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Texas Puebloans Resided in Ancient Times

Put in Texas, the Puebloans included two main groups. The Jornada (hohru00abNAHu00abdah) were living there occur ancient times,

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Texas Puebloans Resided in Ancient Times

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  1. Texas Puebloans Existed in Ancient Times Texas' Great Writers Found Here Texas Puebloans Lived Beginning in Texas, the Puebloans included two main groups. The Jornada (hohr«NAH«dah) were located there occured ancient times, and the Tigua (TEE«wah) arrived proceed 1680. The Jornada lived taking place in Southwest Texas. First they built pit houses that were partly underground. Later, they were located that is set in Puebloan-style adobe homes. They grew corn, beans, and squash. They were living near Hueco Tanks, a site near El Paso. The hollowed-out granite hills there collect and store rainwater. No one knows why, but the Jornada disappeared around 1400. Some historians think they joined with other Native American groups. The Tigua were living first from New Mexico but moved near present-day El Paso taking place in the late 1600s. They came with Spanish colonists who fled the Puebloan Revolt happen New Mexico. The Tigua named their new home Ysleta (ihs«LEHT«uh) del Sur, or Ysleta of the South. This name recalled their old home, Isleta. Tigua descendants still live in the same area today on a reservation. Ysleta is the oldest continuous settlement emerge Texas. Like other Puebloan peoples, Tigua kinship was originally matrilineal, or traced through the mother. Later, the Tigua adopted the European patrilineal custom. This traces kinship through the father. Property is also passed through the males of the family today. All adult Tigua males voted to choose members of the tribal council. That council, pictured in turn, chose the list's two leaders. The cacique was a list's religious leader, as well as governor was the political leader. The cacique held his position until he died. Emerge recent years, some women have been elected to the tribal council. However, not all the Tigua agree with this change emerge practice.

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