Matrix • Windows ‘R2’ Corral • Replication technology • SRM functionality • Breakdown of key features • Feature Matrix • ArcServe 11.5

  3. Continuous Protection Server Disk-based data protection Eliminates Backup Windows Industry’s First Web-Based File Recovery Complete Protection for all data Data Protection Manager Disk-based backup and recovery Near Continuous data protection Rapid and Reliable Data Recovery Operational Simplicity Top Level Positioning High level positioning is similar

  4. DPM Target Customer Profile • Midmarket organization (100-999 employees) • Less than 50 servers • Servers are 70%+ Windows • 5-9 TB of primary disk capacity • Multiple Windows Server System products • Uses Active Directory • Currently evaluating or considering disk-to-disk solutions Target market is similar

  5. Top 10 Benefits Claims of DPM • Recover files in minutes instead of hours • Eliminate the backup window of your production servers • Shrink potential data loss down to one hour • Rely on having no more failed recoveries • Get easy and instant backup verification • Enable users to perform their own recoveries • Set up and protect your file servers in minutes • Use advanced functionality at low cost • Remove tapes from branch offices and centralize backups at the data center • Rich out-of-the-box reporting and monitoring functionality Source: Microsoft

  6. Why would a customer consider DPM • They are Microsoft • *Operational efficiencies they expect to gain by standardizing on Microsoft products: • Microsoft data protection solutions would have superior integration with Microsoft applications and server infrastructure compared to other vendors’ offerings • Leverage existing Microsoft skills to more easily manage the data protection process • *Customers also tend to have a high level of confidence in the Microsoft brand and believe that the company has the necessary resources to compete effectively in the data protection market * source: ESG Research

  7. Symantec Continuous Protection Severvs.Microsoft Data Protection Manager

  8. Remote Office Exchange BE 10d Backup Exec Server = DPM SQL = Backup Exec 10d Only Backup Exec Provides a Complete Solution File Servers Lower Cost Better Reliability

  9. CPS Continuous - No Gap Capture all changes in real time – at the block level Admin and end users can restore from the current version of the file and versions of files in shadow copies “Out of the box” recovery points are set for current version and every hour between 8:00 AM and 5:00PM DPM Near Continuous - At Least 1 hour Gap Shadow copies can only be scheduled hourly (max frequency) Admin and end users can only restore from shadow copies “Out of the box” recovery points are set for 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM & 6:00 PM Data Protection Gap How large is the data protection gap?

  10. 10d BE DPM Only Backup Exec 10d continues to capture changes as they happen. DPM does not. But only Backup Exec 10d continues to capture changes as they happen. DPM does not. But only Backup Exec 10d continues to capture changes as they happen. DPM does not. Backup Exec 10d immediately protects it. DPM does not. Backup Exec 10d immediately protects it. DPM does not. But data keeps changing… Again, both solutions can take a snapshot on an hourly basis. Again, both solutions can take a snapshot on an hourly basis. Both solutions can take a snapshot on an hourly basis. Both solutions can take a snapshot on an hourly basis. A file is created… A file is created… V4 V1 V2 V5 V1 V1 V2 V3 V4 V4 V4 V5 V1 V3 Understanding Backup Exec 10d Continuous Protection 11:15 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:00 10:00 11:00 10:00

  11. CPS Windows 2003 for the Protection Server Can use existing Backup Exec media server and existing storage Uses existing Internet Explorer browser for end user recovery DPM Windows 2003 for the DPM server Requires dedicated server for the protection role, with a minimum of 2 physical disks Updated Volume Shadow Service client for end-user recovery Active Directory Must pre-allocate storage Installation Requirements DPM requires incremental hardware investments

  12. CPS No additional requirements DPM File and protection servers must all be on the same AD domain Must be logged in as the admin to run File servers added to a protection group cannot be protected by another instance of DPM Modification to the Active Directory Schema Setup and Configuration DPM is complex and proper configuration is critical

  13. CPS Simple Google-like web browser No software agent to install and manage Search – Download - Work DPM Windows Explorer Install an updated Volume Shadow Service client Navigate – Navigate – Navigate - ??? – Right Click – Select Version – Restore – Find File or Open Application - Work End User Restore DPM requires updated client software and training

