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All E uropean A cademies. ALLEA President Professor Jüri Engelbrecht Academies and Young Scientists: Towards a European Young Academy? EU Presidency Conference “Researcher in Europe without Borders” 28-29 April 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists.
All European Academies ALLEA President Professor Jüri Engelbrecht Academies and Young Scientists: Towards a European Young Academy? EU Presidency Conference “Researcher in Europe without Borders” 28-29 April 2009, Prague, Czech Republic
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists ALLEA represents 53 National Academies of Sciences and Humanities in 40 Europeancountries According to an ALLEA surveyconducted in early 2009 (to bepublished): • most Member Academies offer specific support forearlycareer scholars, such as: • Research programme support (GEBIP: TurkishAcademy of Sciences) • Fellowships (e.g.: Royal Society) • Doctoralscholarships(e.g.: PolishAcademy of Sciences) • Prizes (e.g.: Otto WichterleAward of ASČR) • Travel Grants (e.g.: Swiss Academies) • Young Scientists’ Fora / Clubs (e.g.: Israel, Estonia, Finland) • etc. • very few offer a role in the science policy function of the Academy Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists ALLEA aims at strengthening the role of youngscientists in the development of a visionfor the European Research Area • SomeMember Academies have established Young Academies: • DE: BBAW / Leopoldina: Die JungeAkademie(2000) • NL: KNAW: De Jonge Akademie(2005) • AT: AustrianAcademy of Sciences: JungeKurie(2008) • which offer anopportunity to: • Enableinterdisciplinary research • Establish a network of futurescience leaders • Encourageplayinga role in science policy debates • Embrace responsibility to support early enthusiasm for science Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists ALLEA works towards a European Young Academy together with partners (e.g. ESF) Background: • Increase in substandial funding for early career researchers in Europe (EURYI / Marie Curie / ERC Starting Grants) • Few early career scholars in science policy bodies • Better platforms for preparation of innovative interdisciplinary exchanges • Better interaction needed for science & society interaction (incl.: science education!) Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists Discussions • Learn from successful national Young Academy models (ex.: DE, NL, AT) • Learn from other young scholar networks (WAYS; Lindau; TWAS; IAP/WEF) • Consult with ALLEA Member Academies (survey > report > debate) • Consult with partners (ESF: cooperation between research councils and academies; EU; others) Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists Next Steps • London III/2009: Discussion between research councils and academies • Vienna VI/2009: Brainstorming workshop with early career scientists selected competitively Europe-wide and with panel of national Young Academies • Amsterdam XI/2009: ALLEA General Strategy Meeting (discuss report) • Venue tbd 2010: World Panel on Young Academies • Venue tbd, Summer 2011: Launch Conference Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists Issues to be resolved: • Degree of independence:supported by, but independent from mother academies • Method of selection: self-rejuvenation?; representation?; scientific balance? • Financial support: • public/private mix needed • basic support for activities; seed money; no grants Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists Function of a European Young Academy • Stimulate scientific dialogues; • Contribute to science / society debates • Voice of next generation of science leaders in Europe • A way to move forward in ERA / EHEA for the next generation Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists Worldwide Context National: e.g.: Sudanese Academy of Sciences International: “Annual Meeting of New Champions” Launched in Tianjin, China, 26-28 Sept 2008 Supported by IAP and World Economic Forum ALLEA Predident chaired Programme Committee • ca. 50 young scientists (recommendations worldwide) • Two special sessions • Managing Science for a better world • The Role of Frontier Sciences in Shaping Society Next Meeting: Dalian,China, 9-12 Sept 2009 • Proposals for participation expected from academies Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists IAP/WEF joint initiative • Tianjin Statement of Global Young Scientists: “Passion for Science, Passion for a Better World” • Conclusion: “Making a better world needs better science – we young scientists are ready to contribute our share” Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists
ALLEA: Academies and Young Scientists More Information: ALLEA Secretariat P.O Box 19121 1000 GC Amsterdam The Netherlands T: +31 (0)20 5510754 F: +31 (0)20 6204941 E: secretariat@allea.org Prof. Jüri Engelbrecht, 28-29 April 2009, PragueAcademies and Young Scientists