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Lessons in Serendipity The role of Twitter in my EdD journey. Emma Kell Assistant Principal , Francis Combe Academy, Watford Supervisor: Professor Paul Gibbs, Middlesex University. Shifting Identities: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Experiences of Teachers who are also Parents.
Lessons in SerendipityThe role of Twitter in my EdD journey Emma Kell Assistant Principal , Francis Combe Academy, Watford Supervisor: Professor Paul Gibbs, Middlesex University Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014
Shifting Identities: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Experiences of Teachers who are also Parents Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 • Key research question: • What is the influence of parenthood on teacher identity, effectiveness and well-being? • Subsidiary questions: • What are the factors, at micro, macro and meso level, that affect teacher-parent identity? • Which practices and policies are effective in promoting well-being and effectiveness of teacher-parents and how could policy be further developed in this area?
Setting the Scene Teachers have hearts and bodies, as well as heads and hands, though the deep and unruly nature of their hearts is governed by their heads, by the sense of moral responsibility for students and the integrity of their subject matter which are at the core of their professional identity. They cannot teach well if any part of them is disengaged for long.. (Nias, 1996, p.305) Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 Contexts Why ‘Netnography’?
Early forays into internet research Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014
First responses Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014
Storify Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 https://storify.com/emmakell/twitter-for-research
The Guardian Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 On 23 May 2014, at 10:11, Kate Hodge wrote: Hi Emma, Thanks for getting back to me on Twitter. We ran your blog about parenting and teaching last week on our education news round up. I thought it was really interesting and I wanted to get in touch with you about a couple of things. Firstly, I edit the Guardian Teacher – the Guardian's online community of teaching professionals. We like to get teachers blogging for teachers on our site – if you would be interested in writing for us please do let me know. Secondly, we are running a roundtable event on 17 June at the Guardian offices about teacher wellbeing – what issues teachers face and what more can be done to stem the increasing trend of stress in the profession. We'd love to have you there – would you be interested in me asking our events team to extend a formal invite? Best wishes Kate -- Kate Hodge Editor, Guardian Teacher Network 020 3353 2637 @GuardianTeach @kate_hodge
Strengths Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 Volume of responses Ease of access (fun!) Supportive Recognition Equaliser Cost and time-efficient
Limitations Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 A distraction A wealth of material to be harnessed – keep the focus! Sampling Quality assurance Archiving and analysing material Sampling – coverage error
Teacher Support Network First publications…. Relational Schools http://relationalschools.org/being-a-teacher-being-a-parent-is-being-good-enough-good-enough-part-1/ TeacherSupport Network http://www.teachersupport.info/blog/30-april-2014/balancing-teaching-and-parenthood#.U53fx5SwJXA Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014
The TES The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2014/may/09/internet-addiction-young-people-exams-happiness The TES! http://www.tes.co.uk/article.aspx?storyCode=6430086 Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014
Useful leads Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 Carol’s blog http://carolslearningcurve.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/twitedres-thinking-cap-research-methods.html?spref=tw Raul’s blog http://www.raulpacheco.org/2014/05/five-ways-in-which-twitter-can-be-useful-in-academic-contexts/ Tim Jeffries http://tjj.postach.io/leading-the-conversation-senior-leaders-use-of-twitter Pat Thompson – On Not Quitting the Doctorate http://patthomson.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/on-not-quitting-the-doctorate-2/ Nancy’s blog http://notsoordinarydiary.wordpress.com/
Next Steps Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 Academic publication Woman’s Hour…?
Bibliography Emma Kell: Shifting Identities, Middlesex University, 19 June 2014 Baltar, F., Brunet, I. (2012.) Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook. Internet Research 22, 57–74. Kozinets, R.V. (2010). Netnography : Ethnographic research in the age of the internet. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Nias, J. (1996). Thinking About Feeling: The Emotions in Teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education 26(3), 293–306. Wejnert, C., Heckathorn, D.D. (2008). Web-Based Network Sampling: Efficiency and Efficacy of Respondent-Driven Sampling for Online Research. Sociological Methods & Research 37, 105–134. Wright, K.B. (2006). Researching Internet-Based Populations: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Survey Research, Online Questionnaire Authoring Software Packages, and Web Survey Services. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 10.