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Highly-Cited Ideas in System Codesign and Synthesis

Reflecting on impactful ideas through citations in system codesign and synthesis research. A detailed analysis of top-cited papers from 1996-2006, examining methodologies and key contributions.

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Highly-Cited Ideas in System Codesign and Synthesis

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  1. Highly-Cited Ideas in System Codesign and Synthesis Tony GivargisCenter for Embedded Computer SystemsUniv. of California, Irvine, USAhttp://www.ics.ucr.edu/~givargis Frank VahidDept. of Computer Science and EngineeringUniv. of California, Riverside, USA*Also with the Center for Embedded Computer Systems, UC Irvine http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~vahid This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation (CNS-0614957).

  2. CODES/ISSS in Atlanta #1 spectator sport in U.S. #2 sport on television in U.S. 2nd to football American football, that is

  3. Introduction • CODES/ISSS in 2nd decade • Pause to reflect on high-impact ideas • Citations are one measure of impact • B references A; A has 3 citations (and 2 refs) • Total citations are of interest • Especially with rise of "h-index" (Hirsch) in academics • Person with h-index of 25 has 25 papers cited at least 25 times • Intra-community citations also of interest • Measure of community building on each other’s work • Citations are clearly an imperfect measure • E.g., paper with no citations that leads to a company • May still yield insights Merged 2003 A cited CODES/ISSS papers reference B B references A A is cited by B

  4. Method • Table of contents from ACM online for CODES, ISSS, and CODES/ISSS proceedings • Entered titles into Google Scholar • Returns paper, and list of citing papers • We removed self-citations (10%-25%) • Result is “non-self-citations” • Done in early 2008 (“snapshot”) • Inexact process (like all) • Not all papers are known to Google, title mismatches, authors with same names, journal paper with same name • Process mostly automated, some manual steps, manual spot checks

  5. Top Four Each Year 1996-2006 • Table appears in paper • Examined top six overall (no adjustment for year published)...

  6. M. Arnold , H. Corporaal. Designing domain-specific processors. Int. Symp. on Hardware/Software Co-Design (CODES), 2001, pp. 61-66. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 70 citations • Semi-automated method for detection and exploitation of application domain specific instruction set extensions for embedded (VLIW) processors • 1. detects frequent operation patterns • 2. patterns are grouped & implemented in a number of Special Function Units. • 3. incorporates the custom operations into the code generation process.

  7. J. Hou and W. Wolf. Process partitioning for distributed embedded systems. Int. Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design (CODES/CASHE), 1996, pp. 70-76. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 78 citations • Technique for partitioning processes in distributed embedded systems. • Minimizes both context switch and communication overhead under real-time deadline and process size constraints, while allocating functions to processors suited to those functions.

  8. P.V. Knudsen and J. Madsen. Integrating communication protocol selection with partitioning in Hardware/Software Co-Design. Int. Symp. on System Synthesis (ISSS), 1998, pp. 111-116. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 93 citations, • Incorporates communication protocol selection as a design parameter within hw/sw partitioning. • Considers data transfer rates depending on communication protocol types and configurations, and different operating frequencies of system components, e.g., CPUs, ASICs, and buses. • Considers timing and area influences of drivers and driver calls needed to perform the communication.

  9. M. Gasteier and M. Glesner. Bus-based communication synthesis on system-level. Int. Symp. on System Synthesis (ISSS), 1996, pp. 65-70. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 98 citations, • Also one of the top-three most cited by the CODES/ISSS community with 13 citations. • Algorithm for generation of low cost communication topologies for statically scheduled systems. • Given a set of processes communicating via abstract send and receive methods and detailed information on communication requirements of each process, performs a clustering of data transfers and, for each cluster, the approach executes a bus generation algorithm that schedules bus accesses while minimizing total communication cost.

  10. R. Banakar, S. Steinke, B. Lee, M. Balakrishnan, P. Marwedel. Scratchpad memory: design alternative for cache on-chip memory in embedded systems. Int. Symp. on Hardware/Software Co-Design (CODES), 2002, pp. 73-78. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 108 citations. • Especially interesting due to the paper being recent (2002) • Scratchpad memory as a means of reducing energy. • By using a compiler to insert instructions that move data to and from an on-chip SRAM, rather than relying solely on cache, the simpler memory design and control yields reduced energy • Of note is that all 108 citations appear to come from outside CODES/ISSS.

