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DISH. D ata I nformation SH aring. USER GROUP MEETING 4.26.07. Introductions- Management Team Group Introductions- Name, District, & Job Description Purpose of Meeting: To outline and identify the current Administrative Process Action (APA) Processes for both CSE and Judicial.
DISH Data Information SHaring
USER GROUP MEETING4.26.07 Introductions- Management Team Group Introductions- Name, District, & Job Description Purpose of Meeting: To outline and identify the current Administrative Process Action (APA) Processes for both CSE and Judicial.
1115 Demonstration Grant • Awarded by the Federal Office of Child Support • Demonstration Grant- what does that mean? • Evaluation Component • Process Evaluation • Goals of Grant • Eliminate Manual Input on APA for the Courts • Eliminate Redundant Data Entry • Standardization of Court case types • Time savings for Judicial CSE Staff • Centralized Information Screens for Court and CSE Staff
National Perspective • September of 1998, OCSE worked with NCSC (National Center for State Courts) to host a national judicial symposium entitled "Children, Courts and the Federal Child Support Enforcement Program." • May 2003, a second national judicial symposium with the same title was convened. In each instance the goal was to improve collaboration between child support agencies and our partners from the courts and judiciary. • Those symposia resulted in the issuance of resolutions by the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) in early 2004 calling for greater collaboration between IV-D agencies and their judicial/court counterparts • OCSE facilitated the formation of the National Judicial/CSE Task Force- The task force operates through the following six subcommittees one being inter-jurisdictional case processing/electronic data exchange • This Judicial/CSE Task force convened a workgroup which met in Las Vegas last February to work on a standard data model for data exchange between CSE and Judicial using GJXDM
National Perspective Technology: • XML–eXtensible Markup Language • Markup Language = “tagging” data for recognition without concern about field lengths, internal database names, file structures Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) is a list of commonly used data elements that were compiled from actual data requirement sources and narrowed down and refined to result in a set of precise and well-defined data components. Global JXDM is intended to be a data reference model for the exchange of information within the justice and public safety communities. The Global JXDM is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, with development supported by the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative's XML Structure Task Force. The Global JXDM removes the burden from agencies to independently create exchange standards, and because of its extensibility, there is more flexibility to deal with unique agency requirements and changes. Through the use of a common vocabulary that is understood system to system, Global JXDM enables access from multiple sources and reuse in multiple applications.
Where have we been?Where are we going? • Where have we been? • Received Grant September 2006 • Formed Steering Committee • Management Team formed • Formed User Groups • Chartering Session January 2007 • Expanded User Groups Where are we going?
Committee Structure Steering Committee Oversee Project operation, approve major decisions and hiring, help with communicate with relevant professional communities Management Team User Group Judicial User Group CSE Small group comprised of analyst and programmers from both Judicial and CSE formed to assist the Steering Committee, and both User Groups as well as assist in the daily operation of the project Comprised of Users from Districts around the State to assist in the planning, development and implementation and testing of new programming. Comprised of Users from County CSE offices around the State to assist in the planning, development, and implementation and testing of new programming
SANCA Strengthening Abuse & Neglect Courts Act • Judicial and Colorado Department of Human Services partnered in the SANCA project in 2004 • Dependency and Neglect cases only • Real-Time data transfers between the two agencies • Manual connection of cases • Automatic updates once connection is made • Judicial and Colorado Department of Human Services partnered in the SANCA project in 2004 • Dependency and Neglect cases only • Real-Time data transfers between the two agencies • Manual connection of cases • Automatic updates once connection is made
ELEVATOR STATEMENT • For families who depend on timely execution of APA child support orders, the DISH project is an electronic case filing and information exchange program allowing CSE and the courts to exchange data electronically. Unlike the current paper dependent systems, this solution will expedite child support orders, reduce redundant data entry, and improve data accuracy.
Project Objectives • Improve the speed of APA Case initiation and the execution of the corresponding child support order • Produce processes which save time for judicial & CS staff • Produce processes that standardize the use of court case types JV and DR. • Provide centralized information displays combining data available from both ACSES and Eclipse/jPOD (judicial Processing on Demand).
Project Objectives • Provide a real-time system interface between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD for the electronic exchange of APA case intake & management data. This interface is intended to: • Reduce manual data entry of APA data at the court • Improve data reliability and consistency • Facilitate the quick assignment of a docket # by ICON/Eclipse to an APA case, and the timely delivery the docket # to ACSES • Assign and exchange FSR account # • Provide automatic and timely notification to ACSES that an APA order has been signed. • Provide automatic electronic data updates to between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD when APA case management data is modified
Project Objectives • Provide a real-time system interface between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD for the electronic exchange of APA case intake & management data. This interface is intended to: • Reduce manual data entry of APA data at the court • Improve data reliability and consistency • Facilitate the quick assignment of a docket # by ICON/Eclipse to an APA case, and the timely delivery the docket # to ACSES • Assign and exchange FSR account # • Provide automatic and timely notification to ACSES that an APA order has been signed. • Provide automatic electronic data updates to between ACSES & Eclipse/jPOD when APA case management data is modified
Administrative Process ActionCase Flow~ App or Referral Case Review & Locate Service of Process Negotiation Conf. Stip Default Temp Order
Wrap Up • Homework Assignment- Try to meet with your CSE/Judicial Counterpart – develop some ideas of how you would like the APA process to work- by 5.14.07 • Next Meetings • May 23, 2007 • June 21, 2007