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3rd Training Workshop

3rd Training Workshop. Zealand, 1-3 June 2010 Holger Robrecht and Ania Rok ICLEI Europe. overview. Module 1 (Wednesday 10.00 - 11.30) Political Commitment as a diplomatic challenge Module 2 (Wednesday 11.45 - 13.00) Political Commitment as a diplomatic challenge

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3rd Training Workshop

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  1. 3rd Training Workshop Zealand, 1-3 June 2010 Holger Robrecht and Ania RokICLEI Europe

  2. overview • Module 1 (Wednesday 10.00 - 11.30)Political Commitment as a diplomatic challenge • Module 2 (Wednesday 11.45 - 13.00)Political Commitment as a diplomatic challenge • Module 3 (Wednesday 13.45 - 14.45)Political Commitment and implementation of actions • Regional training (Wednesday 14.45 - 15.15)Report & exchange

  3. political commitment

  4. whyispoliticalcommitmentkey • Todemocraticallymandateprocess & targets • Toresourceprocess & measures • Tomaintainprocess • Tomainstreamprocess • Toimplementaction Note: double role of politicians in council and municipal utilities

  5. therequirementschallenge • The EU Urban Thematic Strategy • (2005) • The 6th Environmental • Action Plan • The Territorial Agenda • (2008) • The EU Sustainable • Development Strategy • (2006) • The Aalborg Commitments • (2004) • The Covenant of Mayors • (2008) • The Urban Reference Framework • (2011?)

  6. thequalityoflife –challenge Name/event

  7. thequalityoflife – challenge Housing Social security Education Culture Mobility Communication Goods and Services Quality of life(Individual needs) (Urban) Infrastructure Transport Systems Energy and Water Supply Waste Management Housing Public Management Economicactivities&behaviour Water Soil Air Energy sources Peace & Quiet Other resources Natural resources(Natural common goods)

  8. the infrastructure challenge Billion 2003 global hectares 30 Long-term waste 10 Source: Mathis Wackernagel, 2006

  9. the mainstreaming challenge Implementation? Cyclicalprocedure? Peak Motivation Decline Initiative

  10. the mainstreaming challenge Periodic cycles ... ensure continuity

  11. regional / municipal utilities Source: TREA, Breisgau

  12. regional / municipal services Photo: Holger Robrecht

  13. Växjö, 2007

  14. ludwigsburg: march 2009 Name/event

  15. ‘good reasons’ • Local capacity development ! • Know-what, Know-where & Know-how: Priority setting for and while implementing and investing. • Compliance:EU standards, directives and legislation respecting local capacities. • Good Management:Efficiency, Effectiveness, Role Model • Performance:Orientation. Continuity. Stability. Monitoring of impacts of investments. • Competitiveness and economic benefits:Profile, Credibility, Reliability

  16. ‚good reasons‘ • Good Governance:Transparency for enhanced local democracy (Aarhus Convention) and improved integration of individual needs and municipal services. • Responsibility & Accountability:Enhancement of decentralised responsibility. • Future oriented politics:intergenerational justices Important note: Participation responsibility of local government (organisation of process).

  17. examples of commitments • Aalborg Commitments (ca. 700): sustainability - process, reference framework • Covenant of Mayors (ca. 1600): climate & energy - process, SEAP, 20/20/20 • Countdown 2010: biodiversity – measure • Urban Reference Framework (in preparation): sustainability – process, framework, benchmarking • National targets (e.g. Costa Rica: CO2-neutral by 2021) • …

  18. Action Areas: 1. Governance 2. Local Management Towards Sustainability 3. Natural Common Goods 4. Responsible Consumption and Lifestyle Choices 5. Planning and Design 6. Better Mobility, Less Traffic 7. Local Action for Health 8. Vibrant and Sustainable Local Economy 9. Social Equity and Justice 10. Local to Global mainstreaming local sustainability.aalborg commitments June 2004 Launch June 2010 about 700 Signatories

