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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter“Ohio Chapter of the Year!” • CACDST Goals: • Impactful social action programming that mobilizes the chapter • Contributing $30,000 over the next 5 years to our chapter scholarships and programs • Reclaiming at least 50 sorors over the next 5 years • Enhancing our internal policies and procedures for better chapter effectiveness • Increasing chapter visibility within the community and the sorority. General Body Meeting June 20, 2009 • Regional Goals: • 200 delegates at DDNC • 100% Chapter Compliance • 7000 Members by June 30, 2009 • 200 DIDs (Delta Internal Development workshops) • 8 State Meetings (e.g., Delta Days, Statewide Founders Day, Training Clusters, etc.) • Launch a State Program Initiative for all 8 states • Submit 4 articles from the Midwest for the Delta Journal • 100% attendance by chapters at the Regional Conference • Full slate of candidates for 2009 Regional Conference
Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Financial Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Ways & Means /Golf Outing Delta GEMS Cotillion Membership Intake Delta Gateway Foundation Unfinished Business New Business Macy’s Music Festival Ticket Promotion Announcements Ritualistic Closing Ohio Chapter of the Year!”General Body MeetingJune 20, 2009ORDER OF BUSINESS Note:Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action
General Body Meeting MinutesMay 2009 The May 2009 meeting was called to order at 6:50 pm at College Hill Presbyterian Church. A quorum was present with___ financial members and ___ non-financial/ visiting sorors. Sor. Nancy Moody moved to adopt the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passes. The April General Body Meeting minutes were read silently. Motion to approve the minutes by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Motion carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Invitation to several events around the city. Welcome card to neophytes from Sor. Octavia Matthews, Thank you card from the Bright family. Requests to be covered under new business. President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Celebrating our 50th anniversary year. Local and State updates. Violets to committees and sorors for successful programs and activities. 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave her report. Review of chapter program proposals for ‘09-10 sorority year. Motion to accept the program proposals by Sor. Danelle Carter. Seconded. Discussion. Motion Carries. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave the report. Reminder to MW regional conference attendees to let her know they will be attending and a roster will be sent out to the group for contact info. Time to submit nominations for violet and fortitude awards by May 22nd, Recognition of visiting sorors and May birthdays. Violets to Sor. Carmen Jett for soror integration activities. June luncheon and meeting to be held at the Columbia Center RSVP by June 5th. Acknowledgement of new sorors. 3rd Vice President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave the report. Informational. In need of all the policy and procedures templates to be returned for offices and committees.
General Body Meeting Minutes May 2009 ….continued • Financial Secretary • Sor. Ligaya West gave her report. Up to 145 members. Up to 86 members of 0910. • Treasurer • Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave her report. Review of the proposed budget for ’09-10 sorority year. Motion to accept the budget as read by Sor. Shawnda DeRamus. Seconded. Motion carries. • Appointed Officers • Nominating Committee: Sor. Carmen Jett gave the report. 51 sorors voting. Election Results: President - Tina Welch; 1st Vice President – Danelle Carter; 2nd Vice President – Gail McCullom; 3rd Vice President – Shawnda DeRamus; Treasurer – Gayle DeBrossard; Financial Secretary – Ligaya West; Recording Secretary- Shonda Daniels; Corresponding Secretary – Kim Hull; Nominating Committee Chair – Charlotte McKenzie; Nominating Committee: Stacey Fulgham, Reynell Frazier, Ronnise Handy and Cheryl Lett • Committees • Ways and Means: Soror Lisa Rowell gave her report. Golf Outing on Saturday at 11am Walden Ponds. Violets to all sorors who helped to raise funds for the golf outing. • Delta Academy: Sor. Candice Higgins gave her report. Asking sorors to attend the closing ceremony for the program on June 13th. Still accepting March of Dimes donations and cell phones. Asking sorors to wear red shirts and jeans. Processional starting at 1pm. • Physical & Mental Health: Sor. Yvonne Coursey gave a presentation on Stroke awareness.
