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Seneca Valley Scheduling for 9 th grade 2012-2013 school year Presented by the Guidance Department of the I.H.S. Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Administration Mr. Alan Cumo Principal Mr. Robert Raso Vice Principal Mrs. Maria Brooks Dean of Students
Seneca Valley Scheduling for 9th grade 2012-2013 school year Presented by the Guidance Department of the I.H.S.
Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Administration Mr. Alan Cumo Principal Mr. Robert Raso Vice Principal Mrs. Maria Brooks Dean of Students Mrs. Denise Manganello Cyber School Principal
Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Guidance Counselors Mrs. Kress Students A-G Mr. Del Prete Students H-O Ms. Calder Students P-Z Mrs. Edwardo Guidance Intern
Scheduling materials: You will receive a yellow scheduling form and scheduling instructions in your classroom presentation. The Program of Studies book is available at: www.svsd.net academics Program of Studies 9-12
Seneca ValleyGraduation Requirements • English 4.0 credits • Speech 0.5 credits • Social Studies 4.0 credits • Math 4.0 credits • Science 3.0 credits • Physical Education 2.0 credits • Health 0.5 credits • Arts/Humanities 2.0 credits • Electives 4.0 credits
SV SV Credits Every class you take at Seneca Valley has a specific credit value. Semester course .5 credit Full year course 1.0 credit Full year course with lab 1.4 credit To earn credit, you must pass the class with a 65% or higher (final average).
SV Remember…. To graduate from Seneca Valley, you must earn 24 credits To become a sophomore…4 credits To become a junior……..10 credits To become a senior……..16 credits
English • English 9 • Honors English 9 (requires an 83% or better in English 8, teacher recommendation and successful completion of summer reading and writing assignments) Remember to have your present teacher sign your registration form!
Math • Algebra 1 • Algebra 1 TE • Geometry TE • Geometry • Honors Geometry • Algebra 2 TE • Algebra 2 • Honors Algebra 2 The recommended math sequence is in the Program of Studies
Science • Principles of Biology 1 (0.5 credit) • Principles of Biology 2 (0.5 credit) • Biology (1.4 credits) • Requires an 80% or better in Integrated Science and teacher recommendation • Honors Biology (1.4 credits) • Requires a 90% or better in Integrated Science and teacher recommendation
Social Studies • U.S. History 1 (1787-1860) U. S. History 2 (1860-1914) • Honors U.S. History 1 (1787-1860) Honors U.S. History 2 (1860-1914) The prerequisites for Honors History are a 90% in 8th grade Social Studies and recommendations from the current Social Studies and English teachers.
Honors Weighted Receive One-Half Additional Weight (Number of Honors Credits x 0.125) divided by number of years available for students to choose Honors English 9 Honors US History 1 Honors US History 2 Honors Geometry Honors Algebra 2 Honors Biology Honors French 2 Honors German 2 Honors Latin 2 Honors Spanish 2
Physical Education Personal Physical Fitness Physical Education Advanced Physical Education
Arts & Humanities and Electives • Arts and Humanities include courses in the following departments: world languages, art, drama, music, family and consumer sciences, technology education, English and/or social studies • Electives to meet the total of 24 credits for graduation are available from all departments, but may not duplicate those credits used to fulfill the two credits in Arts or Humanities.
The elective courses will help you discover areas of interest for future electives, hobbies and careers. • The program of studies shows • the relation between the • 16 national career clusters and • Seneca Valley courses. • See your counselor for further help in determining your future options. What electives should I take?
Study Halls • On site tutoring with math and English faculty members • Time to complete homework • Make up missed assignments from absences • Use the library facility
Electives If you are recommended for biology or honors biology, you will have a biology lab two days a week and study hall three days per week.
Principles of Biology If you would like to have a study hall, write study hall in one or two of the elective spaces. (there is no course number for study hall) If you want no study halls, complete all blanks with courses.
Electives • English • Family and Consumer Science • JROTC • Technology Education
Performing Arts Dance Instrumental and Vocal Theatre Video Production Visual Arts
World Language A world language taken in 8th grade will show on your transcript. It will not be used in the QPA calculation or toward graduation requirements. 2-3 years of a world language are often needed for college admission. Some colleges require 2-3 years on the high school transcript. Colleges vary on whether they will count the 8th grade world language toward their admission requirements. Students who have completed the first year of language in 8th grade will have the option of taking a regular or honors level foreign language in 9th grade. Please see the prerequisites in the program of studies.
Reading/Math Strategies Courses You may be scheduled in a Math and/or Reading Strategies course in place of a study hall or elective. This will be determined by your performance on standardized assessments.
SV Cyber & Arts Academy • Students may be enrolled full-time from home, part-time from home or as a supplement to traditional classes • Students will receive a letter grade that will be included in the QPA calculation. • The on-line cyber application must be completed for enrollment in a cyber course.
Reminders… If you have an I.E.P., ask for help in scheduling from your assigned teacher. If you have a G.I.E.P., please refer to the information you will receive from the IHS gifted department for scheduling a study hall.
More reminders… • Pay close attention to the descriptions in the program of studies. (course numbers, prerequisites, length, grade level). • The course listing contains a comprehensive list of all classes that are offered for the 2012-2013 school year. • Don’t forget to complete substitute courses on your form! • Signatures needed: core academic areas, 2nd year of a world language, some performing arts courses. • Share this plan with your parents…and have one sign your • registration form!
Schedule Changes Course request changes can be made through the end of the school year. Teachers may make recommendation changes based on students performance during the second semester. There is a three day add/drop period at the beginning of the school year.
Registration Pick-Up Students will be entering their course selections into the Computer and turning their schedule forms in according to the following schedule: Tuesday, February 21 Mr. Koromaus & Ms. Mitnick Wednesday, February 22 Mr. O’shea & Ms. Cenna Thursday, February 23 Mr. McCracken Please have your schedule completed and ready to turn in on that date. Ninth grade, here I come!
Freshman Open House August 2012 You will be mailed a completed schedule for your child in August. The Intermediate High School will invite you to visit and tour the school. The guidance staff will be available to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Career Guidance The Bridges Program will be used with every student as a key component to career guidance. The guidance counselors will be conducting classroom presentations in every ninth grade history class. Your child will have the opportunity to create an on-line portfolio which will be used to store information on career interests and post-secondary educational opportunities.
Create A Respectful Environment Students will be involved in a classroom discussion during the Tuesday activity period. These discussions will involve topics relevant to bullying, academic issues and good citizenship.
Thank you for attending this evening’s presentation! For further information, call the I.H.S. guidanceoffice at (724) 452-6042 extension 2065.