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UK European ATM Stakeholders Forum 18 th March 2008

UK European ATM Stakeholders Forum 18 th March 2008. Agenda. Single European Sky (SES) update Charging (in General) & Charging Regulation Consultation SESAR SES II & Council Conclusions on Commission Communication EASA and ATM Safety UK/Ireland FAB AOB & Next Meeting.

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UK European ATM Stakeholders Forum 18 th March 2008

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  1. UK European ATM Stakeholders Forum18th March 2008

  2. Agenda • Single European Sky (SES) update • Charging (in General) & Charging Regulation Consultation • SESAR • SES II & Council Conclusions on Commission Communication • EASA and ATM Safety • UK/Ireland FAB • AOB & Next Meeting


  4. SES Update • Two meetings of SSC (9th Jan and 10th Mar) since last meeting of Stakeholder Forum, standing items + : • Communication from the Commission ‘Implementation of the Single Sky, achievements and the way forward’. • EASA NPA on ATM Safety. • Transposition of ESARR 6 (Software in ATM). • CSs on ADEX-P and OLDI. • Airspace Classification below FL195. • Discussion on evolution of the Single Sky Committee. • Rationalisation of Reporting Requirements.

  5. SES Update – Progress on Interoperability mandates • Aeronautical Data Integrity – IR developed by Eurocontrol. Final report passed to Commission. • Data Link Services – final report sent October 2007. • Draft IR discussed at Jan SSC. • SSC working Group meeting today to discuss. • Mode S interrogator code allocation – final report delivered 8 Jan. • Surveillance Performance and Interoperability reqts – final report due Oct 08.

  6. SES Update – Progress on other mandates • Route and Sector Design – Eurocontrol submitted a new proposal and is considering whether further formal consultation is required. • Performance Review – Draft IR sent to Commission in April 2007. Discussed in October SSC, close to fruition but no appearance at either Jan or Mar SSC. • Air Traffic Flow Management – IR under development by Eurocontrol. Draft to Commission November 2007. No appearance yet in SSC • Safety: Risk Classification Scheme – IR under development by Eurocontrol. Draft to Commission by end April 2008. Workshop on April 28th.

  7. SES Update – Progress on other mandates (non-regulatory) • European Upper Flight Information Region – Draft final report delivered at end of February 2007. Amendments requested by EC and Eurocontrol due to deliver amended final report by end Mar 2008. • Single AIP – Additional consultation with AIS Providers and Regulators on 1 Feb 2008 Eurocontrol due to deliver final report by March 2008.

  8. SES Update – Community Specifications • Initial Flight Plan – Under development by Eurocontrol. Final report sent September 2007. • Flexible Use of Airspace – Formal Consultation 15 Feb to 30 Apr. Stakeholder Workshop 16 May 2008. Final report due end June 2008. • Air Traffic Services Message Handling System (AMHS) – Final report due end 2008

  9. SES Implementation - General • SI being prepared to put in place a sanctions regime for non-compliance with SES requirements. • ATCO Directive – work underway to complete transposition by May 2008. • Working Time Directive - Considering 2 amendments to Civ Aviation (Working Time) Regulations of 2004.


  11. BAA LONDON AIRPORTS • The Aerodromes (Designation) (Chargeable Air Services) (Amendment) Order (SI 2008/518) SI 518 Laid before Parliament on 3 March 2008 • Ends NSL’s powers to charge airlines for ANS at BAA’s London airports from 1 April 2008 • BAA will be responsible for reflecting costs of ANS at its London airports in airport charges • SI, the Explanatory Memorandum and Impact Assessment can be obtained from the OPSI at www.opsi.gov.uk and will also be available on the DfT website at www.dft.gov.uk.

  12. BAA SCOTTISH AIRPORTS • SI 518 does not affect charging at BAA’s Scottish airports • Direct charging of airlines at the three Scottish airports for ANS by NSL will continue for the time being beyond 31 March 2008. • It remains the Government’s intention to end direct charging at these airports as soon as we can, • Before doing so, we want to give further consideration to the issues NSL has regarding IEP and impact on future ANS charges for aircraft operators using the three Scottish airports.

  13. COMMON CHARGING SCHEME FOR AIR NAVIGATION SERVICE Commission regulation (EC) No. 1794/2006

  14. IMPACT OF REGULATION ON ANSPs AT AIRPORTS 150,000+ CATMs a year: Full scope of Regulations apply 50,000 – 150,000 a year: Depends on Contestability Assessment Up to 50,000 a year: Exempt

  15. UK Implementation Strategy • Exempt ANSPs at airports with less than 50,000 CATMs a year • Asked CAA(ERG) to carry out a contestability assessment of those in 50 – 150k bracket • Defer application of terminal charges to 1 January 2010


  17. TIMETABLE 31 January 2008 - CAA submits Contestability Assessment to DfT 1 February 2008 - Held Pre-Consultation Event Spring 2008 - DfT consultation on Contestability and terminal Charging Zones. Summer 2008 - Announce outcome of Consultation and report to the Commission. End 2008 -Report data for Terminal Charging Zone(s)