General Body Meeting Minutes May 2009 ….continued • Unfinished Business • Sorority found out that as a chapter we cannot support Sor. Marcia Fudge because she is a public political figure and as a non-partisan organization we can only donate individually. • New Business • Soror Soraya Williams Farver is seeking donations for her candidacy as Midwest Regional Director. No set amount on donations. No motion by the chapter. • Cincinnati Queen City Alumnae Chapter will celebrate their 20th Anniversary Celebration June 12-14, 2009. Their Program Booklet features ads for Covers/$100; full page/$40; half page/$30; quarter page/$20; eighth page/$10. Photo with ad for an additional $10. Deadline is May 15, 2009. Motion to donate a full page with picture by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Discussion. Motion Carries. • Announcements • Sor. Candice Higgins reiterating that all sorors are invited to the June 13th activity -- active and inactive • Invitation from the Urban League for their annual gala on June 6th 8-12 @ the Hilton Netherland Plaza • Art Beyond Boundaries Gallery Exhibit highlighting art by people with disabilities June 12-July 22 • Allen Temple AME hosting an Opera event on June 15th • This weekend is Cinci NPHC Black Greek full of activities Thursday-Monday • Sor. Camille Woods looking for Co-Chair for the Delta GEMS for next year • Sor. Kara Jones graduating on Saturday from Xavier • Urban League Guild selling tickets to the Negro League baseball game for $20 game on June 20th at 7pm
General Body Meeting Minutes May 2009 ….continued • Sor. Stacey Fulgham moved to adjourn. Seconded. Motion carries. • Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording SecretaryPresident
Correspondence ReportJune 20, 2009 Greetings Sorors! It has been an absolute pleasure working with you in service to our chapter. Thank you for your sisterly ways and also keeping our chapter in the loop! Please continue with your submissions over the summer. • All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm to dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. • Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive but brief, in STANDARD TYPE AND FONT. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. • Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. • Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. • Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: • Thank you card to the chapter from Soror Maya Owens. • Thank you card to the chapter from Soror Kamille Turner. • Postcard from Soror Krystal Hardy. Soror Hardy can be reached at 8397 Prestine, #302; Cordova TN 38018. • The Ohio Commission on Minority Health has announced the availability of requests for proposals (RFP). Call 614-466-4000 or minhealth@ocmh.state.oh.us for information.
Correspondence Report continued….. • UMADAOP Statewide Conference will take place August 20-21, 2009. Registration opens June 1. • Soror Phyllis Harden Carter is seeking our support for her candidacy as Member National Nominating Committee. • The “Essence of a Delta” doll is available for $129. You can order through June 28. To view, www.trinitydesigns.com; or call Soror Niccole Grave, CEO at 708-991-7446. • Souvenir booklet and thank you letter received from the Inaugural Walnut Hills Black Alumni Network Reunion. Request/Ads/Donations: • The Midwest Region is requesting each chapter to contribute $75 that will be used towards gifts for outgoing Midwest Region officers. The gifts will be presented in July at the 44th Regional Conference in Charleston, WV. • Stop Aids, a community based organization serving 13 counties in OH, IN, and KY is seeking a financial contribution to support their services. • Ralph McClinon, a Cincinnati native, 2007 Grad from the School for the Creative and Performing Arts, and freshman at Central State University is requesting a donation to assist him with the high cost of tuition. • Divine Women Production, a newly created faith based semi professional fashion show promotion entity is requesting a donation to help them assist organizations in their causes. • Alpha Pi Chapter of Kentucky State University is seeking an ad donation to celebrate their 75th anniversary this year that will take place at their homecoming in the fall. Ad prices are $5/patron; $10/business card; $20/quarter page; $35/half page; $50/full page; $75/cover, front or back. Deadline for a response is September 30, 2009. Thank you, Sorors! Have a fantastic Summer! Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary
