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Expressing Yourself in English

Expressing Yourself in English. On-boarding Program for New Taipei City for Teachers of English in Elementary School. Hour 1 Your Favorite Fairytale Relay. Class will be divided into groups of four at the beginning of the class.

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Expressing Yourself in English

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Expressing Yourself in English On-boarding Program for New Taipei City for Teachers of English in Elementary School

  2. Hour 1Your Favorite Fairytale Relay

  3. Class will be divided into groups of four at the beginning of the class. Group leader will draw a number indicating the fairytale to be told and when the group is going to present. Each group should tell the story relay style (each person takes charge of a part of the story). The story should be a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of five minutes.

  4. Hours 2 and 3 Talking about pictures

  5. 1. Future School

  6. 2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

  7. Name one resource that Taiwan has and tell why it is important to preserve it.

  8. Which national park would you recommend for a foreign friend to visit? Introduce the national park.

  9. Teachers are important members of the community they teach in. How would you play a role in making the community better?

  10. Talk about a new way to help other people or a new way to help kids learn.

  11. Talk about a natural disaster and how people in that community helped each other cope with it.

  12. This is a house of the future. Describe it and compare/contrast it with present houses.

  13. Each person draws a number for the picture he or she will be talking about and another number for when to present the talk. Speech should be minimum of one and a half maximum of three minutes.

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