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AVAILABLE EEA CSIs FOR BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Workshop on the implementation of the EEA core set of indicators and reporting system for the Western Balkan countries. 18 September 2006, Sarajevo, BiH. Part 1.Air Quality and Climat changes. Source:
AVAILABLE EEA CSIs FOR BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Workshop on the implementation of the EEA core set of indicators and reporting system for the Western Balkan countries 18 September 2006, Sarajevo, BiH
Part 1.Air Quality and Climat changes Source: • Federal Meteorological Institute -FBiH, Environmental Sector • Production: • Nacional Referent Centre for • Air Quality and • Air emission Preparing – Mr. Martin Tais
Available CSIs Air pollution and ozone depletion • CSI 001 Emissions of acidifying substances Preliminary GHG emissions for "Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Common Reporting Format (CRF) spreadsheets for 1981-1991, and 2004. Year from Federal Meteorological Institute.This is prepared with CORINAIR Methodology and include All SNAP-s , unless Civil aviation, LUCF ,prepare new report for 2004. • Indicator definition • The indicator tracks trends since 1990 in anthropogenic emissions of acidifying substances: nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and sulphur dioxide, each weighted by their acidifying potential. • The indicator also provides information on emissions by sectors: energy industries; road and other transport; industry (processes and energy); other (energy); fugitive emissions; waste; agriculture and other (non energy).
Methodology for indicator calculation • To obtain emission values for the acidifying substances, the gap-filled emission values are multiplied by an acidifying potential factor, (de Leeuw (2002)). The factors are NOx 0.02174, SO2 0.03125 and NH3 0.05882. Results are expressed in acidification equivalents ktonnes. For the main indicator trend graph, emissions are shown indexed to 1990 values (1990 emission =100). • COMMENT: • For Bosnia and Herzegovima, in this moments we have onli data for two Years (1990 and 2004.year).
CSI 002 Emissions of ozone precursors • Indicator definition • This indicator tracks trends since 1990 in anthropogenic emissions of ozone precursors: nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, methane and non methane volatile organic compounds, each weighted by their tropospheric ozone-forming potential. • The indicator also provides information on emissions by sectors: energy industries; road and other transport; industry (processes and energy); other (energy); fugitive emissions; waste; agriculture and other (non energy). • Units • ktonnes (NMVOC-equivalent)
Methodology for indicator calculation • To obtain emission values for the ozone precursors are multiplied by tropospheric ozone formation potential factors, (de Leeuw (2002)). • The factors are: • NOx: 1.22, • NMVOCs: 1, • CO: 0.11 and • CH4: 0.014. • Results are expressed in NMVOC equivalents (ktonnes). For the main indicator trend graph, emissions are shown indexed to 1990 values (1990 emission =100). • COMMENT • For Bosnia and Herzegovima, in this moments we have onli data for two years (1990 and 2004.year).
CSI 004 Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas Data available from automatic 5 station,next Year 9 station. All data is uploaded in CDR in EIONET of EEA from 2000.- 2004. • Indicator definition • The indicator shows the fraction of the urban population that is potentially exposed to ambient air concentrations of pollutants in excess of the EU limit value set for the protection of human health. • The urban population considered is the total number of people living in cities with at least one monitoring station. • COMENT • In analyses is included only cca 50% urban population. In other city we have not measurement air quality. Assessment, other city have better air quality.
CSI 004 Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas • Exceedance of air quality limit values occurs when the concentration of air pollutants exceeds the limit values specified in the first Daughter Directive for SO2, PM10, NO2 and the target values for O3 as specified in the third Daughter Directive. Where there are multiple limit values (see section on Policy Targets), the indicator uses the most stringent case: • Sulphur dioxide (SO2): the daily limit value • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2): the annual limit value • No data for PM10 and O3 • Units • Percentage of the urban population exposed to ambient air concentrations (in microgramme/m3) of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
CSI 004 Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas Figure 1. Percentage of urban population exposed to sulphur dioxide concentrations above the limit value for the daily mean (125 microgramme SO2/m3).
