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—— Report for Time Management

Manage Your Life. —— Report for Time Management. Michael 2012.10.5. Time is money. Let us do a math If we can earn 50,000 dollars a year (for average people). so. 50000*6.5 / 12 / 30 = 903(yuan). Regard time and money as the same thing. 1. Goal and Avoid wasting time.

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—— Report for Time Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Manage Your Life —— Report for Time Management Michael 2012.10.5

  2. Time is money Let us do a math If we can earn 50,000 dollars a year (for average people). so. 50000*6.5 / 12 / 30 = 903(yuan) Regard time and money as the same thing.

  3. 1. Goal and Avoid wasting time 2.Bosses & Delegation 3.Stress & Procrastination 4.Some useful tips Time Management contents

  4. Goal and Avoid waste time 1 The Goal of time management “The time Famine” Bad time management = stress

  5. Goal and Avoid waste time 1 The Goal of time management The overall goal of time management is FUN.

  6. Goal and Avoid wasting time 2 To do list Every one has a to do list. -Smart phone. -Calendar … and so forth

  7. Goal and Avoid wasting time 3 Priorities, 80/20 rules. Which thing should I do first? 80/20 rules: 80% revenue comes from 20% clients.

  8. Goal and Avoid wasting time 4 How to plan Failing to plan is planning to fail Plan Each Day, Each week , Each Semester You can change your plan, but only once you have one.

  9. Goal and Avoid wasting time 4 How to plan Covey’s four-quadrant TODO. Due soon Not Due Soon important Not important

  10. Goal and Avoid wasting time 4 How to plan Covey’s four-quadrant TODO. Due soon Not Due Soon important Not important

  11. 1. Goal and Avoid wasting time 2.Bosses & Delegation 3.Stress & Procrastination 4.Some useful tips Time Management contents

  12. Goal BOSSes & Delegation 1 How to deal with your boss Boss want results! Write things down When’s our next meeting What ‘s my goal to have done by then? Who to turn to for help?

  13. Goal BOSSes & Delegation 1 How to deal with your boss Some tips: Never break a promise, but re-negotiate them if need be. Ask in confidence.

  14. Goal Bosses & Delegation 2 Why do we need Delegation? No one can be successful without others’ help Teamwork Spirit

  15. Goal Bosses & Delegation 3 Delegation is not dumping Grant authority with responsibility To the worst job yourself. Treat your people well

  16. 1. Goal and Avoid wasting time 2.Bosses & Delegation 3.Stress & Procrastination 4.Some useful tips Time Management contents

  17. Stress and Procrastination 1 Procrastination Procrastination is the thief of time. Edward Young Night Thoughts,1742

  18. Goal Bosses & Delegation 2 The cost of procrastination You can easily make it in short time? NO! Doing things at the last minute is much more expensive than just before the last minute. Last minute = huge stress (stay into night?) TIPS: establish them yourself ,don’t wait to the last minute

  19. 1. Goal and Avoid wasting time 2.Bosses & Delegation 3.Stress & Procrastination 4.Some useful tips Time Management contents

  20. Useful tips 1 Email skills. Save all of it, for searching. If you want something done, only one recipient. If you really want something done ,CC someone powerful.

  21. Useful tips. 2 Interruptions 6-9 minutes, 4-5 minute recovery – five interruptions shoots an hour. reduce frequency and length of interruptions. (turn phone calls into email)

  22. You are running out of time – prison break ,S3 Life is short , in fact we have less than we thought! Thank you !!!

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