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Key issues of future strategy concept of training of public servants in Ukraine

Key issues of future strategy concept of training of public servants in Ukraine. Deputy Head of the Main Department of Civil Service Olena Tertyshna. Main tasks of MDCS concerning of the organization of civil servants training accordingly to “Regulations on Main Department of Civil Service”.

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Key issues of future strategy concept of training of public servants in Ukraine

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  1. Key issues of future strategy concept of training of public servants in Ukraine Deputy Head of the Main Department of Civil Service OlenaTertyshna

  2. Main tasks of MDCSconcerning of the organization of civil servants training accordingly to “Regulations on Main Department of Civil Service” • examines the need for training, retraining and in-service training of civil servants; • organizes and coordinates the development of scientific –methodological support for professional training of civil servants within its authority exercises control over the quality of education; • participates in the formation, placing of the state order to train and supervise its implementation, concludes state contracts with the relevant universities and institutions of postgraduate education and supervises their implementation; • controls within their powers of formation of state order for in-service training of civil servants and its implementation by public authorities; • defines together with the government requirements to educational institutions for training of civil servants • defines together with other authorities the priority areas of training, retraining and in-service training of civil servants

  3. Priorities of MDCS activities i Пріориn 2009 оціin the system of training of civil servants • improving the current regulatory framework; • creating conditions for continuous training of civil servants through the Integrated Program of in-service training in the frameworks of Ukrainian competition "Best civil servant"; • strengthening of cooperation between MDCS and local authorities, sectoral institutions of postgraduate education, universities; • creating a competitive environment in the market of educational services in the field of knowledge "State Management"

  4. Universities (NAPA and its RIs, 20 master programs) Normative-legislative work • Concepts of regulatory acts • orders • Methodological recommendations • Assistance in license process (accreditation) • Training plans • needs Department of professional training Finances Expert- Coordination Council • Budget proposals • Passport of budget programs • State contracts • Acts of services • organization of meetings • Planning and organization of work of working groups • Methodological support

  5. Normative-legislative work The Best Civil Servants • Concepts of regulatory acts • orders • Methodological recommendations • Organization of work of Organizational Committee • Methodological support • Organization and holding of III round Department of In-Service Training Training institutions (NAPA, Centers of In-Service Training, HZPO) • Training needs learning • Agreeing of plans-schedules and professional programs • Assistance in license process

  6. ТО MDCS Creation of System of Interaction between Actors of Professional Training MDCS Centers of training NAPA, Universities and etc. Authorities and local self government

  7. Development and improvement of current normative-legislative framework of professional training system (blue – MDCS orders, grey – CMU resolutions, violet – concepts of normative-legislative acts )

  8. Implementation of Complex Programin the frameworks of All-Ukrainian Competition “The Best Civil Servant” 2009 (І-ІІ-ІІІ rounds) : In-Service Training for 9 123 participants

  9. Communication activities concerning improvement of the system of the system of professional training of civil servants in 2009 (structure of conducting of activities: pink – with TO MDCS, violet –with Centers of training, green – with Universities)

  10. Examples of communication activities • Meeting with directors of Centers of training and in-service training in Khmelnytsky (November 2009) • Meeting with coordinators of master programs in Ivano-Frankivsk (December 2009) • Rishelle Hearings in Odesa «All-Ukrainian public hearings on politico-legislation support of civil service and service in local self-governments • Scientific-practical conference in Yalta «Ways of strengthening of influence of science field “State Management” on reforming of civil service and state management in Ukraine».

  11. Quantity indicators concerning organization of in-service training of civil servants on the state order I – IV positions’ categories(dynamics of in-service training of I-IV positions’ categories)

  12. Quantity indicators concerning organization of in-service training of civil servants on the state order V – VII positions’ categories(dynamics of in-service training of V-VII)

  13. Quantity indicators concerning organization of in-service training of civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies in Universities in November-December 2009 Quantity of participants – 1761 Involved Universities – 8

  14. Problematic issues that will be solved by the strategy concept of civil servants training • Improvement of the institutional structure of the system of civil servants training • Adjustment of more mobile cooperation between all participants of the process of civil servants training • Improvement of quality of civil servants training

  15. In-Service Training Institute (NAPA) • During 2007-2009 – 7927 civil servants were trained by the Institute • Successful training of planned number of civil servants in 2009 at the time of limited budget • Participation in execution of state target program of training, retraining and in-service training of specialists in the sphere of European and euroatlantic integration of Ukraine for2008-2011 • Positive results of implementation of distance learning training at the Institute

  16. Oblast centers of training and in-service training • Positive experience of cooperation MDCS with oblast centers of training and in-service training (during 2009 I-IVcategories – 2450 personals, V-VII – 60 709 personals) • Active participation of oblast centers in civil servants training on new anticorruption legislation • During 2009 Oblast centers has implemented 9 in-service training programs in the field of European integration (in the frameworks of the relevant state target program) (750 civil servants); 7 in-service training programs in the field of euroatlantic integration (619 civil servants)

  17. Target formation of training needs for civil servants • Creation of weighed system of selection of civil servants, who have to pass in-service training • Formation of databases on the basis of information about those, who need in-service training • Setting of connection between passing of in-service training courses and possibilities of career development • Forming of target lists of those who will study on master program

  18. Positive experience of cooperation between MDCS and NAPA • Common holding of seminars, conferences, training courses • Participation of MDCS representatives in NAPA Academic Council and NAPA State-Examination Council • Participation of NAPA representatives in MDCS Expert-Coordination Council • Development of unified order for preparation of Master’s degree in State Management

  19. Institutional transformations • Clarifying (specification) of the role of the National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine, in the national network of Universities, that prepare specialists in the field “State Management” • Building of network of in-service training for managerial staff from the Institute of In-Service Training to Centers of training and in-service training

  20. Thank you for the attention!

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