Presidents ReportJune 20, 2009 • Sorors, • We have come to the end of another successful sorority year! I thank you all for making my job easy as President due to the dedication, enthusiasm and sisterly encouragement you have displayed. Together we established some lofty 5-year goals and I can honestly say that we achieved most of them within 3 years. It takes TEAMWORK to Make the Dream Work and I am extremely pleased with the progress that this Dream Team has accomplished. Although the end of my tenure is bittersweet, I take pride in knowing that the chapter is in a better place and that we have elected a strong new administration that will take the chapter to even higher heights. • Local Updates • Violets to Lisa Rowell and Golf Outing committee on another outstanding event. Our golfers continue to remain loyal to our event and comment on how well organized we are and how much fun they had and it’s all because of you! • Violets to Delta Academy and the Delta GEMS committee for your successful year end celebrations. Our programs are the heart of the chapter and you definitely demonstrate the love we have for our community. • Represented the Chapter at Queen City Alumnae Chapter’s 20th Anniversary Dinner Dance. • Begun planning for 50th Anniversary Celebration – please contact me or Danelle if you are interested in serving on the committee. • Discussed opportunity to help promote Macy’s Music Festival tickets with Lem Jenkins (promoter). • Participated in Ohio President’s Conference Call on June 11th. • Focused on Compliance deadlines • Due June 30th - Transition of Officers Form, Chapter Programming Calendar, Chapter Rules of Order Revisions, Chapter Policy & Procedures • Due August 31st – Chapter Audit Forms
Presidents ReportJune 20, 2009 Regional Updates • Counting down to the MW Regional Conference • Onsite Volunteer Opportunities (All volunteers must be registered for the Conference.) • Fitness Trainer and Health Specialist • DeltApollo participants and hostesses • Closing Banquet hostesses • Choir • Let me know if you are interested and I’ll provide you with an application. You must email your completed application to mightymidwest_ 22@yahoo. com by Friday, June 19, 2009, but the sooner the better! National Updates • Request to Support Sonia Sotomayer by contacting your Representatives in Congress and the Senate. • Yours in Delta, • Veronica L. Chapman
First Vice President Report The program committees were on the MOVE in the Greater Cincinnati area and has just completed another successful program year. Below are program highlights: Dr.Betty Shabazz Delta Academy - Young ladies grades 5th through 8th, focus on math/science, chaired by Sorors Candace Brooks-Higgins and Tamia Collins implemented / participated in the following programs: Three educational modules: ISPACE Blast Off, Bridge Building and Lights! Camera! Action Wins GOLD (Elementary Division)at The Alpha Esquire Black History Bowl Winter retreat, Mind, Body, and Soul Raised money for the Water Project, Inc. Water for Children in Africa and March of Dimes Walk for Babies Delta Academy II: Delta G.E.M.S.(Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) – Young ladies grades 9th through 12th, focus on self esteem and leadership, chaired by Soror Camille Woods participated in the following programs: Volunteer at the Ebony Fashion Fair Three educational components: Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Show Me the Money Wins SILVER (High School Division)at The Alpha Esquire Black History Bowl Two retreats: Winter retreat, Mind, Body, and Soul and the Spring College retreat at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Raised money for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies Scholarship Committee - chaired by Soror Kim Hull implemented a very successful College Prep Workshop for grades 7th – 12th focused on college selection, testing, application submission, interviews and financial aide. Also evaluated and selected 4 scholarship recipients awarding $2,300 to the following seniors: Kimaya Hudgins- Princeton; Malaika McCoy- Seven Hills; Ciera Brooks- Roger Bacon; and Diamond Austin- Withrow High School.
First Vice President Report Debutante Cotillion - Young ladies that are High school Juniors and Seniors, focus on developing and enhancing the debutante’s personal, educational, cultural, spiritual, and social lives. Chaired by Sorors Shawnda DeRamus and Marviette Dale presented 18 debutants and distributed over $15,000 in scholarships and stipends. Social Action committee - Collaboration with community partners to enhance the political and social awareness of the Cincinnati community residents. Chaired by Soror Deatria Walker the committee coordinated the chapter participation in several voter registration drives at the National NAACP Convention, Black Family Reunion, and National Baptist Convention registering over 150 people through our efforts. We also conducted our 2nd Delta Days at City hall Advocacy in Action-Renewing Our Purpose”. Physical and Mental HealthCommittee – focused on Stroke and Stroke prevention in addition to Breast Cancer Awareness, and Heart Disease. This committee chaired by Sorors Stephanie Morton and Evelyn Ellington presented some great information to the chapter and provided us with reference material. Financial Fortitude Committee – will focus on home ownership and preventative maintenance. No activity during the 2008/2009 program year Adopt-a-Family – provide Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets for a deserving family as well as collect and distribute personal care items for our sick-n-shut-in sorors during Christmas. Chaired by Sorors Cheryl Meadows and Tina Bowen, the committee collected $985.00 in cash, checks and gift cards which assisted 35 families from the Help Me Grow Program at Lighthouse Youth Services. The Help Me Grow program provides support and service coordination for families of infants and toddlers who are at risk for or are experiencing developmental delays.
