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It matters not what you want to change in your life, health, fitness, career, relationships,money, this one secret works for them all. www.thepowerofpositivehabits.com
Want Massive Changes In Your Life Right Now? By Dan Robey This Self Improvement article is provided to you for FREE courtesy of www.thepowerofpositivehabits.com. You have the right to share this document with anyone you want so long as it is not altered in any way.
I am going to show you how to institute massive change in your life right now!
I am going to teach you the "one" secret and it is not a DVD movie :)
OK Dan, you got me excited, don't hold back on me now...What Is The "One" Secret?
Here is the one secret: If you want to institute massive change in any area of your life, you must take "massive action."
Here is how Tony Robbins stated it: "The path to success is to take massive, determined action."
OK, I am going to break this down for you now with an example to make it easy, and help you apply this powerful secret, to change your life RIGHT NOW!!
Let's say that you wanted to get in shape quickly, how could you take massive action to reach that goal?
Remember, our goal is to take massive, determined action to reach a goal.
Define your goal, in this case let's say that you decided you want to lose 30 pounds, that is a very specific goal. The more specific the better.
Go to your local library and look for as many books on health, fitness and weight loss that you can find
Don't look for 1 or 2 books...look for dozens!! Check out as many books at one time as the library will allow you to check out!
Now ask the librarian if they have videos that you can check out. Check out EVERY fitness video they will allow you to take at once!
Ask the librarian if they have any health and fitness books on tape or CD. Check out as many as you can!!!
Go to your local bookstore armed with a pen and notepad. Browse through all the latest books and magazines on health and fitness.
You are looking for tips that you can jot down in your notepad, websites you can go to later, case history stories of people like you who succeeded in reaching their weight loss goals, look for tips that you can write down.
Go to your local health food stores, the people that work in the vitamin department can be a wealth of information. Ask them what foods burn the most fat, ask them which weight loss techniques work the best.
Do you see what is happening here? You are taking massive, determined action pointed at one goal in your life.
Now you want to skim through the books looking for dozens of tips, diet choices, strategies. Write everything down in your yellow notepad.
Watch the videos, again writing down every tip that you find, it's all about acquiring massive knowledge now.
OK, now you have massive amounts of knowledge from which you are going to distill information that can be turning into activities, habits, lifestyle changes, and on and on.
From the moment you wake up in the morning, every action, every thought pattern, every food choice, every movement you make, is targeted to help you reach your goal.
You are now thinking hundreds of new thoughts, you now have dozens of new diet choices, exercise patterns, movement patterns.
Congratulations!! You have taken MASSIVE ACTIONS to reach your life goal