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Industrial Revolution in England: Factors and Impact

Explore the Industrial Revolution in late 18th-century France and England's early industrialization with technological advancements and impact on the workforce. Discover factors like the Enclosure Movement and expanding economy that led England to industrialize first. Learn about canals, coalfields, and the effects of technological changes on different industries.

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Industrial Revolution in England: Factors and Impact

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tuesday 10/19/10 • Good Morning! Remember tomorrow’s a Early Release (pds. 5,6,4 & 7) • Warm-up: • Look at page 714-715 in the WH text • Using the map, answer the “Previewing Main Idea” questions, labeled ‘geography’

  2. The Industrial Revolution

  3. Late 18c: French Economic Advantages/Disadvantages -Napoleonic Code -Standards weights & measures -Established technical schools -The government encouraged & honored inventors & inventions -Bank of France  European modelproviding a reliable currency -Years of war -Supported the AmericanRevolution -French Revolution -Early 19c  Napoleonic Wars -Heavy debts -High unemployment  soldiersreturning from the battlefronts -French businessmen were afraid to take risks

  4. Why Did Industrialization Begin in England First?

  5. The Enclosure Movement • Hedges and fences: • Landowners tried new methods • Forced small farmers to be tenants or move to cities

  6. Why England? • EXAPNDING ECONOMY • Bank loans • NO WAR ON LAND • EXPANDED OVERSEAS TRADE • NATURAL RESOURCES • Water power and coal to fuel new machines • Iron ore to construct machines, tools, and buildings • Rivers and canals for inland transportation • Harbors from which merchant ships set sail

  7. Metals, Woolens, & Canals

  8. Early Canals Britain’s Earliest Transportation Infrastructure

  9. Coalfields & Industrial Areas

  10. Impact of Technological Change • Using pages 830-833 Answer these questions: • Which industries experienced the most advances during the period shown on the timeline? • What are the five categories into which the changes on the timeline can be organized? • How were the steamboat and the locomotive similar in their impact? • What negative effects did industrialization and technological change have on the workforce? • How did workers benefit in the long run from industrialization? • How might limiting working hours for children promote literacy? • How did the electric light help the development of industry? • Why would England build transportation and communication networks in their colonies?

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