First Vice President Report The program committees would like to thank the chapter for their support and generosity during the 2008/2009 program year. We look forward to your continued support during the upcoming program year. We have some exciting events and activities planned. Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President
Second Vice President Report • Thank you for allowing me to serve as your 2nd Vice President for the past four (4) years! It has been great! • Soror Monica Burns, Farwest Regional Representative, will be relocating to Cincinnati at the beginning of August to attend graduate school at Xavier University. She is seeking housing and interested in any rental opportunities Soror’s may have available. Her contact information is below: Monica Burns 702-292-9296 monicamburns@gmail.com • Thank you to the Membership Services Chairpersons and committee members for an awesome year! Your contributions and time spent were greatly appreciated. It was a pleasure working with you! • Delta Dears ~ Betty Davis and Sallie Berry • Fall Round-Up ~ Esther Cash-Mills & Rhonda Twitty • Founders Day ~ Michelle Toney • Sisterhood ~ Frances Glover and Rhonda Twitty • Soror Integration ~ Carmen Jett
Second Vice President Report • It is time to head to Charleston, WV for the Midwest Regional Conference!!! As we prepare to depart we would like to be able to contact you! Please provide to me via email at danellecarter2@yahoo.com or cell phone at 513.312.9596 your travel information as noted below: • Name • Roommate Name (If applicable) • Date of arrival • Hotel • Cell Phone Number • Delta Sigma Theta is a Lifetime Commitment! Let us recognize those Sorors who were reclaimed during 2007-2009. Thank you for coming back home and helping to make the CAC even better!!! • Please join me in congratulating the following Sorors on their dedication to our illustrious sisterhood. These Soror have served Delta for 25+ years! • Soror Vickie Fairley – 25 years • Soror Sylvia Young – 50 years
Second Vice President Report Continued VIOLET AWARD To be eligible for the Violet Award, one must be: • Nominated by a member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter • Over the age of 50 • An active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for over twenty years • A financial member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter in the current Sorority year • Committed to the steadfast support of chapter projects and programs • A representative of strength, wisdom and commitment to the Delta Nine Cardinal Virtues as evidenced through her conduct and demeanor FORTITUDE AWARD To be eligible for the Fortitude Award, one must be: • Nominated by a member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter • A financial member of Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter in the current Sorority year • Have consistent involvement in a broad spectrum of Chapter projects and programs • Show commitment to and unsung support of Chapter projects and programs • Promote sisterhood and unity within the Chapter • Exemplify Delta’s Nine Cardinal Virtues through her conduct and demeanor • Demonstrate outstanding leadership of a chapter project or program • -OR- • Be responsible for the conception or initiation of a project or program that fosters Delta’s public service goals • -OR- • Demonstrate perseverance and unrelenting dedication to a Chapter project or program in spite of adversities Sisterly, Danelle 2nd Vice President
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report – June 2009 Violets to all Resources Management Committee Chairs and committee members and sorors for another stellar sorority year! You are simply the best! Ways & Means Committee ~ Soror Lisa Rowell • Violets to Soror Rowell, the golf committee and sorors for an outstanding 2009 Annual Golf Outing on Saturday – May 16th. Thanks to all hole sponsors and goody bag contributions. Parliamentarian ~ Soror Esther Cash Mills • Chapter policies and procedures template document is ready for review. Violets to Sorors Mills, Deloris Elliott, Carol Mundy and Kedra Fairley for volunteering to support this effort! Historian ~ Soror Ebonie Byndon • Violets for coordinating and archiving chapter materials. Journalist ~ Lynadius Joseph & Camille Woods • Violets for preparing our Minerva’s Pen Newsletter. Web Mistress ~ Soror LaCosta Mackey Moore • Click www.cacdst.org for happenings. Violets for efforts in keeping our website current. Publicity ~ Soror Katelyn Jackson • Violets for coordinating publicity of chapter events and programs.
