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From creating logos to crafting board games, students engaged in cultural exchanges, art projects, language learning, and more in this European project. The project involved various activities such as creating artworks, conducting surveys, preparing e-cards, exchanging letters with international partners, and exploring different aspects of nature and culture. As part of the project, students celebrated the diversity of European cultures through art, language, and shared experiences. This summary showcases a snapshot of the creative and educational journey undertaken by students and teachers during the project years.
COMENIUS PROJECT 2013-2015 Project realization summary
Project objectivesrealization • September 2013 Teaching Staff was informed about the project objectives and the schedule for the project years. The students were introduced to the aims and ideas of the project during the English lessons. Together with teachers they create the scenario of European Day of Languages presenting all school community the aims of the project and the partner schools. The parents were informed about the project ideas during The parents’ meetings , by the school web site and the School newspaper.
October 2013 The team work of Art, IT and Integrated Education students leads to a school competition for the PROJECT LOGO (30 works were delivered from grades III-VI). Out of all 8 were chosen to be presented during the project meeting in Debrecen, VI grade students and the teachers during the staff meeting worked on the survey questions.
November 2013 The announced competition for the pictures to the calendar lasting 4 seasons starts. Both students and parents, classes I-III, grade VI and the Science Club went to observe the neighbourhood to find interesting places to take picture during 4 seasons and collect some information about surrounding nature.
November/December 2013 2nd grade students create the art projects „My town today”, they write some letters to Spain and Hungary , 6th grade students make the projects about themselves and their interests.
December 2013 I-VI grades students create the wishes, projects about Christmas in Poland, they prepare film with wishes and write e-mails to penpals and partner schools teachers. They exchange the e-cards. The survay about life styles and habits was conducted among 6th grade students
January 2014 The survay-research The survay was entirely conducted by the RESEARCH TEAM , they analysed the results and drew the conclusions . They made the summary and created the description of a typical student in our school . Two students drew the picture. Grade I prepares the Art project of a tree in 4 seasons.
February 2014 Grades I-VI fight in a contest of an image of Alice – the project puppet. VI grade students create films and presentations for students in UK about Poland, Tychy and our school. Class I A prepares Video project of a diary
March 2014 The Science Club and class III B started creating the board games, and grades IV-VI during the English lessons answer the letters from the Spanish and British penpals Class VI records the answers to the British students questions and prepares the projects for Finland about interesting places in Poland. Students analyse the booklet with The survay results- they discuss it, The summary of the results are published in the school website and the school newspaper.
April 2014 The Day Care students prepare fantastic Easter projects with Easter symbols. Classes III A and B prepare the Easter wishes for the partners. English Club with teacher Monika Sobiegraj answers to the letters from Spain and UK. Class VI A worked out the rules of a game and on the basis class III B with teacher Bożena Pasternak started working on the BOARD GAME- their task was to make up quiz questions, the layout and the name of a game-COMENIUS KNOW HOW; the Science Club supervised by Iwona Gładyś creates COMENIUS NATURE HUNT Students start their Spring recon to observe changes in the nature, take pictures of the chosen place and class VI A prepares the photodocumantary of the town in Spring. Students prepare power point presentations about most stunning places in Poland Class VI prepares posters promoting the most interesting buildings in Poland
The board games The calendar
May 2014 Students craft the games’ details-the pawns, dice, boxes, boards, collect information in the Internet use the photos from the school gallery taken in Hungary and UK. They try the games, define the rules and make some correction. The United Europe Day was celebrated in the special form Cooking with Comenius- the students cook the dishes typical for our partners: Hungarian Letcho, Polish potato salad, English healthy toasts, Spanish Paela and Finnish dessert Vispipuuro.
Spanish students sent the letters with a list of questions to Polish students. The boys from 6th grade answer the questions.