  19. kaunas, 07.09.2006

  20. neu-ulm, october 2006

  21. kaiserslautern, 24.01.2009

  22. council decision to implement • At the beginning of the process • What are the benefits of an sustainability management system? • What resources are needed? • Output: Political support of the process

  23. towards implementation • A political decision/agreement made by the municipality is the crucial milestone in order to guarantee the political backup of the implementation

  24. getting the formal council decision • If already adopted by the Council there will be debate over the targets and measures • If not adopted by the Council there will be debate over the system

  25. political commitment Get wind in your sails or the boat will sink! The output of the target setting process is a strategic programme The Strategic Programme should be presented and approved in City Council (recommended to have also the action plan and and organisational set-up approved) In some cities... the strategic programme is presented along with the financial budget to the City Council – the whole process is closely linked to the budget year- presented, monitored, evaluted and reported at the same time.

  26. thebeautyofcycles: budgetintegration AC1&2 AC 3AC 4AC 5AC 6 AC n Indicator Set Indicator Set Indicator Set Indicator Set Indicator Set Indicator Set Budget Line & Account Budget Line & AccountBudget Line & AccountBudget Line & AccountBudget Line & AccountBudget Line & Account Annual Municipal Budget

  27. example ludwigsburg / germany Economy & Work Coexistence of Generations and Nations Attractive Living Mobility Green Areas in Town Energy Education & Care Cultural Life Vital Town Districts Dynamic Town Centre A World of Sports

  28. example ludwigsburg / germany attractiveliving economy & work culturelife energy 5,0% 1,2% 11,1% 21,3% vital town districts 7,2% a worldofsports dynamic town centre 3,5% 13,4% coexistence of generations & nations education & care green areas in town mobility 20,8% 0,3% 11,2% 5,1% Name/event

  29. example: ludwigsburg / germany 11 Themes with strategic objectives Indicators for each of the themes Admin structure according to themes Master Plans for each theme Budget line for each Master Plan 4 Obj 4 Obj 7 Obj 8 Obj 7 Obj 5 Obj 8 Obj 4 Obj 8 Obj 5 Obj 7 Obj 6 Ind 2 Ind 6 Ind 3 Ind 3 Ind 4 Ind 4 Ind 8 Ind 7 Ind 6 Ind 5 Ind Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7 Plan 8 Plan 9 Plan 10 Plan 11 Budget 1 Budget 2 Budget 3 Budget 4 Budget 5 Budget 6 Budget 7 Budget 8 Budget 9 Budget 10 Budget 11 measure success monitor develop and implement finances 54 indicators 11 units 11 plans 1 annual city budget 67 objectives Name/event

  30. example växjö / sweden Budget material Annual account incl. sust. report Municipal budget Municipal Council Six month account Committees and Companies Internal budgets & actionplans Six month account Annual report • Municipal targets • Committee and company specific targets Reporting and evaluation

  31. target setting in the ecoRegion project objectives target(s) measure(s) themes priorities

  32. political commitment in the ecoRegion project implementation monitoring evaluation measure(s) budget

  33. region to city - cooperation • Region sets framework • Region supports implementation • Region implements • Region offers partnership platform • Region monitors and collects achievements

  34. examplesiena / italy From nicety to necessity… • 20. june 2006 Province of Siena, Mountain Communities and all 36 MunicipalitiessignedAalborgCommitments • Integratedstrategytodevelopenvironmentalsustainabilityfor the wholeprovincialterritory • Protocolof Agreement withallMunicipalitiesfor a common routeoflocal Agenda 21 • Fundamentalelementsofthisstrategy are bothprovincial LA21 andAalborgCommitments • This has created an innovative process of Agenda 21, whose strong points may be synthetically identified in the maximum involvement of the Sienese Local Authorities, and the acceptance by each individual authority of clear and shared tasks within the framework of sustainable development.