Delta Sigma Theta SororityCincinnati Alumnae ChapterThird Vice President’s Report cont’d Audit ~ Soror Mary Coleman • Violets for maintaining our internal controls and financial structure. Custodian ~ Soror Sandra Wiggins Violets for your on-going efforts in maintaining chapter properties and supporting chapter meetings and program activities. Chaplain ~ Soror Wanda Owens • Violets for keeping us spiritually grounded and proving appropriate words of wisdom in a myriad of programs and chapter meetings. Dial-a-Delta ~ Sorors Melba Morgan & Pearline Singletary • Violets for your many calls and consistent support of all Omega Omega services and other calls as needed. Sergeant at Arms ~ Soror Maurine Allen • Violets for consistently maintaining a professional meeting environment Housing Management ~ Soror Glenda Wilkinson • Violets for efforts to date in coordinating our housing feasibility study. YID - Soror Vickie D. Fairley Third Vice President
Financial Roster A Adams-Davis, Sherri Allen, Maurine Archable, Victoria Armour, Tanya Austin, Terricka B Baker, Erica Bankston, Karen Barnes, Donnia Barnes, Vanessa Benjamin, Tikica Berry, Sallie Black, Monica Bowen, Tina Boyce-Mathis, Angela Brooks-Higgins, Candice Brown, Elsie Brown, Marena Burton, Kyndal Byndon, Ebonie C Cargile, Lori Carter, Danelle Cash-Mills, Esther Chapman, Sheryl Chapman, Veronica Cleveland, Mary Cole, L’Tanya Coleman, Mary Collins, Ashani Collins, Tamia Cook, Angela Cornelius, Tamekka Coursey, Yvonne Crawford-Hemphill, Ruby D Dale, Marviette Davis, Betty Daniels, Shonda DeBrossard, Gayle Dees, Ashley DeRamus, Shawnda Dixon, Sheree L Leonard-Wilkinson, Glenda Lewis-Thornton, Jennifer Love, Melinda M Mackey-Moore, LaCosta Madry, Trina Marshall, Mikaela Matthews, Keianna McCray, Adrienne McCray, Jacquelyn McCullom, Gail McDonald-Gordon, Robyn McKenzie, Charlotte Meadows, Cheryl Merrida, Chemere Montgomery, Olivia Moody, Nancy Moore, April Morgan, Melba Morton, Stephanie Murphy, Eunice N Newberry, Lillie O Owens, Maya Owens, Vera Owens, Wanda P Paddio, Lillie Pankey, Danielle Pennington, Monetta Potter, LeQuita R Reed, Allene Reed-Jett, Carmen Rogers, Michelle Rogers, Shawana Rowell, Lisa E Ellington, Evelyn Elliott, Deloris Everett, Minnie F Fariley, Kedra Fairley, Vickie Fears, Kristal Ferguson-Booker, Sheila Foree, Marthella Frazier, Josephine Frazier, Reynell Fulgham, Stacey Fultz, Betty Fuqua, Jaekeia G Gayle-Rucker, Gracie Glaspie, Geraldine Glover, Frances Goodloe, Celestine Graham, Scharleen Green, Tamara H Handy, Ronnise Hardy, Krystal Hardy, Tywauna Heard, Danyelle Henry, Martha Hillman, Adrienne Hollinger, April Horton, Margaret Howard, Carla Hudson, Lucia Hull, Kimberly J Johnson, Ruth Jones, Kara Jones, Nikita Joseph, Lynadius K Kearney, Rose Kendrick, Crystal King, Angela S Sams, Vanessa Shands, Mardia Shirley, Virginia Faye Singletary, Pearline Smith, Alesia Stallworth-Lett, Cheryl Stewart-Tyson, Karla Story-Stewart, Michelle Strudwick, Casandra T Taylor, Nikki Thomas, Latania Thomas, Nikki Tillery, Irma Toliver, Ernestine Toney, Michelle Turner, A. Kamille Turner, Jacqueline Twitty, Rhonda V Veals-Pierre, Bennette W Walker, Beulah Walker, Deatria Walters, Lottie Ward, Gloria Watson-El, Jasmin Weber-Lashore, Akiliah Welch, Tina Wesley, Florence West, Ligaya Wheeler, Tisha White-Heisel, Regina White, Dorothy White, Marie Wiggins, Sandra Wills, Tiffani Winston, Tiffani Woods, Camille Y Young, Sylvia TOTAL 145
Ways and Means/Golf Outing ReportJune 20, 2009 The golf outing was May 16, 2009 at Walden Pond Golf Course. Our Sponsors were KEESH Construction, PAR LEVEL PEPSICo, Drink Sponsor DRAKE Hospital, Golf Ball Sponsor DARTEC Solution, Inc, Golfer Gift Sponsor Violets to all committee members and volunteers. Final report will be given at September, 2009 meeting as we are still collecting funds. Respectfully Submitted: Lisa Rowell, Ways & Means Chair
Delta G.E.M.S. June 2009 Informational Report • April 25-26, 2009 Delta GEMS Spring College Retreat-Miami University Oxford, Ohio. There were a total of 16 GEMS, 11 CAC Sorors, and 5 Zeta Mu Sorors! • Weekend activities included: Admissions 101 Session, Campus Tour, Community Service at Oxford Community Arts Center, Stroll/Step Competition, Beautiful Flower Affirmation Exercise, Picture Frame/Craft Activity and March of Dimes/March for Babies Walk. • Violets-to the entire Delta G.E.M.S. Committee and a special thanks to Erica Clark, Miranda Holloway, Tikica Benjamin, Kamille Turner, Candice Higgins and Dana Washington. • May 5, 2009-Our last program meeting for the 2008-2009 G.E.M.S. program year. The GEMS selected the program topic and led the entire meeting. There were 16 GEMS and 11 Sorors in attendance! • June 12, 2009- End of the Year Activity at GAMEWORKS in Newport, KY. There were 19 GEMS and 9 Sorors in attendance to celebrate another successful program year! • We are in the process of implementing a mentoring program within the G.E.M.S. program and connecting GEMS with Sorors in order to develop and maintain a strong personal relationship with one another. • Congratulations to our seniors: Alandria Allen-Tuskegee University; Jasmyne Walker-The Ohio State University and Keshar Smith-University of Cincinnati. • Violets, Violets, Violets- 2008-2009 Delta G.E.M.S. Committee and the NEOS on the committee that knew to come in and flow to the work that needed to be completed by June 2009.