  14. Demonstration

  15. CPS End user data Include/Exclude filters File selection flexibility File Server System State DPM End user data No include/exclude filters Cannot select at the file level No System State Data Protection DPM does not protect system state

  16. CPS Uses VSS for snapshots Extend generic with snapshot management policies allow admin to configure retention periods Admin can manually create and delete snapshots DPM Uses VSS for snapshots Snapshots are deleted by a first in, first out basis Version histories cannot be managed by policy Admin can manually create and delete snapshots Snapshot Management DPM does not have snapshot management

  17. CPS File changes will journal locally (protection continues) Backup job auto-resumes as soon as network connectivity is restored DPM Loss of network connectivity cancels current and future operations Admin must run a synchronization with consistency check in order to resume backup protection Remote Office Network Connectivity Disruption Network outages will cause DPM to fail

  18. CPS Complete disk-to-disk-to-tape solution Monitor CPS jobs with Backup Exec via SmartLink technology Protect file data and applications with a single solution DPM Point solution – disk-to-disk only Tape archival only possible with additional vendors (i.e. TapeWare) Overall Backup Strategy DPM is not a complete backup solution

  19. CPS Uses Backup Exec technology with over 10 years of backup experience Tested and proven DPM Version 1.0 release Untested and unproven Technology History DPM is new technology

  20. CPS Zero Files are protection continuously and the protection server is an exact copy of the business server If Business Server is not available the Protection Server can be used and accessed just like the Business Server File are available to users immediately DPM Long time Near continuous does not allow the same level of availability Recovery Time Objective/Recovery Point Objective DPM is new technology

  21. Microsoft DPM * via Backup Exec for Windows Servers and Backup Exec SmartLink technology

  22. Top 3 • We can’t ignore Microsoft’s entry into the market • Customers will look at their product • Do your homework • There are similarities at the high level comparison • Disk based • End user recovery • CPS outperforms DPM • Existing technology • Complete disk-to-disk-to-tape • Feature matrix

  23. Data Protection Manager (DPM) – New Agent in Backup Exec 10d • If customer decides to deploy DPM, suggest our new agent! • Supports archiving data from the Microsoft Data Protection Manager application • Backup and Restore of DPM Configuration data • Backup and Restore of Business Server data that resides on DPM server as protected server data • Restore to DPM Server or redirect to Business Server • Backup of DPM protected server data versions (shadow copies) • Represents a point-in-time backup of the original Business Server data • Recover data directly to original Business Server • Allows restore of DPM server from a disaster back to a state in which it is functional and protecting Business Servers

  24. Key Symantec Responses Answers to likely questions regarding Microsoft DPM

  25. Why choose CPS over DPM? • DPM lacks key features and functionality • NO Tape • NO Application Support • NO Web End User Retreival • NO Continuous Protection • NO System State protection • NO Shadow copy policy management • NO Connectivity resilience • NO Integration with Backup Exec

  26. If I already have Backup Exec, do I need DPM? • Continuous Data Protection is a feature not a separate company or product • DPM needs Backup Exec to provide a complete data protection strategy • Tape • Applications • Symantec does not need DPM to provide a complete data protection strategy • Backup Exec includes CPS • DPM cannot perform the task of existing Backup Exec products • Only Symantec offers full integration for a complete Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape solution

  27. Will DPM and Backup Exec work together? • Backup Exec offers a DPM Agent • Backup Exec and CPS offer more integration then Backup Exec with the DPM Agent • DPM has no SmartLink integration with Backup Exec • DPM configuration is likely to interfere with existing environments • BE CPS Snapshot backup with CPS is a one time configuration • BE DPM Snapshot backup has to be configured every time a backup job needs to happen

  28. BE BE AGENT DPM DPM DPM DPM CPA CPS CPA CPA Isn’t DPM less expensive then CPS? Does not include cost of separate server, as DPM requires its own server. 1Assumes BEWS 2Included 3Not Needed

