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Welcome to ITC-ILO/ACTRAV/ILS Training Course for FTUB on Elimination of Forced Labour

Welcome to ITC-ILO/ACTRAV/ILS Training Course for FTUB on Elimination of Forced Labour. Bangkok 19 - 24 December 2005. Course Orientation. Michihiro Ishibashi (Hiro) ITC-ILO/ACTRAV. Agenda of this Session. Background Objectives Expected Outputs Timetable Individual Objectives.

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Welcome to ITC-ILO/ACTRAV/ILS Training Course for FTUB on Elimination of Forced Labour

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  1. Welcome toITC-ILO/ACTRAV/ILSTraining Course for FTUB onElimination of Forced Labour • Bangkok • 19 - 24 December 2005

  2. Course Orientation • Michihiro Ishibashi (Hiro) • ITC-ILO/ACTRAV

  3. Agenda of this Session • Background • Objectives • Expected Outputs • Timetable • Individual Objectives

  4. Background

  5. Persistent forced labour problems in Burma What can the ILO do? What can FTUB do? Question to be Answered:How can the FTUB use the ILO & its supervisory mechanism, or other international instruments, to contribute to the elimination of forced labour?

  6. Objectives

  7. Expected Resultsof this Training Course • After the program: • FTUB will be able to assess the forced labour situations in Burma from the angle of internationally agreed standards; • FTUB will be able to use all possible international means to contribute to improving the forced labour situations in Burma.

  8. Target Achievementsin this Course • By the end of this course, you will know: • What the ILO’s definition of forced labour is; • How the supervisory mechanism of the ILO works to eliminate forced labour; • How FTUB can use the supervisory mechanism to put pressure on the junta; • How FTUB can try to improve forced labour situations in Burma using other int’l instruments; • How FTUB can organize a training course on forced labour for its members.

  9. Timetable (inputs)

  10. Opening Introduction to ILS Monday ILS:What are core standards? Tuesday Intro. to ILO Manual on FL Wed. Forced Labour Manual Discussion on trade union actions Thursday Friday Trade Union Strategy Union policy and strategy on FL Presenting action plans Saturday What can ILO do for Burma? ILS:What are “forced labour”? Analysis of forced labour by States FL problem in migrant workers Developing FTUB policy and strategy ILS:What can ILS do for Burma? ILS:Case Study - Burma Discussion on trade union actions FL problem in domestic workers <Group- Work>Developing action plans Summary discussion, evaluation, & closing ILS:Application mechanism ILS:Convention on Forced Labour Analysis of FL by private agents Discussion on trade union actions

  11. Expected Outputs

  12. Action Plan • A proposal for a “Project” for your own union to achieve a specific objectives; • How to transform what you learned in this course into practice; • The proposal should specify: • What you want to achieve; • How you try to achieve; • Until when you aim to achieve. • The proposal must be “realistic”, “implementable” and “measurable”.

  13. Individual Objectives

  14. It is important to set your own objectives to achieve during this training program, and in each session. After each session, check if your personal objectives are met -if not, speak up!

  15. Course Website • http://training.itcilo.org/actrav/courses/2005/A3-50964_web/ • Database of the training course, including: • Course documents • Resource materials • Participants’ work

  16. Any questions, requestsor proposals? • ITC-ILO/ACTRAV

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