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SETU and teaching in the Arts Faculty. Stuart Palmer Institute of Teaching and Learning (School of Engineering & IT). Dr Set-you. Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Like At Least Not Hate the Thing. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Castle_Romeo.jpg.
SETU and teaching in the Arts Faculty Stuart Palmer Institute of Teaching and Learning (School of Engineering & IT)
Dr Set-you Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Like At Least Not Hate the Thing Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Castle_Romeo.jpg
THE HITCH-HIKERS GUIDE TO SETU Don’t panic! Mostly harmless
A context-free SETU comment “I found that Stuart seemed to be complacent about this unit, his lectures where not worth turning up too, as it involved sitting there listening to him talk from the unit guide, which I did by myself at home anyway.”
Student evaluation of teaching (SET) Work by Ramsden and others in the 1980s (re-)established a link between student perceptions of their learning environment and: • the level of their engagement with their studies; (hence, generally,) • the ‘quality’ of their learning/outcomes
What is quality in a pen? Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Pen.jpg
What is quality in a pen? • Writes smoothly? • Lasts a long time? • Doesn’t break? • Good grip? • Has a highlighter on one end? • Doesn’t smudge? • Has a gold nib? • Writes in space?
Student evaluation of teaching Reflecting the modern understanding of the multi-faceted nature of quality and the finding that it is the entirety of the university experience that contributes to the student ‘course experience’, virtually all authors examining the value of the SET process recognise that SET data are only one of many sources of information that should be called upon when evaluating teaching
Triangulation Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthographic_projection
Evaluation of teaching Other valuable data sources include: • objective measures of student learning (such as unit marks) • reflective (self) assessment of teaching performance (what worked, what didn’t) • peer assessment of teaching • student focus groups
Evaluation of teaching • etc. …maybe Facebook?
Interpreting SETU USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population David Letterman
Interpreting SETU • a reasonable number of responses; • a reasonable overall response rate; and • a reasonably equal rate of responses between campuses …provide some confidence that the survey sample is representative
Consistency • a small standard deviation on a mean item rating indicates that most respondents were in agreement • a large positive difference between the proportion of agreement and disagreement indicates that substantially more students agreed • if the written open-ended comments reveal common, repeated themes, these are worthy of further investigation • etc.
Discrepancy • a small number of ratings that are different from the majority can influence the reported mean • a small number of adverse comments that seem at odds with the majority of written feedback are probably not worth losing a lot of sleep over • a rating in one item that is significantly different from the others in the SETU results for the same unit might be an indicator worth investigating further • etc.
Interpreting SETU – in general SETU is only one measure of the ‘quality’ of teaching SETU is a pretty blunt instrument Used in an rational manner, the quantitative and qualitative results from SETU can be an aid in the evaluation of teaching and learning
Interpreting SETU – in general The larger the number of responses, the more reliable the data Trends (as long as they are real) can be informative
Mean SETU responses 2003-2004 1 The teaching staff of this unit stimulated my interest in further learning. 2 The teaching staff of this unit motivated me to do my best work. 5 This unit was well taught. 6 I had a clear idea of what was expected me in this unit. 17 I would recommend this unit to other students. 18 The use of on-line technologies in this unit enhanced my learning experience.
Mean SETU responses 2003-2005 1 The teaching staff of this unit stimulated my interest in further learning. 2 The teaching staff of this unit motivated me to do my best work. 5 This unit was well taught. 6 I had a clear idea of what was expected me in this unit. 17 I would recommend this unit to other students. 18 The use of on-line technologies in this unit enhanced my learning experience.
Mean SETU responses 2003-2006 1 The teaching staff of this unit stimulated my interest in further learning. 2 The teaching staff of this unit motivated me to do my best work. 5 This unit was well taught. 6 I had a clear idea of what was expected me in this unit. 17 I would recommend this unit to other students. 18 The use of on-line technologies in this unit enhanced my learning experience.
SETU teaching comments “I found that Stuart seemed to be complacent about this unit, his lectures where not worth turning up too, as it involved sitting there listening to him talk from the unit guide, which I did by myself at home anyway.”
SETU teaching comments • An exceptionally hardworking teacher. Always responding promptly to enquiries. Thank you Stuart for your efforts. • Excellent teaching of course work • Excellent teaching, great feedback, showed interest in progress. Best I have come across. • Good lecturer. • Great course content and well delivered
SETU teaching comments • It was good how Stuart used videos to illustrate things in the real world. His lectures are well structured as all the unit material is covered in lecturers which are always informative. It was nice to get the reminder email about assignment1 and 3, this shows he has compassion towards the students. • The lectures were good and didnt drag on too much. • The teaching support offered as part of this unit was excellent.
SETU teaching comments • This unit was very well taught. I could not fault any part of it. • Very easy to listen to, and teaches well • Very promptuos lecturer • Well structured class. • very interesting to listen to and knows how to teach. was very helpful to me when i had questions • very well taught, easily understood, madde the unit enjoyable.
SETU teaching comments • Yes stuart palmer is dedicated lecturer who is willing to help and puts an effort into helping students. His lectures cover alot of content with plenty of examples. • Good uses of informations and extra material to help get a point across • sometimes it feels very long to has class for 2 hours.
Using SETU The circumstances, context and influences on a particular unit are individual in nature Standard, boilerplate responses probably aren’t that useful SETU might offer some insights of value
Source: http://staff.ucreative.ac.uk/Document%20Store/Quality%20and%20Standards/Peer%20 Observation%20of%20Teaching%20and%20Learning%20(POT)/POT%20Scheme%20-%20final.pdf