CSI 004 Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas Figure 2. Urban population exposed to nitrogen dioxide concentrations above the limit value of 40 microgramme NO2/m3
CSI 006 Production and consumption of ozone depleting substances • All data is prepared in Ozone Unit Bosnia and Herzegovina • This data are sent to Grida and not include with data in presentation – to mach table and data.
Climate changeCSI 010 Greenhouse gas emissions and removalsBiH • Indicator definition • This indicator illustrates current trends in anthropogenic GHG emissions. Emissions are presented by type of gas and weighted by their global warming potentials. • The indicator also provides information on emissions from sectors: energy industries; road and other transport; industry (processes and energy); other (energy); fugitive emissions; waste; agriculture and other (non-energy). • Units • Million tonnes CO2-equivalent • GHG emissions for "Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Common Reporting Format (CRF) spreadsheets for 1981-1991, and 2004. from Federal Meteorological Institute.This is prepared with CORINAIR Methodology and include All SNAP-s , unless Civil aviation, LUCF andremovals
Part 2.Temperature Source: • Federal Meteorological Institute -FBiH, Meteorological Sector • Production: • Meteorological Sector Preparing – Mr. Zeljko Majstorovic
Methodology for indicator calculation • Using Global warming potentials (GWP), emissions of individual gases are translated into CO2 equivalents that can be added up to one figure. • GasGlobal warming potential (GWP) • carbon dioxid 1 • Methane 21 • nitrous oxide 310 • sulphur hexafluoride 23900 • HFCs and PFCs comprise a large number of different gases that have different GWPs – non include • COMMENT • For Bosnia and Herzegovima, in this moments we have onli data for two years (1990 and 2004.year).
Climate change • CSI 012 Global and Eurpean temperature • Definition • The indicator shows trends in annual average global and European temperature and European winter/ summer temperatures (all compared with the 1961-1990 average). The units are degrees C and degrees C per decade. • Units • Degrees Celsius and degrees Celsius per decade.
AVERAGE ANNUAL TEMPERATURE IN SARAJEVOIndicator is 0.0073 oCper year, which means 0.073 oC per decade.
Methodology for indicator calculationCSI 012 Global and Eurpean temperature • Four data sets on trends in global and European temperature have been used for this indicator: • Global average monthly and annual temperature from Climatic Research Unit (CRU) University of East Anglia, UK. The data set is a global average temperature increase, given per month for the period 1851-now. Reference period is 1961-1990 average. Unit is degrees Celsius. • European average annual and monthly temperature, is the European subset of Dataset 1 prepared by using the routine of the climate explorer of the Netherlands Meteorological Office KNMI (using a 35-70 N latitude and -15 - 65 East longitude grid). • Trends in annual, summer and winter temperature station data in Europe from European Climate Assessment (ECA) programme. The data set represents the decadal change in mean annual, summer and winter temperature at different meteorological stations across Europe. The time period is 1976-1999. • Trends in the frequency of summer days (>25 degrees C) and cold, and heat wave occurrence, based on station data in Europe from European Climate Assessment (ECA) programme. • Projected trends are based on 6 IPCC scenario's (Intermediate ACACIA scenario) and are available in IPCC WG2 report Climate change 2001 Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK
Part 3. Waste indicator Source: • Bosna-S Oil Services Company Sarajevo • Production: • Bosna-S Oil Services Company Preparing – Mr. Fethi Silajdzic
CSI 016 Municipal waste generation • Methodology for indicator calculation • Precise waste related data does not exist mainly due to lack of systematic monitoring and reporting in the country. The data given above is based on information received through a targeted questionnaire from several municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The municipalities with relevant data are given in the table below. For the calculation of specific waste generation inkg per capita, the amounts of municipal waste collected and disposed by municipalities was divided by the population in the municipalities served by the municipal waste collection services. It is important to note that the data is mostly based on estimates, except for the municipalities in the Sarajevo area, where a weigh bridge is available at the disposal site. • Almost 100% of the reported amounts of municipal waste collected by or on behalf of municipal authorities is landfilled. The bulk of this waste stream is from households, commerce, offices and public institutions. It is estimated that the figure contains up to 5% of construction waste. The total population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is estimated to be 3.8 million.