Name of Program/Project Membership Intake Date of Program/Project October 2008-April 2009 Brief Description of Program/Project: The planning and implementation of all membership intake activities including Induction, Initiation, and orientation of new members into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Location of Program/Project Various Locations including College Hill Presbyterian Church, Grace Episcopal Church, Xavier University, Columbia Center, Xenos Christian Fellowship, and Six Acres. Number of Participants: 18 Agency/Business Representatives _______________________________ Lay People_______________________________ Young Adults (13-18 yrs.)_______________________________ Delta Sorors 50 Trained Sorors; Other Sorors-approx. 30-50 Others Committee Observation: The Minerva Circle did an outstanding job of coordinating and implementing all membership intake activities. The Minerva Circle and participating trained Sorors did an excellent job of planning and delivering material for J nights. Everyone’s time, hardwork, and creativity is appreciated. Many positive comments were received from visiting Sorors regarding the Induction and Initiation ceremonies. • Suggestions for next Minerva Circle Include: • Planning more space on calendar for screening and selection to allow time for verification, • The Minerva Circle continue to comprise a mixture of Neos and Prophytes. • Line names are selected by the Minerva Circle only. • Locating meeting sites earlier. • Leave time at the end of sessions for pyramids to ask questions regarding information clarification. • Select an initiation location with separate space for gift display. • Consider giving pyramids input in Spec selection. • Stressing the importance of more trained Sorors attending J nights. Committee Minerva Circle Committee Members : Gail McCullom, Veronica Chapman, Tina Bowen, Esther Cash Mills, Danelle Carter, Betty Davis, Gayle DeBrossard, Shawnda DeRamus, Stacey Fulgham, Lynadius Joseph, Cheryl Meadows, Michelle Toney, Tina Welch, & Ligaya West
EXPENSE REPORT • I. REVENUE PLANNED ACTUAL • A. Grants 0 0 • B. Sorority Contributions $500.00 $500.00 • C. Generated Income $19,927.50 $19,927.50 • Total $20,427.50 $20.427.50 • II. EXPENDITURES • A. Accommodations (eg. Facility, location) $2,860.00 $3,457.50 • B. Communication (eg. Printing, publicity) $1,500.00 $1,179.13 • C. Visual Documentation (eg. Photography) 0 0 • D. Entertainment (eg. Musicians) $419.75 $419.75 • Facility Décor (eg. Decoration) 0 0 • F. Food Service (eg. Refreshments, catering) $2000.00 $1471.62 • G. Gratuities (eg. Souvenirs, Gifts) $475.00 $360.00 • H. Special Recognition (eg. Awards, plaques) 0 0 • I. Transportation (eg. Buses, air fare) 0 0 • J. Miscellaneous (Nat’l HQ fees/Local $12,175.00 12,175.00 • Dues/Reimbursement-P.DeJarnett) • Total $19429.75 $19063.00 • REVENUE (item I) $20,427.50 $20,427.50 • EXPENDITURES (item II) minus $19429.75 $19063.00 • GROSS PROCEEDS $997.75 $1364.50 • SORORITY CONTRIBUTION (item IB) minus $500.00 $500.00 • TOTAL NET PROCEEDS $497.75 $864.50 • Committee Minerva Circle • Submitted by: Gail McCullom, Chairperson • Signature: _____________________________________________________ • Date: June 16, 2009