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TESTES (primary sex characteristic) will begin to increase production and release the hormone TESTOSTERONE. OVARIES (primary sex characteristic) will begin to increase and release the hormones ESTROGEN and PROGESTERONE. PUBERTY.
TESTES (primary sex characteristic) will begin to increase production and release the hormone TESTOSTERONE OVARIES (primary sex characteristic) will begin to increase and release the hormones ESTROGEN and PROGESTERONE PUBERTY (Usually occurs between the ages of 9-14)Begins in the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLANDRELEASES a HORMONE called GONADOTROPIN (sex stimulating hormone) Boys Girls
Growth spurt; speeds up Facial and body hair Deeper Voice Acne Muscle development Increase perspiration/odor Possible hair loss Begin to have ejaculations Growth spurt; slows down Increase perspiration/odor Growth of hair throughout body Development of breasts Wider hips Increase in fat deposits in thighs and buttocks Beginning of menstrual periods Slightly deeper voice PHYSICAL CHANGES DURINGADOLESCENCE a.k.a. PUBERTY SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS Girls Boys
1. First, he get’s produced at his home. 2. Next, he goes to “Sperm University” to mature. 3. Then, he travels through a thin dark tunnel. 4. Next, he collects his supplies from 3 different places. 5. Last is his exit out into the world! Sammy Sperm loves an adventure! He’s going on a journey right now!
PATH of SPERM • Sperm is produced in the TESTES. • Sperm is STORED and MATURED in the EPIDIDYMUS. • SPERM travels through a long thin tube called the VAS DEFERENS. • SPERM collects fluid from the SEMINAL VESICLES, PROSTATE GLAND, and COWPERS GLAND. • The sperm mixed with this fluid to travel is called SEMEN. • SEMEN is EJACULATED through the URETHRA during an ORGASM.
First, she is stored at her home, Ovary Village. While staying at the village, Uterine valley is preparing for her stay. Then, she slowly travels through the unknown cave of Fallopian. Next, her destination is Uterus valley. If, Sammy’s not there to meet her, she leaves. Following her departure, the valley breaks down. (menstruation) Olivia the Ovum takes a trip every month!
MENSTRUAL CYCLE • Days 1-5:Menstruation also known as the PERIOD. Blood, along with soft tissue that lines the uterus leaves the body through the VAGINA. • Days 6-15:Egg or OVUM is maturing in the OVARY. Around the 14th day, ONE egg typically is released from the ovary into the uterus. This is called OVULATION. • Days 16-28:If the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, the egg will leave the body and following will be menstruation again. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. This is called CONCEPTION.