  11. R.P. Dick and W. Wolf. TGFF: Task graphs for free. Int.. Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign (CODES/CASHE), 1998, pp. 97-101. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • 194 citations. • Generates synthetic task graphs that can model applications being input to a system synthesis or scheduling tool. • The tool’s synthetic task graphs have been used by numerous subsequent synthesis and scheduling approaches, accounting for many of the citations. F Task Graphs For Free

  12. Top 6 Cited Overall Since 1996 • New general problems (bus/communication synthesis, multi-processor process partitioning) • New solutions (scratchpad mem, ASIP design/compilation) • Framework Compared top-3 per year with bottom-3 per year Top 3 tended to be big ideas, bottom 3 very specific solutions (still useful!) Predictable from the titles alone

  13. 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 Citation Patterns (All, and Intra-Community) 50 50 40 40 2001All 2003All 30 30 2003Comm 2001Comm Number of citations Number of citations 20 20 10 10 0 0 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Paper rank by citations for given year Paper rank by citations for given year 50 2002All 40 2002Comm 2004All 2004Comm 30 Number of citations Number of citations 20 10 0 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 Paper rank by citations for given year Paper rank by citations for given year

  14. 50 40 2003All 30 2003Comm Number of citations 20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Paper rank by citations for given year Citation Patterns (All, and Intra-Community) for FPGA/FCCM, and for MICRO/ISCA 2003 CODES/ISSS MICRO/ISCA FPGA/FCCM 2000 and 2006 were similar. Of note: A MICRO/ISCA paper from 2000 had 939 citations, with 123 from within their community: “Wattch: A Framework for Architectural-Level Power Analysis and Optimizations.” Like the most highly-cited CODES/ISSS paper, that paper described a framework that enabled extensive subsequent research by others in the community.

  15. Percentage of Citations to CODES/ISSS Papers Coming from Within CODES/ISSS

  16. References [1] Google Scholar from Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Scholar. [2] S. Aditya, B. Ramakrishna Rau, V. Kathail. Automatic architectural synthesis of VLIW and EPIC processors. Int. Symp. on System Synthesis (ISSS), 1999, p. 107. [3] M. Arnold , H. Corporaal. Designing domain-specific processors. Int. Symp. on Hardware/Software Co-Design (CODES), 2001, pp. 61-66. [4] K. Atasu, G. Dündar, C. Özturan. An integer linear programming approach for identifying instruction-set extensions. Int. Conference on Hardware/Software Co-Design and System Synthesis (CODES/ISSS), 2005, pp. 172-177. [5] R. Banakar, S. Steinke, B. Lee, M. Balakrishnan, P. Marwedel. Scratchpad memory: design alternative for cache on-chip memory in embedded systems. Int. Symp. on Hardware/Software Co-Design (CODES), 2002, pp. 73-78. ... The Other Way – References by a Community’s Papers to Other Papers in the Same Community For all the papers of each community (not just the top 25), 18% of all MICRO/ISCA references were to papers within the community; the FPGA/FCCM rate was 6%, and the CODES/ISSS rate was 3%.

  17. Tough to catch up Conclusions • Highly-cited papers • Useful for study, graduate seminars, ... • Features: New problems, new ideas, or useful framework • Beware of positive feedback "runaway" phenomena • Questions... • Would more citing (appropriate, of course) benefit the community? • h-index; also better tracing of research • Are page limits (typically 6; other confs 10-12) a barrier? (No longer page costs) • Citations differences (vs other communities) due to more quality conferences in our area? Nature of relationship with industry? Multiple tracks? • Need for focus areas? • "Grand challenges" (akin to sequencing of human genome)? Focus on application areas? • Need for common benchmarks and frameworks? • Encourage (in CFP) reproduction/comparison of others’ work? • Encourage (in CFP) posting of complete data, examples, even tools? • (This year, my students are posting data/tools to encourage improvement/comparison) • ???

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