  35. some challenges • Political changes • Different priorities (eg. Finances) • Discreditation of LA 21 as ‚shadow cabinet‘ • Appropriate presentation of information • Relevance of issues • Cooperation region – municipality • Cooperation municipality - municipality

  36. other challenges? • Region as a communication platform, when national level is responsible • Short-term orientation of politicians • Privatized utilities • Different majorities at national and local government • Mistrust / Misunderstanding of roles between politicians and administrators

  37. key terms to distinguish • Strategic Programme • Action Plan • Debate • Decision • Budget • Account

  38. Baseline Review The Strategic Programmedocument prepared Pre- informing and involving the key decision makers Providing mayor with information for approval in the City Board Preinforming other key decision makers Presenting the Strategic Programme/Action Plan to Committees Informing other stakeholders Proposing to the Council Informing media and general public Proposal to the Council - Approval of the Strategic Programme/Action Plan by the Council Informing the general public Implementing the Action Plan the process

  39. from target setting to political decision • Strategic programme: priorities, objectives, targets, organisation • Action plan: financing, time frame, responsibilities, presentation • Stakeholder involvement: Seeking partnership agreements • Information and public consultation • Conduct political debate • Gain Council decision – Approval of targets and measures • Mandate administration – substantiate action plan, establish accounts • Communicate with citizens (relevant - step 1 through 5)

  40. involvement is key • To inform political process • To educate and practice • To integrate with other actions • To implement commitments

  41. “coffee with mayor” • Inform/involve key decision-makers well in advance • Most important are mayors/vice mayors/chairs of Board/Council or equivalent • Informal setting for first meeting

  42. briefing major political groups • Prepares the ground for the approval of the Strategic Programme at the council & creates political support further on during the implementation • It prepares the political groups and councillors for a meaningful debate on the contents of the Strategic Programme in Board, Committees & Council NOTE! Consider individual meetings with leaders of political groups

  43. informing & involving stakeholders • In parallel it is useful to inform/involve stakeholders to get their views and build support for the planned objectives and activities within the SP. • Use already existing arrangements for stakeholder involvement (Local Agenda 21 forum/working groups, reference/advisory groups, web-based consultation for citizens)

  44. informing the media and general public • When political leaders are made aware of the process the media and public can be addressed. • Will further build political support and contribute to citizen´s knowledge and understanding of the process.

  45. providing information for approval in board • Formal decision-making process normally start by proceeding the issue at the Board. • At the Board issues are normally presented by mayor/vice mayor (Note! differing adm. contexts) • Mayor or eq. should be provided with a briefing note/memo outlining the proposal/text that he/she should make at the Board.

  46. Strategic Programme (action plan?) the way to go for decision In some European countries the SP approval must also be taken by so called specialised committees before being brought to the Council. If so, the Board has to refer it first to committees and then (possibly after revision) to the Council NOTE! The city has to decide whether or not the action plan should also be approved by the council

  47. getting the formal council decision • If already adopted in Committees there will not be much debate in Council – only a formality • If not adopted in Committees there will be a debate in Council • Note though that approval of the SP without a debate is not always a sign of quality. • Experiences show that the debate will be on the targets – not on the management system

  48. councilapproval Landkreis Nordhausen 2002

  49. steering impact „The County Council of Nordhausen County shall approve: The County Council of Nordhausen County confirms the annual account of the environmental budgetary year 01.01. to 31.12.1999 (see enclosed Appendix “Environmental Budget Report 2000”). The enclosed annual account 2000 presents the result of the environmental budget year Naturhaushaltsjahres 1999 with the following elements: the environmental budget balance (master budget) sets up a comparison for all accounts (indicators); the statement of environment assets gives information on the natural capital of the County; the environment-benefit ratio is an overview above the relation between consumption of natural resources and the satisfaction of human needs („quality of life“). The environmental budget 2000 is not balanced, whereof further need for action for the years to come is to be derived. The coordination for Environmental Budgeting is with the Department for Environment and Nature Conservation. Claus, Chief Executive“ Landkreis Nordhausen 2002

  50. strategic programme • Time frame • Long term targets 10-15 years The document is: • updated with repetition of full management system i.e. 3-5 years (or earlier if necessary) • adopted by a city council decision • not overly detailed but displaying the overall priorities, indicators, targets and measures Name/event

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