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Reflections of Elite Society: The Thousand and One Nights

Explore how The Thousand and One Nights mirrors elite society in the Abbasid Empire, delving into courtiers, tall tales, and imagery using color. Discover the author’s purpose behind various settings, adjectives shaping tone, and literary devices like simile and hyperbole. Analyze the role of action verbs in creating tone and supporting the main ideas presented in the text.

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Reflections of Elite Society: The Thousand and One Nights

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  1. The Thousand and One Nightsas a Mirror of Elite Society in the Abbasid Empire Honors – World Literature Week 6 Doc Holley

  2. Vocabulary • courtiers • elites • sectarian • folktales • caliphs • ostentation • tall tales • dais • jetty

  3. Settings Describe the various settings. • Time • Place What was the author’s purpose for providing that information? How does it contribute to the tales? What adjectives are used to create the tone of the tales?

  4. Imagery • Color is often used to create tone and develop a picture in the mind of the reader. • What colors are used in the text? • What emotions, ideas are associated with the colors?

  5. Figurative Language • Simile • Hyperbole How are the about literary devices used to describe things in the text? Provide textual support.

  6. Parts of Speech Verbs can create tone within the text. List the action verbs. • Organize and categorize them. • Describe how they are effective and then analyze the authors use of them. • What information do the verbs provide to the main ideas of the text?

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