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Expressing W ishes

Expressing W ishes. Wish ‘1 ’. We use wish + past simple when we want a situation or thing in the present to be different or to change . He wishes that he were rich . I wish I didn’t have to get up so early . Other variations : I wish he was writing for me .

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Expressing W ishes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ExpressingWishes

  2. Wish ‘1’ • We use wish+ past simple whenwewant a situation or thing in the present to bedifferent or to change . • He wishesthathewererich . • I wish I didn’t have to get up soearly . • Other variations : • I wishhewaswriting for me . • I wish I could help her .

  3. Our regret refers to the present Wish + past simple

  4. Examples : Regret Wish I wish I wasn’t fat I’m fat I don’t have anyfriends I wish I hadsomefriends I can’tswim I wish I couldswim

  5. Wish‘2’ • We use wish+ pastperfect to express a wish about the past • Theywishthattheyhadstudiedharder whentheywereyoung . • ( theydidn’tstudy ) • I wishI hadn’tmarriedhim . • ( I marriedhim )

  6. Our regret refers to the past Wish + pastperfect

  7. Examples : Regret Wish I wish I hadn’tlostmypen I’velostmypen I didn’t go to the party I wish I had gone to the party I didn’twork for the exam I wish I hadworkedfor the exam

  8. Wish‘3’ • We use wish+ would to saythatyouwantanotherperson to do ( or not to do ) somthing ; oftenbecauseyou are annoyed or to complain about a thing or a situation . • I wishyouwouldn’tbeso rude . • I wishmymotherwould let me go out till late • }notice that in these situations the subject of wouldisneverI{

  9. Wantingsomeone to do something or complaining about annoying habits Wish + would

  10. Examples : Regret Wish I wishyouwouldn’t biteyournails You always bite yournails I wishyouwouldn’ttreat me like a child You treat me like a child He doesn’tunderstandwhatyoumeant He wisheshewouldunderstandwhatyoumeant I wishyouwouldlistento me You neverlisten to me

  11. I’dlike to buythat car but I don’t have somuch money I wish I had more money !

  12. He’ssountidy ! I wishhewasn’tsountidy I wishhewouldbetidier

  13. I saidsomethingstupedat the meeting and nowI’msosorry ….. I wish I hadn’tsaidthat

  14. I didn’tstudy hard enough for the exam …. I wish I hadworked a bit harder ….. If I hadworked a bit harder ; I would have passedmy test

  15. You’replayingyour music soloudly ! I wantyou to stop .please ! I wishyouwouldn’tplayyour music soloudly !

  16. It’s a pitywecannotenjoyour new convertible car because of the rain I wishit stop raining !

  17. But …. Rememberyoucannot use would for wish about yourdelf !! I wish I wouldbe taller I wish I was taller

  18. Now ; guessherwishes

  19. I’dlike to be in Italynow …. I wish I was/were in Italynow

  20. Whydoesn’tit stop raining ? I wishitwould stop raining !

  21. Oh ; no ! …. I didn’tbring the washing in ! I wish I hadbrough the washing in !

  22. Whydoesn’tmyhusbandwashhisownshirts ? wishhewouldwashhisownshirts Also …I wishhewashedhisownshirts …although the privious option wouldbe more common

  23. Moving to Britainwas a mistake I wish I hadn’tmoved to Britain

  24. Now tell yourpartner ….

  25. Twothingsyouwishyouhad /hadn’tdonewhenyouwereyounger . • Two possessions youwishyouhadwhichwouldimproveyour life . • Twothingsyouwishyoucan do but youcan’t. • Twothingsyouwishyourpartner/ brother / sister / parents / friend . Etc ; would do or wouldn’tbecausetheyannoyedyou .

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