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The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership An Update

The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership An Update. Semi-Annual Meeting Portland, OR February 29-March 2, 2012. LOCAL PARTNERS IN NNIP The defining functions. Build and operate information systems with integrated and recurrently updated indicators on neighborhood conditions

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The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership An Update

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  1. The National Neighborhood Indicators PartnershipAn Update Semi-Annual Meeting Portland, OR February 29-March 2, 2012

  2. LOCAL PARTNERS IN NNIPThe defining functions • Build and operate information systems with integrated and recurrently updated indicators on neighborhood conditions • Facilitate and promote the direct practical use of indicators by community and city leaders for community building and local policy making • Emphasize the use of information to build the capacities of institutions and residents in distressed neighborhoods

  3. 2012 Executive Committee Dave Bartelt, Philadelphia Phyllis Betts, Memphis Todd Clausen, Milwaukee Matthew Kachura, Baltimore Kurt Metzger, Detroit Steve Spiker, Oakland Recent Members, 2008-2010 Claudia Coulton, Cleveland Tim Bray, Dallas Matt Barry, Denver Michael Rich, Atlanta John Stern, Nashville NNIP LEADERSHIPGuiding the Agenda

  4. Annie E. Casey Foundation John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation Open Society Foundations McKnight Foundation NNIP SUPPORTERSFunders and Colleagues

  5. NNIP WORK PLAN • Advance the state of practice • Informing local policy initiatives • Developing tools and guides • Build and strengthen local capacity 3. Developing capacity in new communities • Services to an expanding network • Influence national context 5. Leadership in building the field

  6. NNIP ACTIVITIES Accomplishments and New Directions

  7. ADVANCING THE STATE OF PRACTICEThe Foreclosure Crisis • Study of effects on school children completed (OSF) • Baltimore, New York, Washington, D.C. • Dissemination and practioner engagement continuing this year (Casey-funded) • Local partners continue to be on cutting-edge • Major presence at December Federal Reserve conference • UI continues to provide data and guides on Foreclosure-Response.org

  8. ADVANCING THE STATE OF PRACTICENNIP Shared Indicators System • “Framework” concept completed • Cross-site analysis with national data drafted • Planning grant for local data transfer with UI, Chicago, and Minneapolis (McKnight support) • Fundraising for local data component (just starting, hope for first submissions in 2013)

  9. ADVANCING THE STATE OF PRACTICEComprehensive Community Development • NNIP MacArthur grant through 2012 • Collaboration with LISC Building Sustainable Communities (106 neighborhoods, 25 cities) • 5 NNIP partners involved with evaluation • New LISC work on performance monitoring (reviewed tomorrow)

  10. ADVANCING THE STATE OF PRACTICEFederal Place-Based Initiatives • Promise Neighborhoods • Detroit (Planning) and San Antonio (Implementation) funded by Dept. of Education • Several more progressing without federal funding • Sustainable Communities Initiative • Several partners involved – major work by Boston, Chicago, Kansas City • Consistent with more emphasis on regional work in this meeting

  11. ADVANCING THE STATE OF PRACTICETools and Guides • Published • Data Sharing • Promise Neighborhoods • Sample MOUs/Job Descriptions • In development • Local User Conferences • Data Management and Confidentiality Protocols • Other suggestions?

  12. BUILD/STRENGTHEN LOCAL CAPACITY • Developing capacity in new communities • Austin accepted in January • Guest cities attending in person and remotely • Idea of Federal Reserve Regional Banks helping to seed new partners • New NNIP website launched • Major accomplishment for partnership • Partner activities linked/searchable • Base for newsletter and new “Stories” reports

  13. BUILD/STRENGTHEN LOCAL CAPACITY • Define and expand NNIP’s role in “open data” • New Macarthur grant based on Detroit session • Develop white paper, collect local NNIP activities • Connect with other players in the field • Further the development of Integrated Data Systems • Several NNIP cities already involved (Intelligence for Social Policy conference in November) • New NNIP initiative being defined – call for workgroup members and ideas for Providence

  14. BUILD/STRENGTHEN LOCAL CAPACITY • Expand community access to small area data • UI continues to update national data-files & make them available to public • Broader UI role to promote expansion of access to small area data - not yet funded • Proposal for Alumni Network • Formal mechanism to keep valuable experience of individuals that transition to other organizations • UI and Executive Committee will propose policy

  15. UPDATES ON UI ACTIVITIES & INFLUENCING THE NATIONAL CONTEXTReaching out to broaden impact and build support

  16. URBAN INSTITUTE ACTIVITIES • Choice Neighborhoods • UI evaluating Choice Neighborhoods for HUD • Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, Seattle • Will offer lessons for all of NNIP – will keep you posted • Promise Neighborhoods • UI building national database on Promise Neighborhoods (work with PolicyLink’s PNI) • Continuing UI work on performance management

  17. URBAN INSTITUTE ACTIVITIES • Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative • New White House effort – interagency implementation • UI endorsed and elaborated on approach in paper for What Works Collaborative (up next week) • Proposed research with NNIP partners on mixed income neighborhoods, neighborhood investment flows and institutional infrastructure • Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB) 2010 • New UI grant from Rockefeller Foundation to develop it again for this decade • Consistent field definitions and tract boundaries back to 1980 for Census and ACS data

  18. INFLUENCE NATIONAL CONTEXT • Strategy for expanding and sustaining local information infrastructure • Strategic plan to be completed this year (MacArthur-supported) • Objectives: strengthening central support and capacity in existing cities and extending capacity to many new cities • Implementing the strategy • Collaboration with Federal Reserve (regional meetings, new website, webinars) • Outreach to national organizations of local funders (Council on Foundations, United Way, etc.)

  19. INFLUENCE NATIONAL CONTEXT • Conferences • Strong presence at Regional Equity Summit, Urban Affairs Association (April), Center for Community Progress (Vacant Properties in June) • Publications • Community Quality of Life Indicators: Best Cases • Overview by UI, Indianapolis, Philadelphia • Federal Reserve monograph (UI and Minneapolis) • New book Community Information and Community Change to be completed 2012 (MacArthur support) • Coulton, Kingsley and Pettit, editors

  20. INFLUENCE NATIONAL CONTEXT • Work with other organizations • NNIP partners participation in Open Indicators Consortium (OIC) • Discussions with National League of Cities and other national networks • Support the Community Indicators Consortium (CIC) • Charlotte Kahn, Past President; Kathy Pettit, Vice President • Encourage NNIP participate in Fall conference

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