  29. Other CompetitionIBM and EMC/Legato

  30. IBM Tivoli “Continuous Data Protection” (CDP) • Claim • “IBM Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for Files is an integrated recovery solution that provides complete data protection in case of a corruption, user error, virus, or system failure. IBM’s CDP for Files installs and configures in minutes, and runs invisible in the background. “ • Pros • Inexpensive - $35 per system license • Tivoli brand recognition • Cons • No centralized management – configuration must be managed at end user system • File replication to remote repository optional, and not realtime • Remote repository maintains only single version of files • Issues managing remote transmission when system activity high

  31. IBM “CDP”

  32. Selling against IBM “Continuous Data Protection” • Emphasize the “one-off” nature of the agent • No management means users can control (lose!) their data • No central way to roll out policy changes or manage quotas, revisions, alerts • CDP’s remote repository functionality is optional • Default rules include only local storage • Transmission from local to remote can be sporadic and affected by system activity • No quota management, file blocking, or alerting for remote storage • CDP is not real time • It watches for file changes, but logs and waits to replicate the files at later intervals (vs. DLO/CPS “always on” replication) • Constant system activity could delay replication and grow backlog of files, introducing gap in protection • DLO and CPS are built on proven technologies • DLO uses standard Windows file sharing and replication features • CPS uses proven and reliable Replication Exec technology in conjunction with Microsoft VSS

  33. Legato Replistor • Claim • Introducing the ability to trigger snapshots of file systems in RepliStor version 6.1 • Pros • Built on Replistor technology that has been in the market for many years • From EMC – reputable company • Cons • Expensive • To protect three servers will be $1,650 X 4 = $6,600 • Replication with VSS integration and not a backup design or paradigm • No restore interface for administrators or end users • No tape integration

  34. Legato Replistor

  35. More Microsoft Information

  36. Windows 2003 ‘R2’ • New Features • Replication Functionality • SRM Functionality • Feature Matrices

  37. Top 3 new ‘key’ features of Windows R2 • DFS Namespaces • includes DFS Replication • ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) • better access across computer networks • Better Quota Management • Also includes VDS (Virtual Disk Service) 1.1-compatible SAN SRM • Other minor features • Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, MMC 2.1 (with new task-oriented pane) • Common Log File System (CLFS) • IP– and Web–services-based hardware management support • New MMC Printer Management Console snap-in

  38. R2 DFS Replication functionality DFS Replication replicates only the differences (or changes) between the two servers Positioning - Eliminate the use of tape backup in branch offices Data is replicated from a server in a branch office to a server in a hub office or data center Administrators at the hub office can use backup software to back up the branch server’s data R2 Corral SRM functionality Storage Reports Directory Quota Information File-screening Information Microsoft Top Level Positioning

  39. Replication Exec Competitive Positioning • For remote office backup you should lead with Continuous Protection Server • User competitive matrix from DPM section • Customers should use a backup product for remote office backup not a replication product • Replication Exec and protect Exchange and SQL • Centralized Management • Supports replication for Windows 2000 and 2003 and not only Windows 2003 R2

  40. Competitive Positioning • SE 5.3 vs. R2 Corral Competitive Matrix

  41. SRM Competitive Positioning • SE 5.3 vs. R2 Corral • Position paper already exists helping sell against R2 • Flexibility to meet customers’ business needs • Backup Exec integration • Demonstrated leadership and proven technology • Extensive reporting • Centralized administration • Content filtering

  42. Competitive Positioning • Some more key technical differences * Existing Functionality Enhanced in Revolutions

  43. Backup Exec vs. ArcServe 11.5 • CA has announced ARCserve 11.5 and made it available early September • Platform updates • 64-bit platform updates (AMD Opteron, Intel Itanium & EM64T) • Network Appliance Snap Lock Support (Regulatory Compliance) + WORM support • Novell NetWare and SuSE Linux updates • New features • SharePoint Portal Server Agent • Disk To Disk to Tape Option • Windows 2003 OBDR • Support for Vmware and MS Virtual Server • Access the flexibility of RMAN from the ARCserve UI • SAP Agent on Linux • Lotus Agent on Linux • VSS incremental/differential backup support • Many new features for other BrightStor products

  44. ARCserve 11.5 new languages support • Day 1 • English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean • 120 days later • Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Turkish, Greek, Polish, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Norwegian

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