Part 4. Water indicator Source: • Federal Meteorological Institute -FBiH, Hidrological Sector • Production: • Nacional Referent Centre for • Water Preparing – Ms. Esena Kupusovic
Water • Methodology applied for CSI O20 and CSI 019 indicator calculation • Station selection: Selection obtains all stations with data for period 2000-2005, except stations that are located relatively close to the mouth and stations on Sava river (bordering river between BiH and Croatia). • Remark • Different institutions organize monitoring: River water quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been organized by three institutions: Directorate for water in Bijeljina (Republic of Srpska), Public Enterprise Vodno podrucje slivova rijeke Save,and Public Enterprice Vodno podrucje slivova Jadranskog mora. Systematic water quality monitoring in Sava river basin in Federation of BiH have been organized at the end of 2005, so, there are no available data on water quality for upper part of Sava river basin in BiH for period 2000-2005; • Monitoring activities are not harmonized : sampling frequency, methodology, ..
Nutrients in freshwaters (CSI 020) - Rivers • Definition: • Concentrations of orthophosphate and nitrates in rivers. • Units: • Concentration of nitrates is expressed as mg nitrate mg (NO3)/l , and orthophosphate and total phosphorus as microgram P/l.
(CSI 020) - Rivers • Nitrate concentrations in BiH rivers (20)
(CSI 020) - Rivers • Orhophosphate concentrations in BiH rivers of Sava river catchment (13
(CSI 020) - Rivers • Phosphorus concentrations in BiH rivers (20)
Oxygen consuming substances (CSI 019) - Rivers • Definition: • Biological Oxygen Demand resulting from organisms in water that consume oxidable organic matter, and ammonium in rivers. • Units: • BOD after 5 days of incubation is expressed as mg O2/l and total ammonium concentrations in micrograms N/l.
(CSI 019) - Rivers • BPK5 in BiH rivers
(CSI 019) - Rivers • Ammonium concentrations in BiH rivers
Bathing water quality (CSI 022) - Marine • Definition: • Compliance with standards for microbiological parameters (total coliforms and faecal coliforms) and physicochemical parameters (mineral oils, surface-active substances and phenols) introduced by the EU Bathing Directive (76/160/EEC) • Units: • The data are expressed in terms of percentage of marine water complying with the standards. • Methodology applied: • Presented indicator is based on summer-season monitoring of the quality of bathing waters (three areas near hotels "Neum", "Sunce" and "Zenit" in Neum) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Microbiological quality of the Adriatic Sea in Bosnia and Herzegovina was observed wider that it was prescribed in very old National standards for recreational waters that have been in force in B&H from 1980 (B&H Official Gazette 19/80 - only one microbiological criteria is based on upper limits of 500 total coliforms per 100 ml).Except total coliforms, during 2001 - 2005, it was monitored faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci. We are expecting very soon to adopt a New Water Law in B&H (which is prepared according to EU WFD) and after that to adopt Regulation for bathing waters in B&H (with several microbiological parameters).
(CSI 022) - Marine • Percentage compliance of BiH coastal marine bathing waters complying with standards
Use of freshwater resources (CSI 018) • Definition: • The water exploitation index (WEI) is the mean annual total abstraction of freshwater divided by the mean annual total renewable freshwater resource at the country level, expressed in percentage terms. • Units: • Water exploitation index - WEI (%); water abstraction for irrigation, public water supply, manufacturing industry and energy cooling (mio. m3 per year). • Notes on available data and methodology applied: • Public water supply system • Data source for period 2000-2004 are Statistical Yearbooks. Data are collected through regular annual reports of municipal business entities and municipal services which run the public water supply. Reports are partially based on records and documentation, and partially on estimates. • Data source for 1990: “Okvirna vodoprivredna osnova Bosne i Hercegovine”, 1994
(CSI 018) • Public water supply system – Total volume of water taken
(CSI 018) • Volume of water delivered to households
(CSI 018) • Volume of water delivered to industry and other activities
(CSI 018) • Volume of water losses
(CSI 018) • Total volume of water abstracted by public water supply - Percentage of water losses and water delivered to households, industry and other activities