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August 16, 2012. Music Faculty Meeting. New Faculty Members and Guests. Introductions. Summer events, 2012. Congratulations to Kent and the Cardinal Singers as representatives to the joint U.S.-Cuba Choral Symposium in Havana Year of the KY Ambassadors
August 16, 2012 Music Faculty Meeting
New Faculty Members and Guests Introductions
Summer events, 2012 • Congratulations to Kent and the Cardinal Singers as representatives to the joint U.S.-Cuba Choral Symposium in Havana • Year of the KY Ambassadors • Year three of FIPSE Consortium grant with CCM and Brazilian universities in Campinas and Brasilia. • Faculty members in range of festivals and camps: Brevard, Sewanee, Jackson Hole • Individual travel: Amchin to China, Mattingly, Ramach to Germany, Wolek to Poland • Honors, Kathy Karr, presidential award for teaching and Krzyztof Wolek awarded the Al Smith Award for Artistic Achievement conferred by the Ky Arts Council.
Building upgrades • Bird Hall video projector and planned conversion to HD capability, planned mic upgrades. • Computer Lab upgrades, printer changeover to print card / cardinal card control. • Marching Band storage • Video linked classroom in 140 and conference room 145. • Music therapy program to create clinical facility in the music building. • Expansion of lockers / storage for percussion and methods class instruments.
Karen Little Music library updates
Toni Robinson New Student Enrollments
Auditioner Survey for 2012 • Very strong influence to consider UofL in Music auditioners not attendingattending • music faculty 43% 29% • high school music teacher 29% 16% • music admissions 14% 13% • UofL music student 14% 26% • private music teacher 7% 26% • Initial ranking of interest 79% 2nd choice or lower 72% 1st or 2nd in UofL Music choice
Auditioner Survey, p.2 • Number of auditions in 57% 2-4 auditions 29% addition to UofL 29% 5+ auditions 3% • Music scholarship offers 50% 3-4 offers 10% 3-4 offers 36% 1-2 offers • Academic scholarship offers 57% 3-4 offers 13% 3-4 offers 42% 1-2 offers • Overall cost to attend UofL 29% more 16% more 29% same 52% same 43% less 32% less
Auditioner Survey, p.3 • “Very Important” influence on decision: reputation of music school 71% 77% degree programs offered 71% 52% overall cost to attend 71% 45% • Looking at combined data from all respondents, ranking of factors: 1. Reputation of music school • 2. Overall cost to attend • 3. Degree programs offered • 4. Reputation of university • 5. Music facilities • 6. Contact with applied faculty • 7. Location
Technology Report and Commentary • Matt Crum
University Planning / Reporting • University Scorecard
Special Events, 2012-2013 • 2012-2013 is the year of anniversaries; the 10th in our relationship with the Szymanowski Academy in Katowice, the 20th of the Annual Music Faculty Gala, the 75th of the Chamber Music Society, and the 75th of the Louisville Orchestra. • The Cardinal Singers continue its string of invitations to perform at the national ACDA meeting in March, 2013 and the Wind Ensemble earned an July, 2013 invitation to Switzerland to perform for a symposium of wind music in Interlaken.
Special Events, 2012-2013 • For the annual M.L.King celebration in January,2013 the school joins with St. Stephens Church in premiere of Andre Wilson piece on M.L. King. • In late March, 2013 the school and UofL partners with the LO in a consortium grant from the Nat’l Endowment for the Humanities in a program entitled “Copland in Mexico” featured in LO Classics series and in a chamber music concert at UofL. • In late April/early May the Grawemeyer Players premieres a new Sebastian Currier work celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Chamber Music Society.
Special events, 2012-2013 • The school is invited to take part in Dr. Ramsey’s Presidential Outreach program by presenting a concert in Bowling Green on September 24 at the new Southern Ky Performing Arts Center (SKyPAC). • The school will support the annual Homecoming Celebration by partnering with Alumni to present a Big Band Homecoming Bash at the Henry Clay on Friday, Oct. 19.
Budget issues for FY 2012&2013: The Good, the Bad, and the … • The school exceeded tuition budget by $58,000 on expectation of about $4 million. • 3.2% in redux in FY 2012&2013, not 4% which saves about $40K in general funds. • Divisions did very well in adjusting spending and stayed within budget expectations. • Pre-collegiate dance budget improved to a point of near-balance at end of FY ‘12. • School anticipates a positive balance when all accounts are reconciled for FY ‘12. • Support for graduate fellowships from SIGS was strongly leveraged by the school.
Budget, p.2The Good, the Bad, and the … • The Community Music Program balance sheet continues to be problematic. • Technology costs for faculty / staff equipment replacement spiked in FY’12. • Music equipment replacement / repair costs exceeded budget. • Yields from endowment / new endowments have not yet bounced back because of investment market conditions.
Budget, p.2The Good, the Bad, and the Future • Expectations for tuition budget increased by $¼ million. New student enrollments will be important, as will retention of all students. • Current budget scenarios met through : • Use of the school’s previous FY balance for current year. • Redux of funding for expense spending in printed music, guest artists, copying /printing. Faculty / staff searches at entry / junior level. • Other exp. budgets reduced & rebalanced in Jan.
Curricular initiatives for 2012-2013 • Video-linked faculty for scheduled courses in music therapy • Additional on-line courses brought into schedule. • Music entrepreneurship workshops and seminars presented by Jennifer Potochnic. • Performance enhancement coaching from Harry Pickens. • Completion of Ideas to Action video series of course exemplars in critical thinking in music.
