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Fahmuddin Agus Indonesian Soil Research Institute Jln . Juanda 98, Bogor 16123, Indonesia. Actions to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture while Responding to Climate Change Goals. REDD-plus after Cancun: Moving from Negotiation to Implementation Building REDD-plus Policy Capacity for
Fahmuddin Agus Indonesian Soil Research Institute Jln. Juanda 98, Bogor 16123, Indonesia Actions to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture while Responding to Climate Change Goals REDD-plus after Cancun: Moving from Negotiation to Implementation Building REDD-plus Policy Capacity for Developing Country Negotiators and Land Managers 18-20 May 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
Coverage • Introduction • Indonesian agriculture • Actions to achieve sustainable agriculture and reduce emissions, and supporting policies needed • Conclusions
Food crops Source: http://database.deptan.go.id/
Production of major food crops (million ton) Source: http://database.deptan.go.id/
Food crop agriculture • Area almost constant, intensification in rice and maize • Susceptible to extreme climate conditions (drought, flood) and indirect effects entailed (pest and diseases) • The main indicator for food security and affect social and political stability
Development of plantation crops Source: http://database.deptan.go.id/
Development of oil palm plantation High Yield (3.6 t PO/ha/yr) Low yld (1-2 t/ha/yr) Source: Dir. General of Estate crops (2010)
PRODUCTION OF PALM OIL, 1967-2009 Source: Dir. General of Estate crops GE (2010)
EXPORT OF PALM OIL Export volume Source: Central Bureau of Statistics (2010)
Land use change to OP from 1990–2009 Source: Agus et al. 2011 (on-going study, unpublished)
Plantation/tree based agriculture • Oil palm plantation area increases very rapidly. • Generate foreign exchange earning • Supports regional development , especially in Sumatera and Kalimantan islands • A driver of LUC • OP plantation provides employment to more than 3.5 millions households (as workers and farmers) or about 15 million people
Agriculture in GHG Emissions Without LUCF Source: MoE, 2009 With LUCF
Emission Rdxn target from the BAU of 2020 From REDD+ to REDD++ or REALU Source: MoE, 2009
Actions that potentially reduce emission: Peatland • Avoided deforestation • Control of peat fire • Use of ameliorant • Water table control: as shallow as possible to the level that does not detriment plant growth • Prioritization of the use of drained peat shrubs for plantation development
Actions on Mineral soil • Rehabilitation/utilization ofImperata grassland and shrublandfor tree-based farming • Soil organic matter management: minimum tillage, organic matter recycling, use of biochar
60 cm Processes entailed in peat forest conversion (1) Change in time average C stock 0~250 t C/ha 30-50 t C/ha (3) Peat (soil) burning Peat subsidence (peat) 300-800 t C/m/ha in peat soil 15-200 t C/ha in surface of mineral soil (2) Soil C oxidation
Potential emission related to LUC on mineral soil Source: Agus et al. (2009)
NAMA-LAMA and expected emission reduction in “Agriculture”
Avoid deep drainage (reduce drainage depth by about 10 cm) in peatland agriculture
Rehabilitation of bare/Imperata grassland with tree based farming
Soil organic matter management on (annual) upland agriculture
Land swap for agric.extensificationfrom high C stock (including peat) land bank to low C stock areas within same district
Summing the ER from Agric.(under very conservative assumptions)
Basic Requirement for NAMA-LAMA Development • Emission factors • Verified and agreed land cover and land status map for developing LUC matrices
CONCLUSIONS • Indonesian agriculture intensifies and the area extends (esp. for OP) in response to domestic and international demands • Rehabilitation of low C-stock land to tree-based agriculture can reduce GHG emission and at the same time improve the economy and livelihoods. Clearance of land status and tenure is a prerequisite. • Technical and financial supports are required for developing smallholder tree-based farming. • Swapping the land bank to low C-stock areas promises a significant ER, but requires legal reform on land status. • Verified and agreed land cover and land status maps and emission factors are the key to moving forward