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‘Imperial Presidency’. Military-Industrial complex. Changes in Industrial geography. Changing power balance between President and congress. ECONOMY. THE IMPACT OF THE COLD WAR ON THE USA 1945-63. POLITICS. Garrison State. Causes?. SOCIETY. Fear of Nuclear War. Red Scare. McCarthyism.
‘Imperial Presidency’ Military-Industrial complex Changes in Industrial geography Changing power balance between President and congress ECONOMY THE IMPACT OF THE COLD WAR ON THE USA 1945-63 POLITICS Garrison State Causes? SOCIETY Fear of Nuclear War Red Scare McCarthyism Consequences?
Eisenhower & Vietnam • Introduction to Eisenhower/context • French failure at Dienbienphu • Geneva Accords 1954 • Eisenhower’s legacy
Dwight D. Eisenhower • 20th Jan 1953 – 20th Jan 1961 • Inherits Truman’s commitment to the French in Vietnam. • As a result supports ‘puppet’ emperor Bao Dai. UNPOPULAR. • Continued to fund the French and their involvement in Vietnam. • Nov 1946 Vietminh (Communist) declare war on the French and Bao Dai.
Failure at Dienbienphu • Vietminh – smaller army, Vo Nguyen Giap trained the army in guerrilla tactics. By 1952 army of nearly 2 million. • Vietminh strategies exasperated the French. Losing support at home. • Great military struggle at Dienbienphu – French and USA believe this is the end of the war leading to a victory for the French. • USA provided $385 million of armaments to the French. JUST HOW IMPORTANT WAS VIETNAM TO USA? Should they get involved?
Was south east Asia vital to US security? • Should the US get involved? • What form should this involvement take? • Did the US army have enough troops? • Was victory possible alongside the French? • Were the US willing to clash with China? • How much was US willing to do without allied support? How might the USA react to the crisis at Dienbienphu?
Eisenhower believed south east Asia was vital to US security. • Communism threatened the USA – French were fighting Communism and it was easier to fund the French that send in American troops. • Dienbienphu – French request US involvement. Eisenhower concerned as he needs the French to stay strong. • 1954 – Sends 200 American technicians. • FIRST USA PERSONNEL PUT INTO VIETNAM. • Why get involved?.. ‘rollback’ policy – complete eradication of Communism (as opposed to containment) • Did not want to ‘lose’ in Vietnam. • Loss of Vietnam would impact upon the global balance of power – domino theory. • HOWEVER – decided to not offer support. French doomed to failure.
Vietminh attacked and the French suffered a humiliating defeat. • GENEVA CONFERENCE ON INDOCHINA 1954 • Trying to end the fighting in Indochina. • Stalin died – resolve Cold War tension. • Included: France, Bao Dai, Vietminh, Cambodia, Laos, US, USSR, People’s Republic of China and GB. • DIFFERING INTERESTS! Nobody could agree!
Geneva Accords 1954 • New French government. Determined to settle situation. • Agreed by Vietminh and France = Communist rule in North (Vietminh) and Bao Dai and Diem in South. • 17th parallel = divide. 10km demilitarised zone. • Democratic elections in 1956 where Vietnam would be reunited.
Eisenhower – A recap • Inherited a limited involvement in Vietnam. • Truman = financial aid as important to the Cold War. • Eisenhower administration agreed that Vietnam was important. • Greater importance of Vietnam – expanded. • Offered great deal of support to French. • USA gave diem billions of dollars worth of aid and 1500 military advisors = obligation to see it through? • A short step away from putting soldiers into Vietnam.
What problems did Eisenhower leave behind for Kennedy? • What can we predict will be the initial issues for Kennedy? • How might he react to these? Beat that loser!!! It’s YOUR problem now