  18. SESAR(Single European Sky ATM Research)

  19. SESAR – Project definition phase • Consortium due to deliver D5 – ‘The ATM Master Plan for Europe’, and D6 – ‘The Roll out Plan’, last week. • Ongoing concerns: • Master Plan - process for amending/updating • Transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 • Regulatory interface for Development Phase • Interaction with NextGen

  20. SESAR – Joint Undertaking • Regulation (EC 219/2007) establishing the SESAR Joint Undertaking entered into force on 28 February 2007 • JU established, up-and-running, and Exec Director appointed. • He is recruiting staff now: A Programme Dctr, An Admin and Finance Dctr, A Chief of Architecture, A Chief Economist, A Chief of Operations. • Project Safety Officer to follow! • Work underway to draft membership agreements with 15 Individual Companies and Organisations. • Commission view is that they will be ready to take control on time. • JU expects to begin development activities in Jan 09.

  21. SESAR – Project development phase • Broken down into 3 Impl Phases: • IP1 – ‘09 to ’13 (Quick Wins - DMEAN?) • IP2 - ‘13 to ’20 (the bulk of the development phase) • IP3 - 2020+ (further developments)

  22. SES II and the Council Conclusions on the Commission Communication

  23. Communication from Commission • Looks at SES successes so far, and points to the way ahead. • Stresses the technical contribution to be made by SESAR. • Feeds into SES II; • Which will focus on Performance, the Environment, Network Management, Economics and SESAR. • ‘Cherry Picks’ from the HLG report. • Endorses move of Airports, Air Navigation Services and ATM (safety aspects) to EASA. • Commission has moved away from the HLG idea of an Aviation System Coordinator and has beefed up discussion on the Network Management function.

  24. COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE COMMUNICATION • Discussed and mostly agreed at 3 meetings of the Aviation WG - some clarity sought at COREPER but ultimate agreement reached. • ‘A’ list item at Transport Council in April. • UK content with the final result: …….

  25. COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE COMMUNICATION - Main issues • 2. - ….acknowledges the need to take further measures to improve performance. • 5. - …..in accordance with the recommendations of the HLG, an overall system approach, in line with the gate-to-gate concept, to enhance safety, to improve ATM and to increase cost-efficiency. • 6. - …. an EU performance framework should in particular tackle the negative effects of fragmentation… • 8. - Acknowledges the importance of SESAR

  26. COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ON THE COMMUNICATION - Main issues (2) • 9. - …safety oversight functions need to be strengthened on the basis of increased cooperation between NSAs,… • 10. - …MS should ensure adequate separation between Service Providers and NSAs… • 11. - … MS should continue to engage actively in the implementation of the SES, reiterating the importance of FABs and Civ/Mil cooperation… • 13. - Welcomes in this respect the opportunity to rationalise European ATM institutional arrangements……, inter alia by adapting Eurocontrol,….while giving industry an appropriate role in pan-European functions….

  27. SES II • Therefore, we can expect the second package of SES 2 to be based around 4 pillars: • Performance - Performance Regn, FABs, Network Function, Market principles • Technology - SESAR, CLEAN SKY, AIRE…. • Safety - EASA Competence in Airports and ATM • Capacity - looking at a gate-to-gate approach

  28. EASA and ATM Safety

  29. EASA and ATM Safety • Competence in ATM Safety matters will pass to EASA. • EASA issued a ‘Notice of Proposed Amendment’ (NPA) to the Regulation establishing the Agency. • Approximately 1800 responses received; general themes were: • Essential Requirements too detailed. • Scope too broad (Airspace included). • Timescales too tight (subjective). • EASA expected to offer an opinion to the Commission based on the NPA and responses by late Spring. • Commission wants to make a legislative proposal in June, with SES Package 2 and SESAR endorsement.


  31. UK/IRELAND FAB • SES Regulations require MS to reconfigure their upper airspace into Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs). • FABs must be based on operational requirements, reflecting the need to ensure more integrated management of the airspace regardless of existing national boundaries. • UK and Ireland (States, Regulators & ANSPs) working together to develop UK/Ireland FAB.

  32. UK/Ireland FAB • October 2007 – high level meeting agreed to progress development of UK/Ireland FAB • Supported by agreements at three levels – State, Regulator & Service Provider • NATS/ IAA proposal submitted to UK & Irish Governments in Feb • Regulatory Advice received 7 March • Subject to Ministerial agreement, aim to present at Single Sky Committee on 21 May 2008.

  33. UK/Ireland FAB • Operationally driven FAB, focusing on: • Enhanced safety to meet anticipated traffic increases • Environmental benefits (e.g. environmentally efficient routes) • Delay performance (at least meeting European targets) • Technology coordination to align with SESAR • Airline user cost savings arising from above

  34. UK / Ireland FAB “Design and Build Partnership Approach” • Partnership between NATS, IAA, Airlines and Military • Build on existing cooperation, underpinned by approved and established procedures • Focus on: - Airspace Design - Service Provision - Safety

  35. AOB ?

  36. Next Meeting • When? • Late June/Early July 2008 • Topics for discussion • EASA • SES II • SESAR

  37. Close - Thank you

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