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Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi says that Aggression can be witnessed in different medical conditions including Alzheimeru2019s disease. This is a type of dementia that can generate various health problems. As per Praby Sodhi, it is important that a caregiver ensures comfort to a dementia patient. Whether physical or emotional, this comfort can play an influential role in calming down the person.
Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Tells How to Respond to the Causes of Aggression?
A feeling of anger that causes a person’s behaviour to become hostile can be termed aggression. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhisays that such a feeling can be witnessed in different medical conditions including Alzheimer’s disease. This is a type of dementia that can generate various health problems for a person. As a consequence of these, aggression may be the end result. The dementia specialist explains that aside from these problems, several factors can be responsible for causing aggressive behaviour. As per PrabhiSodhi, when this behaviour needs to be controlled, these factors should be thoroughly comprehended. PrabySodhi Shares Signs of Aggressive Behavior During Alzheimer’s disease, aggression can be seen in varying forms. When it is physical, the personality of a patient can change. He or she may begin to behave differently. The patient may often be seen in an anxious state as well. In this state, the person may begin to express anger verbally too. You may hear words that upset or disappoint you. According to PrabhySodhi, this type of dementia can result in extreme signs at times. Beyond harsh words and anxiety, a patient may become violent. This is when she/he may start throwing things at those around her/him. Pushing, hitting, kicking, etc., can be the other signs emerging due to this behaviour. PrabhiSodhisays that these signs can differ from one case to another. Based on the factors affecting the condition of a patient, the signs can be observed.
Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Tells Factors Causing Aggression in Alzheimer’s Patients • 4 factors can be the cause of aggression during Alzheimer’s dementia. These factors are such that they can determine most things associated with patients in his/her day-to-day life. Being aware of these factors will help caregivers or family members cope better with the situation. • Physical Factors • It may be known that Alzheimer’s disease can generate various physical issues for a person who has been diagnosed with it, says PrabhySodhi. Pain in the body, discomfort, unlikely sensations, infections such as UTI, etc., hint at some of these issues. The inability to bear them can make that person angry. • Type of Environment • Dementia specialists suggest that a patient suffering from this condition should be kept in a peaceful or calm environment. As a result of multiple changes occurring in the body, a noisy type of environment can make it more difficult to deal with the situation. When this environment has not been ensured, aggression can take place. • Medication • Unlike a minor health condition, Alzheimer’s disease can require the consumption of various drugs. To control this condition, as well as the other health problems linked to it, high dosage may be prescribed. PrabySodhi shares that the side effects of medication and dosage can cause other symptoms. These symptoms may, in turn, make behavior aggressive. • Behaviour of Caregivers • It is understandable that looking after a dementia patient is not always easy, explains PrabhySodhi. The situation can be all the more challenging when that patient is aggressive. When a caregiver is unable to properly behave or manage the person, anger can increase. Then the situation can be difficult for both the patient and the person looking after her/him.
Response to Aggressive Behavior • Although it is suggested to prevent anger, when behaviour has become aggressive, the proper way to respond to a patient should be known. The dementia expert, PrabySodhi opines that there is no one way to provide this response. It can be inclusive of several things to control the situation on the whole. • With respect to this, the following suggestions should be useful: • Control the Factors Linked to Anger • As will be understood now, various factors can lead to aggression. A caregiver must be mindful of these. The factors should be controlled so that this behaviour does not worsen. The help of a dementia specialist can be taken for properly control the same. This professional may suggest useful therapies or methods in this regard. • Ensure Correct Medication • Alzheimer’s indicates a major condition. Unlike minor or temporary medical conditions, this one cannot be treated on one’s own. PrabySodhi puts forth that only correct medication and methods should be used for treatment. For any side effects resulting from the medicine, medical professionals will be able to recommend what is best.
Relax the Patient • To deal with an aggressive patient, it is suggested that he or she be relaxed. On a regular basis, the person should be made to do things that induce relaxation. Thus, gradually, anger can be limited. Music therapies can be preferred for this purpose. Other than this, the following should help: • Exercise • Meditation • Pet therapy • Provide Comfort as a Caregiver • As per PrabySodhi, it is important that a caregiver ensures comfort to a dementia patient. Whether physical or emotional, this comfort can play an influential role in calming down the person. In addition to this, communicating without using negative words/words that hurt should be opted for.
Additional Things to do to Limit Anger When a patient with Alzheimer’s disease tends to become aggressive, PrabhySodhi opines that certain suggestions should be implemented by those around her/him. When the signs show that this person can throw things that come in the way, any objects that can physically hurt should be placed aside. Moreover, distractions should be limited to the possible extent when the signs are shown. Caregivers should consider venting out negative feelings that are causing anger. Once the signs have been witnessed, the feelings of the patient should be dealt with. Whether the person is feeling isolated, upset, or frustrated, by positively communicating, she/he can feel better. By and Large In Alzheimer’s disease, aggression can occur, owing to various factors. Considering which factor is causing it the most, a proper response can be prepared. This response may not instantly show results. But with time, regular practice can result in positive outcomes and limit the feeling of anger.