Curricular Planning Initiatives • In an initiative to shift time usage, divisions are asked to consider use of blended content delivery incorporating web-based instruction with face to face instruction by substituting on-line modules for blocks of instruction, or reducing # of class meeting times weekly. • Ensemble division is asked to consider the feasibility of modular rehearsal /performance schedules to provide more flexibility in student scheduling, repertoire studied, and faculty flexible time.
Curricular Planning Initiatives, p. 2 • Consider the addition of two additional tracks for music education certification in instrumental music and in vocal music P-12. • Music education course syllabi content review with teams of K-12 teachers working with music ed class faculty members. • Undergraduate Honors program in Music • String Education / String Academy / Suzuki Strings / Suzuki Teacher Education /connections with El Sistema through Marie Racine
Other school initiatives • Workshops with Delphi Center at the School of Music dealing with designing web-based instruction. • Faculty Searches • Reorganization of the school • Recruiting and Outreach Committee • Convocation revisited • Policies for technology support • Printing in the computer labs
Faculty To-do’s • Put the schedule of faculty meeting dates and student audition days on your calendars. • Review your biographies and photos currently on the website. If you don’t have a bio, please write one (150-250 words) and send to Debbie Hawley via email. If you would like a new photo for the site, or you need one, please notify Matt Crum.
Summary of spending, 2011 expenses, 2012 personnel $4,723,612 Full and Part-time Faculty, Administration, and Staff Salary & Benefits costs for FY 2012. $1,732,000 Music financial aid spent from endowments / music budget. (endowments, $1.1 million, and general funds, $675,000. $6,455,612 Subtotal for personnel and music financial aid.
Summary, p. 2 $628,239 Operational expenses for FY 2011 excluding student touring. (Funding sources include endowments, gifts, and general fund sources.) $7,083,851 Budget total minus student touring. General fund monies allocated to SoM are $5.73 million, leaving the balance of our spending from endowments / gifts.
Values • As we seek to identify how to best reduce our general funds budget by $229,300, what are critical elements / priorities? • Maintaining music major enrollments to meet anticipated tuition generation requirements in excess of $4 million for FY 2012 and $4,240,000 (est.) in FY 2013. • Maintenance / growth of general education music curriculum as a matter of mission and maintaining total credit hour generation for the school.
Strategies • Meeting our obligations to reduce our general fund budget will doubtless require a combination of strategies. Some will be relatively benign and not apparent to the casual observer. Others will be very apparent. Here are some possible conceptual strategies that the school may consider…
Possibilities… • #1 Eliminate programs equivalent / approaching the amount of the budget reduction. • +This strategy has the advantage of leaving programs that remain in the school largely undisturbed and could increase resources to remaining programs because of a redistribution process. • - The process of identifying programs for elimination the process for elimination of tenured and other faculty, and the subsequent reduction of enrolled / potential students are all problematic. • - Conflicting answers between mission, values, and program elimination.
Possibilities, p. 2 • #2 Reductions in expense spending followed by personnel and / or financial aid spending until the target reduction is reached. • If given permission to replace four tenure-track faculty, these would all be assistant professor status (creates $40,000 - .69% of university budget). (total .69% redux) • Reduce general fund expense spending by $30,000 and use/convert unused scholarship dollars to general fund sources for expense spending in the spring semester ($30,000 - .52%). (total 1.21% redux) • Shift support for all special events from general funds to endowed / gift / revenue source of funds. ($15,000 - .26%). (total 1.37% redux)
Possibilities, p. 3 • Cancel automated call director ($17,500 - .30%). (total 1.67% redux) • Reduce / eliminate spending for guest artist, travel, touring, equipment, technology support from general funds and shift remaining costs to endowments / gifts. This will impact Digital Lab, Faculty / Staff technology support, division-funded guest artists, instrument replacement (reduction of $30,000 in spending - .52%). (total 2.19% redux) • Reduce spending for marching band by same increment as SoM reduction ($17,600 - .30%). (total 2.49% redux)
Possibilities, p. 4 • Eliminate expenditures for desktop printing. (creates savings in printer tax and supplies, $4,000 - .06% ) (total 2.55% redux) • Reduce / eliminate archival recording expenses from general fund sources and shift necessary spending to fee increases, ie. recording fees for student recitals ($8,000 - .14%). (total 2.69% redux) • $162,100 total value of reductions in these actions, leaving a balance of $67,100 in reductions to identify.
Possibilities, p. 5 • Where do we find another $67,200 in reductions? • Combinations of: financial aid, elimination of open faculty positions, elimination of CMP and/or Dance Academy if not able to achieve positive revenue position, overall reduction of spending for part-time faculty members, shift assignments from part-time to full-time faculty members.
2011 FY spending in the school • Breakdown of expense spending for FY2011 from general funds, gifts, endowments. • Faculty travel $24,280. • Guest artists $21,260. • Instructional supplies $4,950. • Printed music $44,770. • Office supplies $20,830. • Operating services $22,370. • Postage $5,844. • Printing $26,885. • Public rel., marketing, $51,650. • Receptions, dinners • Short-term visit artist $4,450.
Spending FY 2011, p. 2 • Student recruitment $5,337 • Student travel $81,570 • Contract (maint, recordings, $154,000 tuning, filming, moving • Technology services $39,235 • Telephone, email $33,104 • Other expenses (opera exp, $95,450 • Grawemeyer award, camps)