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ASSIST Annual Conference

ASSIST Annual Conference. A European Context for NPfIT? David Lloyd-Williams Silicon Bridge Research. Healthcare IT is global UK is currently the thought leader for infrastructure UK does not have a monopoly on good ideas Europe (and others) are watching NPfIT with great attention.

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ASSIST Annual Conference

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  1. ASSIST Annual Conference A European Context for NPfIT? David Lloyd-Williams Silicon Bridge Research

  2. Healthcare IT is global UK is currently the thought leader for infrastructure UK does not have a monopoly on good ideas Europe (and others) are watching NPfIT with great attention Is Europe relevant?

  3. Infrastructure is one of the key enablers of ehealth along with ehospital If NPfIT and NCRS does what it says on the label, then Europe will follow in their own style The skills that put NPfIT in place will be in a strong position in Europe (people and organisations) Is NPfIT relevant to Europe?

  4. £m £ 4,000 eHealth/eGov NPfIT LSP £ 3,000 NPfIT N3 NPfIT NASP £ 2,000 Services £ 1,000 Existing spend Rest of UK 0 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2004/5 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 NPfIT is c35% of a Larger Health ICT Market in UK

  5. Sector Comparison of IT Spend Annual spend per employee (UK-2000/01) £8,790 £5,538 £4,333 £3,833 £3,393 £3,017 £2,920 £979 Finance Distribution Utilities Health Manufacturing Government Other services Business services

  6. A concept, not a ready-to-buy product or service Rapidly evolving - its path of development needs to be shaped Linking existing systems with new technology to deliver new services Technology to deliver eHealth is complex - it needs smart design and management Scope for change with ICT alone islimited – needs to be associated with BPR and change management Definition of eHealth

  7. Shared global characteristics Government intervention Freeform unspecified processes Arcane professional structures Simplistic demand/cost model Increasing complexity Now driven by imperatives Patient safety Consumer accessibility Demographic changes Productivity improvement Cost control Why is Healthcare different?

  8. eHealth applications & integrated medical devices Infrastructure development Current ICT expenditure profile Potential European Healthcare ICT Market

  9. Growth of eHealth in EU 152001-2010 (constant euro) Source: HINE, 2003

  10. Provision of active infrastructure Enterprise wide software support Greater emphasis on integration Clinical process Cultural issues Acute & community Patient involvement Decision support Innovative delivery European forecasts assume substantial increase in spending

  11. Potential 10 Year Scenarios Market forces Market/ supply driven Science/ technology driven Professionals Consumers Tensions Incremental/ ad hoc approach Big bang/ inclusive approach Government

  12. eHealth is all about transformation -transforming healthcare is profoundly difficult. All these scenarios can support eHealth The most effective way forward will use a combination within a common context for health Must be flexible enough to cater for different start points, culture, economics and politics Healthcare and eHealth need all the help they can get. Industry is a key element of this but also the ‘Health IT’ and ‘IT Health’ people eHealth implementation scenarios

  13. Product scale and clinical credibility Response to local conditions Current state of development & technology How to generate more capacity for getting to market Funding of projects Treatment of ‘pilot opportunities Timescales for market entry Marketing led rather than sales or tenders multiple overlapping projects at varying pace Suppliers will respond in different ways to reflect:

  14. Time to recognise patient safety as an urgent issue European care providers lack basic ICT tools Telemedicine failing to deliver significant benefit Need healthcare ICT business infrastructure Government and industry must collaborate Science based solutions will shape future Inevitable trend towards mixed market economy Accession states likely to set new trends eHealth will be both enabler and political tool Investment required for process transformation Messages for Europe

  15. Europe sees NPfIT as a large scale UK funded pilot Europe committed to networked citizen-centred health but not yet to the strong political & organisational leadership necessary to make it happen If UK (you) succeed, Europe will follow (in their own ways!) Messages for UK

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