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The Skeletal System

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the skeletal system, including the parts of the system, the axial and appendicular subdivisions, bone functions, classification of bones, and the structure of a long bone. It also covers bone formation, growth, and remodeling, bone fractures, and the axial skeleton, including the skull, vertebral column, and disorders associated with the skeletal system.

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The Skeletal System

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  1. The Skeletal System This ppt = 22 slides Total: A + B: 42 slides

  2. I) Bones: An Overview STUDY QUESTIONS List the parts of the Skeletal System and **Define the Axial and Appendicular Subdivisions. A. Parts of Skeletal System • Bones (skeleton) • Joints • Cartilages • Ligaments B. Subdivisions Define • *Axial • *Appendicular

  3. STUDY QUESTION List and explain the Bone functions. C. Functions of Bones Explain • *Support: • *Protect: • *Muscles: • *Store: • *Blood cell: D. Classification of Bones 1. Structural Types • Compact bone • Spongy bone STUDY QUESTION What are the two structural types of Bone and how are they different?

  4. 2. *Types by Shape ** List and Explain the Shape Types of Bones. Figure 5.1

  5. D. Structure of a Long Bone 1. *Diaphysis- explain 2. *Epiphysis- explain 3. Periosteum 4. *Arteries 5. *Articular cartilage: explain 6. Epiphyseal plate = 7. Epiphyseal line = Study Question Identify and explain the anatomical areas of a long bone.

  6. Anatomy of a Long Bone … 8. *Medullary cavity: define • *Location: • *Types Marrow: define E. Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling 1. Growth & Formation: a. Dense connective plates, start as i) Specific types of bones: ? ii) Connective Tissue begins to be: iii) Eventually the bone replaces all membrane iv) In adult: The bone hasSutures:

  7. E. Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling … b. Cartilage Models: i) Specific Types of bones: ? ii) Bones start out as Cartilage Models in fetus iii) Bone replaces cartilage: iii) Then only Epiphyseal Plates are left: iv) Then bone replaces plates and get Epiphyseal Line: • Bone remodeling: give functions of cells below a. Osteocytes b. *Osteoclasts c. *Osteoblasts STUDY QUESTION Summarize the events of bone remodeling throughout life.

  8. 2. Bone remodeling … c. Functions: i) Bone Health ii) Blood calcium level Homeostasis: iii) Response to Gravity & muscle activity: • Bone Fractures • *Fracture(Table 5.1)= Basic Types explain *Closed *Open 2. Treatment • Reduction • Immobilization OBJECTIVES Summarize the events of bone remodeling throughout life. New Bone

  9. Common Types of Fractures Table 5.2

  10. g. Bone Markings and Functions Table 5.1 • Projections or Processes = • Functions: • Depressions and Openings • Functions: • Sinus • Foramen • Canal 3. Articulate

  11. II) The Axial Skeleton • =

  12. Human Skull, Anterior View Figure 5.11

  13. A. The Skull F P • Major Areas: Define & Functions • *Cranium • *Facial bones 1. CRANIUM • Sutures • Frontal • Sagittal For Bones, Know: location & Articulations a)Parietal b)Frontal c)Temporal • Carotid Canal • Jugular Foramen T O Carotid Canal Jugular Foramen T O

  14. SKULL … Cranium … H.P. d)Occipital • Occipital Condyles • Foramen Magnum 2. FACIAL BONES: Location & Importance a) *Maxilla • Hard Palate b)*Mandible c)*Nasal d)*Zygomatic • Only freely movable joint = Temporalmandibular Joint O.C. F.M. O N Z Max Man

  15. Human Skull, Lateral View Figure 5.7

  16. Human Skull, Inferior View Figure 5.9

  17. C. The Fetal Skull • Fontanels:

  18. D. The Vertebral Column 1.*Partslocation & number of vertebrae • *Cervical • *Thoracic • *Lumbar • *Sacrum • *Coccyx 2. Intervertebral Discs • Type of Tissue • Shape • Location • Function

  19. The Vertebral Column … 3. Curvatures a. Primary: • Have At birth b. Secondary: • Develop when

  20. 4. Disorders • ** STUDENTS DO FOLLOWING ** • *Scoliosis • *Herniated Disc

  21. END

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