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Soum Buddy Active Listening

Soum Buddy Active Listening. Darlene Grant CD Jennifer King PCMO Linnea Trageser PCMO. Active Listening. People only hear and absorb 25-50% of what is said to them. Being a good listener takes training and practice

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Soum Buddy Active Listening

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  1. Soum Buddy Active Listening Darlene Grant CD Jennifer King PCMO Linnea Trageser PCMO

  2. Active Listening • People only hear and absorb 25-50% of what is said to them. • Being a good listener takes training and practice • In order to be an effective Soum buddy it is necessary to become a good listener • Active listening is a set of techniques that can be learned, practiced, and utilized in Soum Buddy conversations

  3. Step One - Attending • Attending means you are actively paying attention • Look at the speaker directly and make eye contact. • Clear your head of distracting thoughts. • Don't be mentally preparing what you will say next. • Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. • Pay attention to the speaker's body language. • Don’t engage in side conversations

  4. Step One - Attending • Show That You're Listening • Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention. • Nod occasionally. • Smile and use other facial expressions. • Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting. • Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like yes, and uh huh.

  5. Step One - Attending • How might “attending” be made more difficult for Soum Buddies?

  6. Step One - Attending • What can we still do on the phone?

  7. Step Two –Feedback • Our “hearing” is distorted by • Our personal filters • Our assumptions, • Our judgments • Our beliefs • Your role as Soum Buddy is to attempt to understand what is being said. • This may require giving and receiving feedback until both parties feel understanding is achieved.

  8. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback • Asking Questions • Closed • Questions that have only a yes or no answer • Examples • Open • Questions that require the Soum Buddy to give a more detailed answer • Example • Which type is more likely to facilitate understanding?

  9. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback • Paraphrasing • Restate the message you heard • Usually with fewer words • Try and get more to the point. • This tests your understanding of what you heard. • It communicates that you are trying to understand what is being said. • If you’re successfulitindicates that you’re beginning to understand the basic message. • Examples

  10. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback • Clarifying • Brings vague material into sharper focus. • Untangles unclear or wrong listener interpretation. • Obtains more information • Helps the speaker see other points of view • Can begin with phrases • I am confused • I am hearing a lot of information • Can I get more information about… • I’m not sure if I understand • Examples

  11. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback • Perception Checking • Request verification of your perceptions. • Check out your assumptions • Can begin with phrases • Let me see if I’ve got it straight. • I think I hear you saying… • It seems as if you feel… • Examples

  12. Techniques for giving and receiving feedback • Empathy • Your personal reflection of content and feelings • Shows that you’re understanding the speaker’s experience • Allows the speaker to evaluate his/her feelings after hearing them expressed by someone else • Can begin with the phrase • You feel (state feeling) because (state content) • Examples

  13. Step Three - Summarizing • Summarizing • Organizingand integrating the major aspects of the dialogue. • Gives a sense of movement and accomplishment in the exchange • Can sometimes establish a basis for further discussion. • Can begin with the phrases • I am hearing a major theme • You seem to have two main points • You keep coming back to a few key issues • Examples

  14. Role Play • Divide into groups of three • Read scenario and role play • One person is speaker • One person is listener • One person is observer and provides feedback • Try doing this back to back to simulate phone conversation • The listener should try to determine the speaker’s main concern/s • The goal is not to be confusing or obstructive to the listener • Once the speaker is comfortable he/she has been heard change roles • New scenario from neighboring group or make one up • Present a scenario to the whole class

  15. Thanks for being a good soum buddy

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