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Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments

Explore Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic governments, their characteristics, and examples, along with the ways governments determine citizen participation through elections and ruling dynamics.

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Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments

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  1. Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments 3 Ways Governments Determine Citizen Participation in Government

  2. Autocratic Governments • Government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. • Can not participate in elections or selecting the ruler • Rulers are dictators

  3. Examples of Autocratic governments • Cuba, North Korea, Iraq under Saddam Hussein

  4. Oligarchic Government • Government by a few, sometimes a government in which a small group exercises control often for corrupt andselfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role. • Ruler is elected from a group of wealthy, landowners, or people who have the military support

  5. Examples of Oligarchic governments • Iran-theocracy-small religious group rules • Certain African countries

  6. Democratic Governments • Government by the people in which the supreme power is held by the people and exercised directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held FREE elections.

  7. “Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people.” Abraham Lincoln

  8. Characteristics of Democracy • Sovereignty of the people • Government based upon consent of the governed • Majority rule but minority has rights • Guarantee of basic human rights • Free and fair elections • Equality before the law • Due process of law • Constitutional limits on government

  9. Two Types of Democracy • 1. Presidential: A system of government in which the president is constitutionally independent of the legislature. • ** The president is elected by the people of the country and not the legislature

  10. Two Types of Democracy • 2. Parliamentary: A system of government where the elected representatives choose the leader of the country instead of the people. The leader (sometimes called the prime minister) answers to the legislature.

  11. Parliamentary System Presidential System • Legislature-lawmaking body • President-Leader • President is elected • Legislature and President serve for a fixed amount of time • President does not make the laws • President is the head of state and chief executive • Prime Minster –leader, heads Parliament, the law making body • Parliament selects Prime Minister • Prime Minister can dissolve Parliament • May have a head of state with little power – King or Queen Citizens elect lawmakers Leader heads the military & runs the government

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