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My Interview with Anne Sullivan

My Interview with Anne Sullivan. By Kaitlin Hart. How much has education for the blind and death changed since you started teaching?.

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My Interview with Anne Sullivan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Interview with Anne Sullivan By Kaitlin Hart

  2. How much has education for the blind and death changed since you started teaching? • Today, there are many more schools for the blind and deaf to attend. There are many more assistive technologies to help students who are blind and deaf so that they can also be mainstreamed into regular schools instead of having to be placed in a separate school. • Click the Picture!

  3. What do you think of the new Assistive technology created for helping the blind and deaf? • I think that all of the new assistive technology is very helpful not only for the students but for the teachers as well. When I was teaching we only had Braille and sign language to help our students but today there are many different ways to help students to learn. I also believe that it is good that they are taking these strides in helping the blind and deaf so that they can function well in society.

  4. What advice would you give to other educators that are teaching the blind and deaf? • I would tell these educators to have a lot of patience and keep trying with their pupils. You have to keep trying and do not give up on them. Everyone has the right to education regardless if they have a disability. Don’t give up hope and keep trying! Good luck! • Click the Picture!

  5. Back to homepage! Anne Sullivan receiving her honorary degree from Temple University. This is the Braille alphabet, just one of the ways to help the blind. Click on the alphabet to see a list of other assistive technologies for the blind and deaf!

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