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MC MetaData. Rick St. Denis – Glasgow University Rob Kennedy–FNAL For the CDF DH group. Outline. Storing Files from Anywhere Describing the file you want to store Accessing the information Choosing files for a dataset Recommendation. StoringFiles from any SAM Station.
MC MetaData Rick St. Denis – Glasgow University Rob Kennedy–FNAL For the CDF DH group
Outline • Storing Files from Anywhere • Describing the file you want to store • Accessing the information • Choosing files for a dataset • Recommendation
StoringFiles from any SAM Station • Install a Sam Station • Sam store –-descrip=ImportClasses.py -–source=. --dest= /pnfs/cdf/sam/SA/SA00/SA0001/ SA0001.0/
The Description File from import_classes import * appfamily=AppFamily('generator', '6.203', 'pythia') t = SAMMCFile(filename,Events(1, 10, 10), "generated", appfamily, "5/9/2003 13:48", "5/9/2003 13:48", 18,{ 'Global':{ 'ProducedByName':'lecci', 'OriginName':'GridKa', 'Phase':'unspecified', 'FacilityName':'cdf-fzkka', 'ProducedForName':'kerzel', 'RunType':'Monte Carlo', 'GroupName':'cdf', 'WorkRequestID':'03021105838', 'Stream':'m', 'Description':'10 events b bbar test MC',},
The Description File(more) 'Generated' : {#'CDFRelease':'4.9.1hpt1', 'AppFamily':'generator', 'AppName':'pythia', 'AppVersion':'6.203', #'UseQQ':'false', 'RanSeed1':'48572', #'RanSeed2':'64245', 'RunNumber':150110, 'FirstEvent':'1', 'LastEvent':'10', 'TotalEvents':'10', 'NumRecords':'10',
The Description File (YOU Decide) #'Pythia_MSel':'5', #'PtLt':'99999.0', #'PtGt':'5.0', #'EtaLt':'4.2', #'EtaGt':'-4.2', #'CardfileVersion':'v00-04-20', #'CardfileDir':'np', #'UseEvtGen':'null', #'UseComphep':'null', #'KinMassGt':'2.0', #'CollisionEnergy':'1960.0', #'MultiplePartonInteractions':'on', #'UseOnetop':'null', #'PDFLibFunc':'null', #'Production':'cc',
The Description File (YOU Decide) #'HppMass':'200.0', #'Decay':'incl', #'SVX':'enabled', #'COT':'enabled', #'Muon':'enabled', #'Calorimeter':'enabled', #'TOF':'enabled', #'PassiveMaterial':'enabled', #'BeampipeCentral':'true', #'TOFGeometyModel':'Survey', #'COTSuperLayer_DriftModel':'Garfield',
The Description File (YOU Decide) #'COTSuperLayer_CreateMCOT':'false', #'COTSuperLayer_COTM':'true', #'CDFHalfLadder_PickSVX_CDM':'geometric', #'CDFHalfLadder_SVX_CDM_noise':'hits', #'CDFHalfLadder_PropagatedSI':'true', #'CDFHalfLadder_CreateSIXD':'true', #'TOF3Pack_level':'usrtuned', #'TOFReco_Pulses':'simple', #'TOFReco_Extrapolator':'gemeometric', #'TOFReco_TZero':'NegLog', } } )
Accessing information • Access information to see how files were produced • Access information to make datasets based on the information stored with files sam get metadata --file=test1_rec.root File Type: SAMMC Data File File Name: test1_rec.root File ID: 1493397 File Size: 18 [KB] CRC Data: unknown crc value [unknown crc type] File Start Time: 05/09/2003 13:48:00 File End Time: 05/09/2003 13:48:00 Physical Stream: m File Format Info: unknown file format
Accessing information First Event: 1 Last Event: 10 Total Events: 10 Application Family: generator Application Name: pythia Application Version: 6.203 Import Process ID: 0 Node Name: cdf.fzk.de Work Group: cdf User Name: kerzel Produced For: kerzel Produced By: lecci Origin Location: gridka Origin Facility: cdf-fzkka Physics Channel: Description: 10 events b bbar test MC
Accessing information MC Phase: unspecified Run Number: 150110 Run Type: monte carlo Run Start Time: 05/09/2003 13:48:00 Run End Time: 05/09/2003 13:48:00 Run Description: 10 events b bbar test MC Run CM Energy: 0.0 Parent Files: [] Split: 0 Merge: 0
Accessing information by key Key: appfamily = generator (Category: generated) Key: appname = pythia (Category: generated) Key: appversion = 6.203 (Category: generated) Key: firstevent = 1 (Category: generated) Key: lastevent = 10 (Category: generated) Key: numrecords = 10 (Category: generated) Key: ranseed1 = 48572 (Category: generated) Key: runnumber = 150110 (Category: generated) Key: totalevents = 10 (Category: generated) Key: facilityname = cdf-fzkka (Category: global) Key: groupname = cdf (Category: global) Key: originname = GridKa (Category: global) Key: phase = unspecified (Category: global) Key: producedbyname = lecci (Category: global) Key: producedforname = kerzel (Category: global) Request ID: 0 Data Tier: generated
Creating a Dataset Sam create dataset definition --defname=mcbot3 --group=cdf --defdesc=‘bottom mc’ --dim=‘facilityname cdf-fzkka and groupname cdf and run number 150110 and appname pythia and appversion 6.203’ The hard part: anticipating how users can get unique results when they make a dataset! This then goes into the dataset=mcbot3 in your DHInput.
Recommendation • Each of the 5 physics group MC producers give thought to how data are to be accessed and develop a policy • Start with Saverio and B group to try this out and see how we want to specify the data