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Technology Leadership Coordinator

Technology Leadership Coordinator. Educational Technology Board Update May 2013. Goals for Improved Learning. Provide Educational Opportunities for Staff Improve Communications Provide Digital Citizenship Opportunities Support use of Technology for Student Engagement.

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Technology Leadership Coordinator

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  1. Technology Leadership Coordinator Educational Technology Board Update May 2013

  2. Goals for Improved Learning • Provide Educational Opportunities for Staff • Improve Communications • Provide Digital Citizenship Opportunities • Support use of Technology for Student Engagement

  3. 1. Providing Educational Opportunities for Staff • From September 2012-April 2013 200+ sessions have been provided to schools and teachers • 30+ classroom sessions on Digital Citizenship • 30+ sessions, classroom, Bag lunch and Webinar on using Google Apps for Education • 20+ sessions on Blogging to Improve Writing • 20+ sessions classroom, Bag lunch and Webinar using Read and Write Gold to Improve comprehension and writing.

  4. In November 2012 MHSD had 166 user activities in Google, 161 creators and 376 collaborators

  5. Communication • Email #1 form of communication with stakeholders • Classroom visits provided time to promote job embedded PD within schools • Monthly newsletters sent to schools • Periodical Digital Citizenship articles sent to schools for their newsletters • School visits and Bag Lunch PD • Medicine Hat News article supporting Digital Citizenship Sessions • Parent sessions at both District and School level • Administrator Technology Advisory Steering Committee

  6. Goals for Professional Development • Build Leadership Capacity for 21st Century Learning • Provide Professional Development for Teachers • Provide 21st Century Learning Opportunities for Parents • Provide 21st Century Learning Opportunities for Support Staff

  7. Summary of PD Support • Job Embedded classroom sessions • Bag Lunch PD • 7 Administrator Sessions • 4 District Parent sessions regarding Digital Citizenship • 2 Parent sessions at Schools on DC • Discovery Education Saturday Session • Enhancing Instruction in a Digital World • Support Staff Web videos on Microsoft Word 2010 • EA support on using the Ipad (functionality) • Webinars using Bridgit Software • Supporting Central Office Staff with PD when needed

  8. 2012-2013 Highlights • High amount of Job-embedded PD obtained by teachers • Digital Citizenship awareness sessions increased Bring Your Own Device Policy created with changes to Student Responsible Use • Modeled the use of Google Apps in classrooms using I.I strategies like placemat, PWIM. (video) • Created process document for Administrators to open Google Apps for students. (link) • Social Media Guidelines document created for schools.

  9. 2012-2013 Highlights Continued • Promoted and provided PD for administrators in using Social Media as a communication tool for school stakeholders. (9 schools using Social Media) • Provided School PD support for Windows 7 conversion and Encryption • Co-Facilitated the Enhancing Instruction in a Digital World (laptop program) with Terry Freeman. 20 Participants this year. • Provided PD support to schools adding iPads to the management system and created process document for schools wishing to add new technology (hardware and/or software) into their school. • Co-facilitated PD sessions with Terry Freeman using Ken Hakstol’s time allotted to our District from SAPDC. • Facilitated District Technology Committee meetings and administrator Technology Learning Community sessions. • Facilitated School and District website upgrades.

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